What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Hey, is anyone seeding Michael’s videos on torrents? I have the torrent linked but i can’t find any seeders.

What link are you using? As I understand, this is still a work in progress and no single torrent has been made available.

I am using the link below posted by Richard87

Here’s something for the start:

It might be helpful to read the old threads even without the videos.




I like the concept but for newbs check out the skype link clark posted it seems live 24 hrs a day so far. People always free to answer questions. From there the old thread is fine but if you all feel a new thread is needed then so be it. But if I know ICT he will be ghosting at the least. Make him proud and keep his threads going. And please stop talking as if he died he is still live and kicking he just has to look over him and his. There are so many people here then the CFTC can not touch that nothing died. Just got a little more complicated. Honestly I think its a job for anonymous since this is a conflict the the USA first amendment rights of the people. I think we in the USA the to exercise this and the second amendment alot more (saying if the cftc shows up on my door step without a warrent they have choices) what caliber hole do they want in there head. You are not evading my home and telling me what to do with out one. I dont care if you got a cool looking badge. Step to me legally or die. Its about time more Americans concept this and stand up for our rights before they disappear.

I am trying as well doesn’t seem to work. :frowning:

new thread up in FOREXTOWN. I chose the location because it is one of the lesser frequented forums. I didn’t like the DayTrading forum, because of the other threads… too many ‘sales pitches’ for my liking.

I would LOVE to get your input! See you there!! :wink:

Amen!!! was asked at the doctors office a few weeks ago if there are guns in the house!!! A Marines house? Duh

America is a long way from free and in the process of being hoodwinked by those who want to take away freedoms such as the ability to trade in that group

I just had a long talk with a buddy of mine across the USA (CALI) about this. He is licensed as a signal provider series 7 or somecrap like that. He told me there are 2 main things that could affect ICT. 1st even ICT mentioned himself a few times on this thread that people were stealing his stuff and selling it. Well the fact he may or may not have done anything about it but did not do enough to clear his name of it leaves him open to a grey area of CFTC regs. 2nd google inner circle trader you will find signal services and the works. Not saying ICT is tied with them in any way but again leaves him wide open to be slammed if not carrying the proper stuff to do so. Now after talking with my boy he has also been here and said that ICT should be fine as long as he has no affiliation with these people. I doubt he did but even though the USA states we are innocent till proven guilty any from here that been on the wrong side of the law (slowly raises hand) knows you are guilty till you prove your innocents. So I dont think he is in big trouble but I dont know. I will say though he is a husband and dad. So am I and no matter how much I love this site and the people on it my family comes first so I dont blame him for going bye bye to protect what he has. All of us would do the same. I tip my hat to a true stand up guy. After I made alot of money on forex last year by taking little pieces from all the threads on here. Some things worked some things didnt but I gained that one piece here and there to add to my collection and weapons. I joined this thread because ICT gave us alot of ammo then taught us we only need one shot out of all that ammo to make it. I wish I could have learned more but think about it if you only need one shot how many bullets did the guy need to give us to take that one shot. Now we are on our own to fire our weapons. We no longer have him to tell us when and where to shoot them. Most of us will find our way or it was never ment to be anyway. The rest keep hunting ICT and his info was to alive to stay gone. Keep on the hunt and you will find it. Like ICT said be nimble. Or like the saying Jack be nimble Jack be quick and Jack jump over the candle stick. Need more be said. We are here and nothing can take that away. This thread might get shut down due to ICT request but it will only get locked it will still be here viewing. Good luck and good trading keep your head up and keep your head in the game you will find your way.

NO!!! I can’t believe your gone =’( I would really like to thank you for everything you have taught me, first off… And I would like you to know that you have changed not only how I trade but my life. Thank you Thank you Thank you.

Hey guys, i know people were discussing options about a chat room has that gone ahead? Ive tried to add clarkfx on skype but have not been accepted yet (he probably has a huge influx of people trying to add him) but is that where everyone is chatting? or is it not up and running at the moment? just dont want to be left out haha, thank you.

So here is a torrent file of some of the videos I have. I will try labelling them better, download the ones I am missing and put them together and upload the updated torrent. Download 5869619804144010619.torrent - BitShare.com - Free File Sharing and Storage

Those who have overlooked to safeguard themselves from the events as they happened might want to consider freeing up appr. 10.5 GByte of space for some goodies. They also want to consider sending me a PM with an email address that I can send some relevant links to - if you know what I mean

GLGT ! :41:

Hello mate could you email me some relevant links please <[email protected]> sorry cant pm you for some reason

Hi. Could you send me also those links please. Thank you. <[email protected]>

me please email jsrv @ live . com thx

I can’t seem to PM you but would like the links. Thanks.

Got you on the list guys.

Keep’em coming :41:


i would really appreciate, if you would send me the links: q.phong.dang@ gmail.com