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I think it’s another 7 hours no matter where you live…:stuck_out_tongue:

Short? I thought if the fractal low forms, you need to go long? :56:

I winked; does that mean something different in montreal? Cause in saskatoon I was being funny.

thats what im thinking for the pound too…price made a fractal low in the bottom of the downward channel…

I find it’s best to ignore everyone’s bias on this thread and stick to your own. Just for fun think about this. You think we should be long because of the low fractal forming (not saying you’re wrong). ICT just told us that the high/low of the week is made mostly between Sunday and Tuesday LO, sometimes it takes until Wednesday’s LO. Price is above the weeks open, does that mean we should be looking to short? Not everything will line up perfectly, you need to take into account many things.

Hey guys,
We still seem to be in the sell program on the daily for Fiber, making new one year lows however. Last week’s low is at 1.2850 (about 70 pips up from where we are now)… applying the daily LO sell template to this week + the fact that 80% of H/L are formed by Tuesday LO I am looking for us to make a high at LO around this price only to sell off throughout the day into LC, similar to last week.

Please keep in mind I have not looked at the weekly TT to see if we are oversold at all, and I haven’t really done any analysis on Cable yet. Also, I have in mind that there is a swing low from AUGUST 2010 that is only 50 or so pips below us which could provide support. But if price does swing high into LO and then down into this support area, that is a potential 250 pips. Another note, if it plays out like this, we may see a short term Judas swing low out of the Asian range right before it makes the swing high into the LO, only to come crashing down

Not trading this, just gonna see how it plays out :slight_smile:

I am definitely ignoring everyone’s bias, but that doesn’t stop me from sharing my own! lol

but if you look… there was a low formed after the Sunday open. It’s 1.5395 on my charts, and if that is the low of the week it’ll be in line with all the rules you just stated.

Well, let’s make sure we’re defining the Sunday Open the same. I’ve been using the start of the asian range as the Sunday open… so 00:00 GMT. I wasn’t sure whether to use 22:00 or 00:00 GMT to be honest, but I had to make a decision for consistency sake…

But I agree with your main point… do your own homework kids!

This is what I see, If you look at a down trend on both the Cable and Fiber, your highest odds of getting into a big trade would be to wait for a fractal on the top. ICT has said the fractal low sets up the move for the downside in one of his videos which I take this as it sets up a fractal high. I marked the fractals that wouldn’t work out with a green X and the ones that would of worked out with a green CHECK. Some of the marks on the charts could be winners even if I marked them with a X but I just went throught the charts quick to find out what your highest odds are…

It is 50/50 on down or up bars tho. If you count the bars from the recent down move it’s pretty much even either way…

TT (weekly) is in overbought moving towards fair value.
Fractal Low means you would be looking for a long.
I believe if the high of the week is going to be formed on Tuesday LO then you would be looking for a Short at that point.
Price currently at a S/R level.
I’m waiting till I see a bias towards a certain direction at this point
Either going long till LO (Tuesday - Wednesday) and then going short till 1.5270 (low of September)
Looks like OTE around 1.5480 to go short, also institutional level, however bottom fractal on daily makes me 2nd guess.

Just one thing to remember it doesn’t have to form on Tuesday LO the probability is it will form between sunday’s open and tuesdays london open. So the high/low could have already been made today.

Good point, a long bias is right now in order due to Fractal Low…

I’m not so sure about this as there isn’t even a “real” fractal low formed on the Fiber. Yes, if you look at the daily chart of the fiber right now there is a fractal low showing on the 8th, but that’s because the daily bar for the 10th just recently popped up. If price goes below the 8th tomorrow, then the fractal will disappear. I wouldn’t consider it a fractal low til tomorrow (the 10th) is done.

AND, on the Cable, the same thing is true if we don’t count the abbreviated day on Sunday as a real day…

Just my two cents.


ICT did mention if you know what you are doing you can trade on the day before the fractal is formed…So the ones that do know what they are doing go for it…

I just want to see a show of hands so I know who to trust…:33:


If your daily chart closes at 11:59pm as mine does, Cable will have put in a SWING low at previous weeks support (with no Sunday candle)

Swing low and fractal low as the indicator show aren’t the same thing.

Michael details this multiple times in the recent videos.

On a side note it’s nice to see the conflicting sentiments. I am personally stalking some “short term” long set ups.

Never heard ICT tell us to discount the sunday candle. In all his videos, the sunday candles are clearly visible and he still “wows” us with the chart examples. I always wondered, but just by the lack of mention, I’ve came to assume the sunday candles were perfectly valid. It would be pretty misleading if we later found out that they weren’t okay to include, IMO

and I don’t know about the other people, but I was just referring to the Cable, thought everyone was too

Well, all I know is that if price trades up to Decembers low/yesterdays R2/Tuesdays’ R2/OTE sweet spot during Tues LO, I think there is a great enough probability that there will be a reaction there. At least enough that I can get my 20-30 pips, move S/L to BE, and then hope I have the daily direction right. I think that’s part of the beauty of ICTs system. You can be profitable even if you are wrong…I think Michael may have said that once or twice :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you mean yesterdays R2

Yes, corrected now. Thanks.

Well said, matty44. I have my sights on this same level. Right or wrong, hopefully there will at least be a reaction should it reach here. let makes some pips :slight_smile:

So matty if you think price is going to head up to that level then why not trade tonight as if your bias is long until you get up to that point?