What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

mine is <[email protected]>
thanks bro

Thanks a bunch

hi Could you add me in the list but since it is my second post i can not post email. What should I do?

Mine is ms4u2c at gmail dot com
Thank You

Guys it’s probably not the best of ideas to be post your email in a public forum. There are lots of people with “questionable integrity” online looking for that sort of stuff. Hopefully these are not your main email addresses. If so delete your posts and send pippy a PM.

That would be nice but then we have to spam posts to get to 20. Kind of annoying that we can’t PM.

Although once you have the link… I agree with Johnny… go back and delete it.

Add me to the list also
I only have one post here.

I got it. add me in the list thanks

Got all of you up to and including hybridtrader so you can take down your email address.

I’ll be sending out an email in a couple of hours. If you have put yourself on the list and haven’t received an email within 4 hours from now, send me a PM or post something, or send me an email through BP.

Hey pippy

Would be great if you could also send the files to <[email protected]>.


Please add me to your list. My email is: spamiam1432[at]gmail[dot]com

Hi PTG please add me to the list.

Many thanks

Good job, PippyTheGrt.
I guess Michael’d like that. :slight_smile:


Hi Pippy can you please add me to the list as well? My email is <[email protected]>, thanks.

So do I :41:

Up to this post I’ve got everybody on the list I trust.

You should get an email within a few hours. If now, let me know.

You can take down the posts with email address if you like.


Can you add me to your list as well? It’s elfrip
Thanks :slight_smile:

Got you both on the list.

Hi PippyTheGrt, please add me to your list as well, thank you!! henry.zhu280 (AT) gmail.com

Pippy the Great! Top Man!!! can u send me link aswell please :slight_smile: <[email protected]>