What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Recall last summers webinars and Macd Divergence trading?

This diagram is the core to trading Divergence on Macd on a 60 minute - 4 hour and even Daily timeframe.

Manta made a very crisp example of my key Market Flow and Swing concept… if you had this on a business card and understood what it meant… you have a winning Trading Method… add Risk Control and Money Management to it… it’s a Dynamo.

By the way… I’m rendering the Weekly Review Video as I type this… it is 45 minutes long… and should be online by 6pm my time today. It’s a good one folks… :wink:

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

This week’s review highlights what took place at that level and how and why we anticipated it in advance… when the majority of Trader’s were looking for Fiber’s next stop at that time… much lower.

::raises hand:: I have question!

At what number does the size of your trade affect how smoothly you can enter and exit the market? For example, let’s say at the end of my journey I’ve made it to the million dollar account! Is it going to be harder for me to trade as I was during the beginning of my journey (5k or less?)

I’m asking because I would rather build my account up to a number where I can enter and exit without having to worry if someone’s going to take the other side, even if that number is less than 1,000,000 bucks.

It’s something to consider, isn’t it?

Liquidity has depth, so you will get your fill, it just might take a range of some sort.

You might be looking to Sell and see [I]this[/I] on the bid:

4.6M @ 1.32021
3.2M @ 1.32020
8.6M @ 1.32018
1.1M @ 1.32015

etc. etc.

In short… don’t worry about liquidity with a million dollar account.

I have moved 50 - 100 mil with no problem… your concern is understandable… but not to fret… the Market is deep enough to absorb your orders… and still see the fruits.

Wow!!! :smiley: Are you sure you aren’t a “Commercial” by now? :stuck_out_tongue:

50 - 100 Mil, are you kiding me??? You man make me sick…but at the same time I have a big smile on my face.

Yah I do this everyday… no prob :wink:

Just have fun with it.

I think it is including leverage, but still very, very impressive. Check this statement from Duka website:
ECN liquidity
[/B]The integration of the world’s major banks allows Dukascopy Bank to execute large orders, which can instantly be hedged within the Liquidity Providers’ network. For example, clients could trade in one click up to 200 million USD.

Understand having done it does in no way imply I regularly trade that high.

My average is 1.5-4 mil… if you can’t live on that, I can’t help you.

Well kids… how about an Open access session today?

Lol, in bodybuilder talk this would be:

“I usually bench 200kg on average” :stuck_out_tongue:

I will open a live session for question and answers for those who have sent me emails and those intending to but haven’t clicked send yet.

Time set aside for the session… 60 minutes. lol yea I know what you’re thinking.

Time Live session opens 5pm EST or 2 hours from now. I will record it should you be wondering. It’s nothing special… just a feedback session as I have had some questions come to me and I wanted to answer these in video format… as they tend to repeat.

i’m going to sleep, cuz its 10 pm :slight_smile: gotta still work >_< but looking forward to your video! i think i will get few answers myself without even asking them due to all of us being on similar road.



Please join us at TheInnerCircleTrader - live streaming video powered by Livestream in 20 minutes for an Open Access session for Question & Answer and general market commentary.


A couple of weeks back I found youtube [B]had[/B] info that said it restricted High Definition downloads to 5 mins & then they stop, so now I download lower res vids. Just checking now & that info has gone, looks like the youtube site has been updated.

Still can’t download livestream vids though :frowning:

Good presentation Michael, Thanks again & enjoy the movie! :slight_smile:

I am really struggling with something and hope someone can help. I am currently watching “ICT Pro Traders Club . 03-14-11” video and ICT pointed out a OTE example going Long during LO kill zone in the buy zone. I would have never personally took that trade based on my daily bias (short) looking at the Daily, 4hr and 1hr charts.

How should I have figured out that I needed to switch gears and seen this OTE for a long?

May I ask what OTE stands for?