What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

the answer seems so obvious that I’m scared to answer;)

Look for it to head back towards the range. Maybe even try for stops above the range.?
I’m looking forward to the answers but I need sleep now so Ill have to wait till tomorrow.
As always thank you very much Michael.


Oh right! I’m very tired, treat it as a LO?

Okay Folks… you know the drill… what gives here?

Where is it going and why?

Answer revealed later tonight… :57:

Now isn’t this awesome?! One year analysed like one day! Same patern over and over again…a fractal within a fractal etc.
thx michael!

Last Exercise… what would you anticipate unfolding in Price Action?.. and why?


Well done… very well done… you have clearly illustrated the Macro application of this Fractal… now go the other way.

II Peter 3:8 :57:

Hey ICT! In one of your livestreams you said that “NY open is the easiest to trade”. I didn’t quite get that. Could you expand this a little? Thanks!

I have just received word from the other half that I will not be online tonight… :58:

So if you are reading this post before scrolling back and seeing the example questions… do not scroll down to see the answers… go back a few posts to see the three sample exercises… and how you can apply this ICT fractal.

If you don’t mind me stepping in here, LO gives us the direction for the day, NYO is usually a continuation of the LO. Price tends to re-test the Asian high or low at NYO, then complete it’s objective for the day at LC. Some days you need to watch for major support or resistance where price can change direction at NYO a become a reversal day, or Z day

The streetmoney thinks it’s moving down, because the last sessions were down, so there is money to be made for the banks by initially move the price lower to suck in the street money (Judas) by then moving the price higher above the upper range to take out all the stops .And then when they have enough liquidity they will slam it lower. Also the % williams is indication we are oversold.

Time is relative to the inertial reference frame of the observer



This is the same as the erlier but compressed,

YAY, I got the pop quiz questions right, although a little uncertain on the last one. I don’t think I got them right for the right reasons though.

Could it be 30min?

Can someone explain the ICT solutions. I can’t read the charts well. What are the vertical lines indicating, I guess not NY midnight, and consequently what are the horizontal lines representing (again I think not the asian range).

Look at post # 7012


I saw it, feel little stupid:30:

thank you erikskenne. i wud like to download it but this site is always blocked for me here.

Recall me mentioning 10:00 GMT or 5 am EST? Use that like I use 5:00 GMT and treat 13:00 as I treat 7:00 GMT then review those examples. :wink:

the link doesnt seem to be working.