What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Shorted at 5482. Covered at 5450/5464. Went Long @ Market at 5470. Holding for LC. :wink:

Ideas why did u do that?

Asian Range, watched the flows above and below the range. My long entry was not OTE, but heavily influenced by my Buy Bias and the price action below the asian range (judas swing) into 5450 level and just above CPP

I have stops at 5437.

T/P at 5530/5590. Will adjust if neccessary, after I get some sleep! Price action is volatileā€¦ trying to remember what ICT said, donā€™t watch the pips, just wait for the time to passā€¦ easier said than done LOL

Just a small scalp into NY open,:slight_smile:

wow I really didnā€™t have the balls to enter so farā€¦
still confused on whats going on;)
waiting for the weekly high, but by now Im not really sure If I should be looking for the weekly low insteadā€¦ you seeā€¦ Iā€™m better off on the sidelines for now;)

Goodmorning guys,

My analysis from yesterday for the eur is still the same.
I just shorted the eur.
Will post a screenshot in a min.


I entered with the smallest lot so I wonā€™t be able to scae out, but I am watching price closely. I expect to close the trade around 1. 5760

Here is my tradeā€¦

just wonderingā€¦ my R1 is not at the big figure, but the mid pivot between the R1 and the R2 is?! just got me wondering if my settings are wrong? or if it was a typoā€¦


he, hehā€¦ well done AK
I had a similar bias, after seeing minor stop hunt above the asian high and heading down for Judas in LO, placed my buy limit on Fiber instead at 1.2740 and missed it by few pips againā€¦ (next time should factor the damn spread!)ā€¦ wouldā€™ve made 58-60 pips by nowā€¦
however, Iā€™m expecting a reversal in NYO and southbound for rest of the week, not sure for concrete levels yetā€¦ :slight_smile:

Edit: Got my level now, Sell Limit at 1.2812 which is the High from 2 days ago and todays GMT R1ā€¦ we shall see.

I was to late, hard to get out of bed, but its still on demo, and learning.

Hi Fredy - My R2 is at 1.5528. I am using GMT pivots in case that helps.

I jumped back in short at the figure, as it was in-line with my original analysis, though quite late in the killzone.
Letā€™s see how she plays out :slight_smile:

okey. So cable is moving down and fiber is staying put. What does that say?

Stepping out of EU scalp, at 2805 banking some small pips.

Hey PipJoker,

Eur is at supply and @1.2800 . I did expect the fact that this area would have been tested/penetraded a few times. They are probably a lot of stops resting there. I am still short on the eu, I am confidant in my trade. So it will be either a win or a lossā€¦ Letā€™s see what will happenā€¦

First Cable short target hit at 1.5463, one third off. Stops at break-even.
Remaining targets are 1.5400 Figure (ADR Low is 1.5390) and will leave a final third on shooting for the weekā€™s range :slight_smile:

Hi APMonster,

What settings are you using? My low is at 1.54047 no matter what I use. (Iā€™m in the UK).

Thanks for reply

Hi there piptripper,

Iā€™m using the indicator from the first page of the thread ā€œICT_ADRā€. I have it set to the standard 5 period, no modifications.
My broker time is GMT, and my local time is currently GMT+11.

Presumably, the Sunday candle issue (my platform DOES treat Sunday as a separate day) may affect itā€™s calculation.

I wouldnā€™t be TOO concerned about it, as unless something crazy happens on Sunday, youā€™ll never be too far off.

Hope that helps :slight_smile:

Thanks for reply apmonster.

I am also using the adr from first page, my platform also treats sunday as a different day my local time on platform is GMT even though broker is IBFX in the US. Donā€™t know if this may have something to do with it.

I was trying to align my ADR and pivots with those of ICTā€™s to try and understand what others are seeing, as Iā€™m just starting ICTā€™s methods.



I was almost sure eu should turn down at around 28120ish before it slams down to NYO

Sigh, I missed the bus :frowning: Thought it would turn around at 1.2820 (institutional level) and one of the lines on the traders trinity if I remember correctly. Ah well!