What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Oh dear… poor Michael… ICT’s latest video ‘How to Make Explosive Profits’ on Livestream has no audio and also is stuck for the entire video on the disclaimer.

Something has been bugging me about the “handling drawdown” video…

Michael talks about cutting risk in half after your first loss, and then in half again after a 2nd consecutive loss.

He has also said that if he gets stopped out, that is the BEST time to re-enter…exactly where he entered the first time. This is assuming the original entry was valid in the first place.

So combining these 2 statements from Michael, if he DID re-enter after being stopped out, would this re-entry be at half-risk? He definitely made a point of saying that re-entering after a stop raid is a high probability trade, so would the half-risk rule still apply? Is this an exception… where it is advisable to keep risk constant?

These are the kind of details I get hung up on, haha.

I hope the teacher emerges to help me with my struggles :slight_smile:

Apologies if someone mentioned this already, but looking at a daily chart, the Euro started a down move back in August, and retraced to exactly 78.6 back at the end of November. Since then it’s continued it’s voyage down, just passing 127.2 today. If it goes to the next major Fib extension at 161.8, that is at 122.78. I would think we’d see a bit of a retracement back up of a couple hundred pips, but does anyone think we might really be looking as low as 123. Looking at a weekly, it went from 1.1899 around May of 2010, up to 1.4939 in early 2011. A 78.6% retracement down would be reached at 1.2550

Alright I’m going to assume you’ve either watched the “ICT open access” vid or done the exercise and now know what a “Bull” or Bear" programme is, if not do so.

So the word that created the cascade of insight is “Template”.

A few people have worked it out but there’s more to it because as we where staring at hes fiber 1h chart spanning last week and he said “Buy template”, it hit a least 2 of us and we typed “fractal”, a proper fractal not the indicator but like a tree branch looks like a tree fractal, same shape only bigger.

The following hour after ICT finished the webinar with “there you go, there’s the PIN”, I had one revelation after another with joining one dot to another all based on 3 personal relevant experiences and 2 of ICT’s sayings.

  1. I’d spent about 6 months studing the Asia range after several sources, including ICT, had said it was key and when I say study I mean ‘stare at it like a man trying to kill a goat with hes mind’ study and came up the the same lines drawn at the same times as ICT has just recently shown us, you can see them on some charts of mine in the thread, but again not knowing what to do with it besides observe some relevant patterns in what I called ‘early europe’ before LO and one other thing… more later.

  2. Recently ICT twitted something like “and what did we learn from today” refering to something from the day but me being Wally replied “well I learned about Z-Week” - haha funny guy Wally, bloody clown but it was, I fibbed up the week and it was and it was a Z-Week.

  3. ICT referred on a recent webcast about the time I witnessed him come on to the chat room and we all where looking to go long and then he said “I got filled at such and such” and I said “sucked-in I got 3pips better fill than you” and he said “your a bloody clown Wally” (he didn’t really, he’s too polite to say that but he proberly thought it) and then price went against us and we were stopped out. So we’re all sitting there thinking long and chatting about stuff and then ICT suddenly says “Well I’m short at xyz and I’m off to bed. cyas”- huh?..what?..how?..why?..so on. I wrote a post about this at the time I couldn’t understand it, I knew the level a which he took the trade at, which ofcourse was a winner but I just could get over the speed at which he flipped from long to short in what seemed like a second when we were all still looking to go long somewhere. AND it’s bugged me ever since, it was more than just expience, there was something else to it, I knew that and now I know what.

ICT sayings
1."My methods are universal, over any time frame, any pair"
2. “I know where and when I’m looking to trade on before the week starts”

a bit more to come.

And what was it I thought I could see in the Asian range that I wanted to have a quiet word with Michael about first… Kill Zones. And now I’m thinking Factals, why not have kill zones there?.

Z-Week… fratals…of course.

ICT flipping in a fraction, of course because he came into the day with a plan or expectation of price going here doing that and when it didn’t that gave him information about not only that day but proberbly rest of the week. Think about it, say it was buy programme and it was a tuesday and we overly the Template for the week and call tuesday LO and with what we know about LO trading and it FAILS, what does that tell you?, thats information, If wednesday is NYO and what do we know is likely to happen in NY?, 2 things, continuation or reversal. And if that fails IT’S A Z-WEEK proberbly.
It’s all information being fed him telling him all the time 24hours or more before. IT’S BEUTIFUL.

All those times I had a brick wall resistance with previous s&r with pivot lines, numbers, fibs ect all marked and price just blew through it, danced on the other side, kissed the backsided again and then was off. Thats info, I learnt that a while ago, you enter at the kiss.
But now supersize it, supersize it all or miniterize it all, expantition and contraction, templates everything thats why ICT tought us the way he did.

Now I don’t know about anyone else but I don’t know how many times I’ve said “If only I had just a bit of a clue as to where this is going, I could really make this work” :slight_smile: Well now, hopfully I do.

Alright I’m finished carrying on like a teenage girl at a Justin Bieber gig.

Again thank you ICT.


Haha Wally thanks for sharing, and if your going on like a teenage girl at justin bieber, I will be Selena Gomez and ask to reppeat peat peat.

Its wild how you can view this as a microscope and zooming in and out essentially presents the same picture, but zooming out allows you to act appropriately for when you zoom in.

Thanks Wally this helps me a lot in my struggle to grasp this, my old brain need this kind of injection to keep working.
Always nice to meet a Genius.:51:


I am rendering the 3hrs video now, it takes a lot of time due to slow computer, Its a raw copy of the screen. If its ok
with audio it will be up during the day,

After doing the homework wally suggested, 3 things pop into my mind:

  1. damn, I might need to adjust my monthly goals;)
  2. damn, now I really need to watch that 3 hour video;)

I think my learning curve just hit a intermediate term fractal high!

Ha ha! Good one! :wink:
& I need a new Hard drive to store all these new videos!

just an example

i’m glad it helps but don’t thank me thank ICT, he’s the one who lay out all this work and bread crumbs all for nothing but just to help us all out.

I’ll keep the genius part though, I’ve been telling people that for years. :slight_smile:


There you go.
Awesome TP. :slight_smile:


What’s the TF of the template I’ve shown?:smiley:

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Remember this is a raw copy, Ict makes a sound check at 5min 35s

Wally I always remember that Ict is the man who give us the track to this trading opportunity and he is loved
by me and the rest of his students. However some times some of us need extra clarity to grasp things.
There is were you enter and I think many of us is happy for yr help as well.
:5:well I know for sure we have genius among us so just keep up the good work to keep the herd moving in right direction.:60:

I had better add that other factors can upset the days plan eg your anticipating an up day and the night before has a big drop on wall st then that will be a risk off day so you’d think twice before going long at LO the next day or big news day ect.
But all things being equal won’t it be nice to see this work out as expected or be able to just shrug it off when it doesn’t because it just informed you of something esle. :slight_smile:


I give in what TF is it?

Hey guys, im back from holiday and just working through all the new materiel. Very interesting so far, as always. Need a short break now and a new cup of coffee. Did ICT already mention when he will start with his trading this year? Didnt read through all the new thread pages yet. Thank you!

Not till feb i think he said.
Lots of new vids on the front page if you didn’t know and more coming in a rush but utubby is giving him problems.

Given what you know… what would you do here?

Don’t over complicate the process… what does your new found Trader’s Insight suggest you do in this example?

Answer revealed later tonight with a new video… :57: