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Hmm gettin closer now I see the MA lines, I’m on Oanda and I set the pair to how MT4 has it USDCAD EURUSD but the chart I saw with the SMT had two pairs and I was told I can put multiple. Its fine thanks guy’s I’ll ask clark when he has a moment

Whoa what happened to the pound/usd?

Broke the 4 hour market structure to become bullish…


EU is about 60 pips away from breaking it’s structure. I have a lot of indecision on what to anticipate right now. Staying sidelined.

I’m not sure. I’ll be interested in what you find out. My understanding is this indicator supports plotting a main pair, and a sub pair. I don’t see how a 3rd pair (like having USD, EU, and GU) on a single chart with this indicator is possible. It would be nice to have…but don’t think this one is capable of that without modifying source code.

Same here, will wait and see what goes down. It depends how you look at things, before ICT used to use 4h for market flow, lately it’s been daily fractals…

if youre talking about the overlay indicator for mt4 you can put it on the chart more than once. So for example you can have GU as the main chart and put the indi on it to show eur/usd then you can put another instance of the same indi on it to show eur/gbp

if that’s not what your’e talking about then never mind, I’ll go back to sleep now :smiley:

Learnin - I have a chart with EU, GU & USDX on it in all line form. You don’t have to modify any code or anything, just simply add the “Overlay-MA” indicator twice. The first time you add it put the GBPUSD in the symbol section & add it to the EUR chart. Then go to add the indicator again and just put the USDX in the symbol section. Then you have all 3 on the same chart…easy. So when you right click on the chart and select indicators, you will see the overlay indicator listed twice

Hey guys, quick question. What do you use for plotting the USDX on the charts in MT4?

Today was the perfect Classic London Open Buy Template even though it had potential for S&D…

We were in the fair value zone on the trader’s trinity so I’m sure that’s why ICT was saying to be careful especially with all the high timeframe S/R lines below us and the possible significant low that formed plus combined with TT Fair Value

We have had daily fractal & swing low form on the higher timeframe on EU and this entire week has been an up move and I will agree that there were some key levels to short off of as well during the week

If you look at London open this am on EU, they stop raided the Asian range highs right at a key S/R level that offered a 60 pip short. Then the Judas swing lower ran the Asian range low stops, at the central pivot, 1.2750 level, Turtle Soup & an OTE level pulled from a significant low formed at LC yesterday to the stop raid over the Asian range high. Price also offered up a nice bounce off the Asian Range High right at NYO

Price on the EU just currently went to the 162 ext. offering up a 90 pip profit. At the same time EU was hitting the 162 Ext, the GU was hitting the 200 ext & running into a significant H4 Swing Lows at 1.5410-1.5420 right at London Close or 1500GMT, which just offered up a nice OTE at 1.5420 for a LC short for 20 pips with SMT Divergence backup

Messy Day but still the tools lined up perfectly if you were looking at them correctly

Price also offered a nice bounce off Asian range high at NYO as well

I love how people use “Classic” buy or sell template… Not to be rude or anything, but there was nothing classic about it going higher than dropping like crazy and pulling up at same rates… While this was going on, in chats like 80% of ppl thought it was a S&D day. Ofc, when the day is over, you can classify it easily, but when that **** was going on, i didn’t see anything classical. I will be following your trades more often. Maybe i’m missing something…

Only with good intentions,

Open the market watch tap. Right click on market watch then select add. USDX should be toward the bottom

I think InvestorX is right.

The stop raid above the highs was a little more than I think a “classic buy day” my have. I think that faked many into thinking it was the Judas, particularly given the bearish market structure.

It does follow the pattern and have the elements of the buy day.

I take today as a lesson in being nimble and not having blinders. I think I will understand this type of day better in the future.

Sigh, at the start of this week I set myself the objective of only looking for buy signals on fiber, as I believed it was going to be a buy week. Then I went and got swayed by other traders talking about looking for sell signals -> big mistake :frowning: Ah well, lesson learnt once again.

I knew today would be a buy day. Still based on daily fractals we are in a sell zone. Tomorrow could be a sell day to continue with the program. On another note, my question wasn’t answered: which broker gives USDX (I tried Forex Ltd. and can’t find it)?

similar situation. We are starting to hurt ourselves… i guess the only comments we should take seriously is ICT’s. And the rest should be only considered as options and opinions…

Forex LTD does have it see post 7881

ICT made his pips this week so far by selling. So it’s alright. You can’t be biased for the whole week. You need to be flexible and adjust. Remember what ICT said: you don’t have to be right, you just have to be profitable.

I somewhat disagree. Well…I agree with not being biased by others on the board. But in regard to ICT…I am curious o what he’s doing, but I don’t take his word to be the equivalent of the Bible. ICT is teaching a discretionary method. There are guidlines and principles, but the intrigued of it is that it is [B]NOT[/B] mechanical system.

Personally, I find myself doing my own analysis at night and entering trades on my own. Then reviewing the board in the morning to see what others (including ICT) thought and posted. If a trade works for me, I review to internalize the concepts on how I got a read, and look at others (right or wrong) on how they got their bias a learning experience.

Not intending this on being a negative post, or negative to ICT. Just sharing my mindset. I intend on being a trader whether ICT continues posting or not. I certainly hope he does, but I don’t want to get in a position where I’m using ICT as a signal service or trying to mimic him to a tee.

You might benefit from doing analysis and trading on your own, then using the other opinions as content that can be reviewed in hindsight.

That is true, but did ICT say what his bias was for the week? For fiber it was obvious even to a neophyte - last week formed a bullish hammer on the weekly chart, so buy week this week. This week’s close will definitely close higher than last week’s close - simple.