What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know


Look for the following book:

Street smarts

The turtle soup reversal pattern is explain in the chapter 4


It keeps getting better and better; next month will be on us sooo fast. Then next year, then 4.

Excited to start being a trader, excited to be apart of this. Not many things ever come along that can change your way of thinking and how you wanna plan your life.

Another great video, thanks again ICT. Really looking forward to this trading year.

Which video are you actually refering to here ICT ?

Okayā€¦ time to stop and reflectā€¦

Remember a long time ago I pressed a peice of stone in each of your handsā€¦ and I told you to look at Daily Highs and Lows. Perhaps, this grew too boring and you stopped paying any attention to these levels.

You were instructed to look for one weekly setup and focus there. Perhaps, you grew bored of that as well.

One day you found a note and it readā€¦ to make money you need to look at the Weekly and Daily charts. Perhaps, these were too slow for your tastesā€¦

Eventually, you felt the task of learning to trade consistantly and profitably may be unobtainable for you. Perhaps, the 25 pips per week wasnā€™t proof enough you could become independantly wealthyā€¦ perhaps you fell victim to that which shimmers and got lost.

If you watched this recent videoā€¦ How To Captureā€¦ recall all that you have learnedā€¦ perhaps you havenā€™t taken inventory recently or if at all!?

I ask you nowā€¦ [as I toss you a stone in the shade of emerald]ā€¦ perhaps in timeā€¦ you will have learned?


The recent video is just wowā€¦Youā€™ve been teaching the same concepts from day one. Thank you for taking your time, allowing us to develop as new traders. You taught us how to use these tools in so many ways. Thanks for your relentless pursuit towards stimulating market study in your fellow forex traders.

How To Capture Explosive Forex Profits

How To Capture Explosive Forex Profits - YouTube


I am amaze with all the video and tools that you have made up.

Itā€™s just make so much sense !! You really demonstrate (and more) what you have explained in the silent video from the ATM section.

I can see so much clear now.

Thank you very much and by the way, you have not toss me a stone in a shade of emerald, you have toss me a small bag filled with Diamond!!


Thanks TalonD

Iā€™ll check it out again next time.

Thanks Buck, I have downloaded and checking out chapter4



From my perspective,

The 23 minute video is the theory by itself.

The Livestream version is a live example from chart and a lot longer video with other details and combination that you donā€™t have in the 23 min. !!! It was release prior to the 23 min. video.

The 2 videos are really interesting. You will find gold nugget in both.


Nope I may not remember you saying that. Due to my job and being stuck trading the Asian I have no choice but to lay it wait for that perfect time to take my shot. However I will be honest and say I have not truly paid close attention to your teachings till recently. After all I made a profit on my own last year. What do I need you for? I now know my answer to this question. The way I see it you are not teaching a strategy but concept on how to approach the market with a level head. A way to anticipate the markets next move. Why is that important? Well if you want to approach the market like a sniper you must lay in wait for your shot. Just like in hunting since I am a hunter. Now to be able to hit your pray from a long distance you must be able to anticipate its reaction. Why? Well to hit a target from far away you must shoot ahead of it and take into account other forces such as wind speed or you will miss. Targets dont stand still so you must anticipate where it will be after the other forces come into play to take out that target once you pull the trigger. Sure you might get another shot but you might not either. So make the first one count and you dont have to worry about a second shot. That is why I like your teaching. You dont say what gun to use (I.E. what chart to use). Nor do you say exactly what tool to use to adjust for wind speeds (I.E. market conditions). Instead thats the disclaimers and why you preach to demo (sure I dont listen and trade live butā€¦ thats my problem and no one elses if I loose). Now dont think I am in any way disrespecting any trader or teacher on this thread but that is why I have not really given any advice. I see this more as ICT is giving you the tools to the trade and how to use them but it is up to you to make them work for you as a trader. Some people on here are scalpers and thats fine this thread will work for you. Some are swinger traders and it will work for you. Hell some could be long term investors and guess what? It will work for you to. You just got to make it work for you. At least thats how I see it anyway.

On another note the only reason I didnt truly follow this thread (sure watched the vids but thats it) was because I read 3 pages on it and 5 more pages are added. I felt as though I will never catch up so I gave up. Well I decided since the holidays and me being on my trip to the north east where I could not trade to give it a shot and I am glad I did. Still got discouraged about never catching up. Till today while I was at church listening to preacher man talk. I wont get gospel here as thats not the point but it was about spending time. It occurred to me that this thread is not about catching up but continually improving as we go. We will never stop learning and thats why the thread should have no end.

Sorry for the ramble but I had something to say. I said it and will go back to ghosting till I have a question now. Thanks for all you alls help thus far and keep up the great work all of you.

Nice post Bobmaninc!

Its nice to see somebody here who is profitable already, I have seen your contributions to Nikitaā€™s thread.
Your words ring true with me because I am also catching up. I started in November last year, and almost gave up about a
week ago, because like you said, the thread grows so fast it feels impossible to do.

But something pulled me back in, and even though Iā€™m not where the others are, I can relate to what they are saying when they discuss the concepts.

Iā€™m also stuck at work during the Asian session as well as for London opening, but Iā€™m looking into ways to trade in spite of it.

Once again, very nice post

Agree with previous couple of posts - I found this thread months into it ā€“ I knew from the get go - as Iā€™ve been bopping around forex for a couple years - - I knew from day one this is the real stuff - how did I know - well - Iā€™ve seen it before in different shapes and forms - - anyway - Iā€™ve kept up pretty good except for the last couple weeks - I see it: now I donā€™t, I see it: now I donā€™t - - - personally, i think this is the patience part of it :), for a whole week or two or three I see it - I see when . where . how . and make what I call GREAT trades - and the ones i miss. And when market is sideways - I donā€™t see it and donā€™t trade - itā€™s nice.
then - for aweek or two or three - nothing goes right- life happens - and your all of a sudden; not confident - canā€™t see it ; force a bad one or two or four ā€¦ .
Yep, I am behind and out of the loop - but I think what i did realize; I cannot focus daily; but I can get two or three days a week - so I just have to be 2 or three times as patient.

edited: most college educations take 3-5,6 years . . and getting a diploma from this eduction ; I suspect will be more gratifying than college :slight_smile:




I have only veiwed the ā€˜explosive profitsā€™ video one time - but I do believe - other than the occasional day or two that I may be available - I can and will try to keep my tues. nights open and if need be wednesdays . ā€¦

keep pluggin away thatā€™s all.

Needless to say iā€™m very impressed with all the material Michael has presented so far. I feel calmer and more confident than I ever have been before.

Butā€¦ Iā€™m still saving the excitement for Feb.2012 when Michael starts the live analysisā€¦

My gut just tells meā€¦ Thatā€™s when sh*t is gonna be insane.

Believe it :wink:

thatā€™s the problem- - I am not sure I am ready. . . I feel like I should take a month off from the j - o - b just to make sure I catch it all???

congrats on your tebow beating the steelers - - who who - I will sheepishly admit - a vikings fan gotta be: I live here.

Just watch and learn. Itā€™s going to last more than a month tooā€¦

Donā€™t forgetā€¦ that million dollar challenge is still goin on, haha. Thatā€™s a multi-year expedition.

Youā€™ll have years to learn the material and watch it being applied real time. Take it easy :slight_smile:

donā€™t worry about it Perch, Iā€™ve been an LC scalper since I started in this thread in April since it worked for my schedule, and am just now learning the rest. Youā€™ve been around for a while now and you will pick it up fast. Instead of trading with minimal tools and knowledge, you will be able to trade with all the tools available.

Yeah I know what you are saying, the good ol J. O. B. Itā€™s been a mission keeping up on this thread while keeping the boss happy, I mean today I read up on the latest posts, went to work came home early & thereā€™s another half dozen pages? All be it mainly remarks about ppl trying to keep up LoL!

So the plan is to take Eight months off come June which is a big step for me, but what Iā€™m also thinking of or would like to consider is if there is anyone in Europe (Eastern preferably) here that would like to team up & study ICT concepts seriously & on a daily basis I would be prepared to make it happen, cause as they say, ā€œTwo heads are better then oneā€ or even three? The more the merrier! :smiley: Iā€™d love to form a workshop / boot camp & thrash this stuff out in person.