What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

If this were a game of complete chance, and our mindset did not affect the outcome in anyway, then what you say would be true.

His point is that when people trade a lot, they aren’t taking the best setups. Their need to be in the market is overcoming their ability to only enter when the best setups present themselves. This is something he’s been getting at since this started:

Good question… The trick is in the word “fair”. That’s why I mentioned a quarter $. It’s not a “fair coin”. If you always start it at one side (can’t remember which one that was, need to go through my archive) then one of two sides comes on top more often than the other side. And, even better, it’s not a “casino-like” advantage of fractions of a %, it is a considerable edge. I will go through my stuff once I’ve finished watching a few more videos, need to get those sorted today before the next ICT chapter starts :54:

I hear what you’re saying, which still doesn’t change the fact that a trade can have one of two outcomes: a win or a loss.

The mindset can only have an effect on the outcome of an X number of trades in that the rules of the game are consciously or unconsciously changed on a trade-by-trade basis.

His point is that when people trade a lot, they aren’t taking the best setups. Their need to be in the market is overcoming their ability to only enter when the best setups present themselves. This is something he’s been getting at since this started:

I agree with that. The quoted line doesn’t do justice to that however. This is not to pick on Michael, to the contrary, if this is anything then it is to show that a) mistakes are made easily, b) there are people who discuss the material in-depth because they value the material such that they actually spend the time to study the material and c) they do not follow the teacher blindly (as the teacher himself also suggest one shouldn’t). No pun etc. etc. intended :64:

EDIT there was something bugging me since I posted this and now I know what it is - it should read “The mindset becomes only relevant relative to…” instead of “The mindset can only have an effect on…” :31:

Sorry to interrupt your discussion, but does anyone know how to adjust the broker’s time on MT4 or if such an action is even possible? I am trying to use Oanda’s feed but it’s GMT-5, and it kills me just looking at it and trying to make sense of where everything should be…

Dont think so. The broker I went with is GMT +2, when i was use to EST and that was so hard for the first week, but you can get a clock indicator in the corner and once u plot the period seperators and killzones it will come together fast.

I don’t think you can change the time tbh…

Hmmm, would you perhaps know what the Asian range settings would be then? Since it’s GMT-5, I would’ve thought it would be 19:00 and 24:00, but when I put those in the result is rather strange…

Try to put 19:00 to 23:59…

Thanks, I suppose that’s close enough… Weird that it doesn’t work with 24:00 or 0:00 though. Still got a problem with the period separator being based on GMT-5, is it possible to configure this as well?

For that i dont think soo, it´s like the time of broker´s… we can´t change it…

In the period seperator indicator i have from this thread I have the input at 7 and I am GMT +2 so you would have to put the input to 0 and it would plot from NY midnight to NY midnight


[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

That reflection pattern is sexy when put into action :wink:

Doesn’t it make you want to cut your stops down to 10-15 PIPS and go for 5R-10R intraday trades?

The 20-30PIP stop model seems caveman when you can pinpoint tops/bottoms like this!!

thx for the great vid again
i think u bit of a perfectionist when seeing the effects on the vid, pleasure to watch beside the knowledge…
watched it sleepy, but i kid u not when i say, when u mentioned the new thread starting tomorrow i literally smiled.
great thx for yr time and character

forex ltd is some off,that eu low went lower 4 pips then on mine, your feed dif. 5pips, let alone the index did make higher high on ltd, so no crack there with these guys…
happened to me that i didnt get stopped out like by a 1/4th of a pip,so 4 is a whale…but i think if i trade 10 lots +, a handy dandy broker’s software and plugins or whatever ‘‘tune up of their own’’ would take care of that 1/4th of a pip,just not on their hit list yet :slight_smile:

well… I did just share it. It’s really no more complicated than shown… all the input values are described below. And the colors you can fit to your liking, better that way!

Finished with the video’s - or so I thought :eek:

Cross-checked everything:

  • First post videos
  • Videos listed on Youtube but not in First post
  • Videos not listed on Youtube and hidden in the thread (2 deleted)
  • Livestream recordings

Result: a whopping 14 videos left to watch… :56:


I’ve counted 36 Livestream videos and 94 videos from Youtube and other sources (not counted another 4 from Youtube). Takes up a whopping 16 GB including notes…:22:

What’s next for crying out loud… :smiley:

Just finished watching the part about the reflection pattern. A quick question, when would you not enter at the OTE and wait for the reflection pattern to form. If the initial bounce occurs at a significant SR point and the retrace,ent is reaching OTE, what would be your clues to skip the OTE Nd wait for reflection? Thanks.

If you notice a Key S&R level just in reach an the market has posted a minor retracement prior to trading at this Key level… “anticipate” the Reflection to form… if it doesn’t retrace a bit before trading at the level… expect the normal OTE pattern to unfold.

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

Got it, I think. So in a buy scenario, the market will make a move down towards support but not quite reach it before bouncing up. Then we would look for the next retracement down to form a reflection pattern as it moves past the first push down and finally makes it to the support level? Thanks again!

Hi guys.
I need some help with my Asian session indi.
Since opening a new account, all my settings are messed up.
I can’t remember the settings for “MT4 start” and end times.
Mine are set to start: 0.00 and end : 8:00
My broker’s setting is gmt+2.
thanks in advance