What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

number 4 number 4

Waiting with exictment I normally shun people just posting to get 5 posts but in your case cant wait

I was just on YouTube and going to view the videos and they were gone. Hope it goes well for ICT.

still uploading so keep refreshing the page i have his web seminars on my desktop so will upload them over the weekend

Index of /downloads

Will do. There are others too. Go through this and the new thread since the event happened. You will find names. Write them down, and do something with that info :wink:

I will need a few days. 'Nough said :wink:

I am still uploading these links

Index of /downloads









I will be very thankfull to you if u could.

Should we just let the millionaire traders guild thread die?

its intended purpose will never be utilized, and its kind of a pain tracking 2 threads

Index of /downloads

imagine that the site all of a sudden got busy. Well I got 3 so far lol time to try a different browser

You could argue that the intended purpose of this thread is no longer valid either given the lack of material? Maybe someone should create an Rising from the Ashes ICT Community thread where individuals can contribute and preach/teach the methods learned from the past as this one was intended?

Its tough to decide which one to use, if michael ever posts again, should he do it in this thread? This one is so massive already. I think we should use the new one to post our setups and keep ICTs teachings and our implementations alive thereā€¦ I just dont know, I still feel so disheartened.

Can anyone tell me what happened to ICT/Michael ??

I agree but then this thread has so much info contained in these many pages. I will try to go over the thread and remove all important posts along with the corresponding video (once I get all the videos) and make the videos just that much more valuable. This might take a while. And the cftc might have been able to get the vids off the net but not the info contained here

mikesw15, you are a legend! :smiley:

mikesw15, first I want to thank you for sharing the videos. I was able to get some but suddenly it freezes and I canā€™t get onto the downloads site anymore. Is there a problem due to overcrowding? OMFX

where is it being downloaded at ?
can someone share the link please?

Mike, I canā€™t seem to access the vidsā€¦am i doin something wrong? Should I be double clicking on the links in the index?

the linkā€™s at the top of the page but there seems to be a problem with downloading videos

Can anyone explain how to DL it. I can view the movies. Just canā€™t get them on my HD. Sorryā€¦ techno newb.