What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

can some1 add me to the group as well? “ivanyeo1990”

could some one please add me also? “hoppe.djsm”

so is anyone thinking of taking one shot - one kill this week? :slight_smile: i might consider :slight_smile: my employer surely would appreciate this :smiley:

Skype name : b.yara … Waiting for add. Thanks guys

could someone add me as well skype name:sugrmouse.

sincere thanks

Guys are the last two videos on livestream soundless for everyone or just me?

Also, my skype is tastefullvenom…an invite would be appreciated :wink:

I edited your post for comic effect.

You are thinking of shooting your employer…I’m with you :slight_smile:

Edit: Maybe you intended it to sound that way ?

:smiley: you found out my real intentions. Gold star for you :wink:
all in all, hes a good guy. Doesn’t bother me much, or at all for that matter, so no, i’m not considering going on killing spread in my job :stuck_out_tongue: i’d rather trade for few years and buy the company

Hi folks,

I have just signed up for skype.

My nick is: StackingPIP

I would really appreciate if you folks invite me.:60:


Hello guys

Sorry if this is a stupid question but how do you use Skype ? Group calls ?

Anyway, I am sure being part of it will benefit me so my username is : allmix10

So please add me if I still qualify after that stupid question.


The link worked for me. Joined under the name Pipraker :slight_smile: waiting to join.

Smells like distribution to me.

No trades today so far… Is today’s limited price action mainly due to the bank holiday or is it deliberate? I remember a couple of month’s back there was a bank holiday and that day the Euro ran wild against the dollar. So hmmm…

New video in livestream posted.

YAY! :smiley: Thanks Mike!

Ugh. The J-O-B doesn’t allow me to view it. What’s the topic of the video?

Hi Mike,
i recently start learning fx. used several methods and approaches. Recently found your thread and start learning from the begining. very impressed, but not everything is clear for me. Hope when i finish to watch all videos and comments it will be much more clear. I see that there is skype room is going to be created and if possible i would like to be part of this group. My skype name is Alibek5581. Would appriciate if you include me. Thank you in advance.

Hi ICT - re the new video in ‘livestream’ - is it posted at the start of this thread or someplace else (in livestream perhaps??). Sorry to be a pain but new to the thread and still picking up whats what etc. From what I’ve seen the stuff you post and broadcast is exceptional as is the content of this thread.

I am a little confused as well. When I go to livestream/innercircletrader all it does is say “offline”. Any help would be appreciated.