What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

UHU! Riding the train. Entered 12801 :slight_smile: now lets think about exiting possition :slight_smile:

this is what Iā€™m banking on tooā€¦ :slight_smile:

Can someone please please please post a 15 min EUR/USD chart zoomed out so that three days are visible? I just want to see something :slight_smile:

Here you go


Hmmm its so weird then how price didnā€™t break those highsā€¦ I remember ICT saying that there would be stops above there, interesting that it never took them out.

So they took out the Asian low, they then took out the asian high, not interested in all those buys, brought it back into the asian range and it looks like weā€™re going to have Risk on day.
So Iā€™m thinking long NY maybe.
All we can do is see.


With my juvenile knowledge, I am expecting price to go up above the price I have marked @ 1.2842 as my ote for a short.

Donā€™t know if I am correct with this thinking. I checked the debit notes last night along with the usdx, debit notes have gone down slightly and usdx is at a high, just looking likely a retrace down may be on the cards, however temporarily I think.


Or a seek and destroy day perhapsā€¦

Who says they are done yet??? Iā€™m just sitting on the sidelines and watching at the moment. If NY pushes price up above those levels, Iā€™m looking for LC trade to get me in line with my short bias.

Can you please reference me to ā€œseek and destroy dayā€ video? Which one talks about it? Because i donā€™t seem to know this concept.

First page under the pro trades reviews. 8th one down from the top. Called search and destroy profile

AAAAAAAAAAAAH so close to getting a fill! DAMMIT and I canā€™t do anything about it!

Iā€™m so certain that GMT+2 is probably the WORST time zone for trading if you have a day job :frowning:

lol! trade a different pair! USDJPY or something, where timezone of asia and Us affect the market

Does anyone have all the templates in one nice neat file that they might be willing to share? Thanks.


Please donā€™t pounce on me, but could this be a buy day?
4 hour market flow was up when we started?

Hereā€™s the template


USDJPY is awful nowadays :frowning: Does it even move more than 10 pips a day? :frowning:

Anyway, congrats to all those guys that caught the short at 1.2812 :slight_smile:

Iā€™m in, but didnt have the nerve to wait for 2812, so entered the market at 1.2800ā€¦ :slight_smile:

And away she goesā€¦ doesnā€™t matter bro, you will only lose out on a few pips :slight_smile:


I have the template videos on Word docs. Send me your email and I will send them over