What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know


My skill in upload/download is for sure limited, but here is a try. Its an education video with Larry Wiliams
He talks a lot about risk, I believe/hope Ict approve this.:57:

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One more try,

This is the 65th post to this thread since midnight GMT today.

So much for a quiet no trading NFP Friday when ICT isnā€™t trading.

Imagine what will come when ICT is trading and itā€™s not NFP.

6.024 hits to #1 spot nowā€¦:33:

Thanks Wally. One more thing, we have to watch the 3hr full length film first and then what other video?

LOLā€¦ You make it sound like school :slight_smile:

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It is school, except Iā€™ll make more money from the ICT degree than I have with my economics degree

Yep, 5 minute it was. Usually like to see a little bigger swing, but bought in anyway at 1.5382.


Big difference here though. With school, you find other things to do except school work. With this, you look for things to avoid to be able to do schoolwork.

Including nights and weekends.

Well done. How did you manage SL throughout the week?

Great trade matty! Iā€™m not too active with posts on the thread although I do follow it daily and have learned a ton. But just wanted to thow something out there on why your LC trade worked. A small swing like that normally is not a very great LC signal. But in your case there are quite a few reasons it worked out. I just wanted to throw one of them out there as it hasnā€™t been talked about. In the beginning of last nightā€™s video ICT talked about the Aussi and Kiwi first before he went over the cable and fiber. At the end of the video he gave us a gold nugget and explained why. You can use other correlated pairs as another confluence on the direction that price and in this case the USD is going to move. Now have a look at the Aussi and Kiwi and see what price did for the day AND what it did during the time you took your LC trade. :slight_smile:

I wish this was school! You should consider making a university lol Iā€™d definitely attend.

Exactly. But my wife would leave me alone if I was doing homework : )

ahhh, this sucks, video didnā€™t get recordedā€¦

Was really looking forward to getting home from work and studying that video all weekend longā€¦There was so many good key points and questions in that video which we will miss out on, because i canā€™t remember what they were just watching the video onceā€¦

I think I seen someone on livestream say they recorded it but wasnā€™t sure who it wasā€¦If you did would you be so kind to speak up and send me this fileā€¦NOOOWWWWW!!!..lol


So is it in our best interest to sit and stalk Sunday Asian open through Tuesdays LO? In other words are Mondays a watch price action day and get ready to pounce if or when price is in the scope?.. I tried emailing ICT the question but I need 20 posts to send an email so I better get active. Have a great weekend everyone next week should be fun for all!

I did, but for some reason thereā€™s no audio in my recording. Pretty useless without audio. :frowning:

Ironically I think Iā€™ve taken more notes in the last 6 months than i did during school. lol

At least when we ā€˜graduateā€™ we wonā€™t have huge student loans. :smiley:

To bad there isnā€™t a ā€œdislikeā€ button for this quoteā€¦lol

Nice try tho sladhaFX, to bad it didnā€™t come out with audioā€¦


Just have a look at some of the PTC videos because Michael posted his email adress thereā€¦it sais " send all correspondence toā€¦" or something like this. You can send a normal email with every email program or from a free webmail account.

with the new found weekly info, I was also thinking that profit was not being taken during LC throughout the week, and now that it was Friday, banks were taking some profit off the table to close the week.