What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

I added you to my Skype, thanks

mikesw15…the best is to create a torrent as everyone can download and see quickly

Grazie mille Mike!! :slight_smile:

I have been learning so much from ICT’s vidoes - was through all the pro trader section, had just started the remaining section.
I have especially learned what NOT to do.
Often when someone does good they encounter opposition - the greater the good, the greater the opposition - but good always wins.
God bless you Michael for your selfless work over these past many months and thank you.


Guys don’t stress about the videos. We have them all and they will be made available over the next few days. Have patience - if you follow this thread you will be able to get any videos that you are missing.

As Mike asked the moderators to close this thread next week (it was wednesday i think) we should be aware of the fact that that may happen.
So perhaps it is a good idea to continue in the new thread and post the links to videos there to or post them in both threads.

@ AK
Regarding the Millionaire Traders Guild Mike said that we have grown out of the “Club” (Pro Traders Club) thats why he created the new name for the community for the next step in our development. So if we want to keep his work alive we should do it as the “Millionaire Traders Guild”.

Thoughts ? :57:

I don’t know, I might just make a new thread that is geared towards those of us well versed in ICT concepts. It would involve discussion of analysis, sharing of performance reviews, and of course some encouragement for those weathering a rough patch. emphasis would be on the real trading experience, rather than teaching of concepts.

Maybe that seems elitist or exclusive or whatever, but that’s what i’m envisioning for the serious “smart money” traders that Michael has created

Sorry didnt read posts, waiting for those videos, checked his youtube acc but he closed it :frowning: im afraid


In keeping with Michael’s spirit, teaching others to trade was in itself a way for each person to become better traders. He never excluded anyone that wanted to learn, and I don’t think we should either. You guys helped me along when I first got started, and I’m willing to help others as well. It is irritating when people come into the discussion 900 pages in and asks what OTE is, but we can direct them to where they need to go. There are a lot of people who have joined our group recently, and if they put in the time and effort to read the thread and watch the videos, they should be given the opportunity. If the videos are not made public past the next few days, there will be a natural barrier to any future people that would want to join

I’m all for starting a new thread, but I don’t want to exclude anyone who has already started the journey

Thanks!! Hope to see rest of them.

just flat out impressive, especially considering when you joined. I hope you wil have more time to hang out here and share your knowledge since you have obviously picked up on the material

I like the idea of starting a new thread to. You could put links to Michaels “What every new & or…” threads on the first page as reference for the learning material (and there is a lot of valuable information in these threads even without the videos).

Yeah, what you stated is how I had imagined it would go too. This thread would be the “training camp” and the new thread would be the “battle arena”. I won’t be putting my name in it though, it is OUR thread!!! Of course I would pop in here and answer questions, and I doubt I’d be the only one. I just want something that has a real focus, for all the traders who were legitimately preparing to make a career out of their trading :slight_smile:

you have a point there, and I do like your idea of 2 threads


why don’t you start 2 threads, 1 training camp, 1 advanced concepts. This thread is already so huge and we should just leave it be. Probably should start them both in the daytrading section so we won’t have to pop between newbie island and daytrading to see the threads, plus there is less traffic in daytrading

It is really sad. I have started this journey 2 week ago and ended too soon. …it is really sad for newbies in FX trading.

I like this thread because it was started by ICT himself, and is in newbie island, where I assume newbies head first haha. Im at work now, ill get the ball rolling when I get home :wink:

Michael has given us 99% of his toolbag. I think he’d be proud if we started a new thread implementing what he started a year and a half ago.

Michael, I’m sure it’s devastating for you to get shut down after all this work but I think we owe it to you to take what you’ve given and implement it, and continue to teach each other.

Let’s start a new thread. I think it’s a great idea. We can use Clark’s skype group for live chat and analysis.

God Bless Michael. It wasn’t all for nought. We’ll keep it going.

What do some of the more experienced “ICT Followers” think of putting together a pdf of ICT’s main concepts. So newbies have something to jump start their learning experience. If the video’s end up failing in some way or another this would be helpful. Heck even if they don’t it still would. I can understand people not wanting to take the time that ICT did to teach but we have to provide something for the newbies. I for one can help with the Judas swing analysis. If one person could contribute just one piece or trading technique everyone would be better off in the long run.

I think this is a good idea not only because I’m one of those newbs but also because it should cut down on people like me asking questions that might be a waste of time if they are already answered elsewhere.