What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

anyone got pippy mail, i hope the cftc has not take him down too:5:

me too pls.
<[email protected]>

Thanks in advance!!


Could you add me to the list please … THANKS


Can you add me to the list please PippyTheGrt?

Many thanks.

I have 33 lesson videos downloaded and 41 pro trader videos. I’ll be happy to fill in any gaps if there is any. Unfortunately I
couldn’t download any of the livestream content.

Could you add me [email protected] …Thank You…:18:

I hope you all will take the time of to study the material religiously and are not just asking for it to go dump it on your computers.


Can you please add me as well. <[email protected]> thank you

Thanks pippythegreat

thats damn good point mate!
it is a disgrace whats happening here for past couple of days…

To me, the videos seem to be the closest to a mentor as I can get without having an actual mentor. So I’ll be going over them with the hope I become an actual trader with my own skills in the end.

I would also like to be added to the list.
jason_bench at hotmail.com
thank you

PLease add me PTG! <[email protected]> thank you very much in advance

Hi PippyTheGrt, I had already started downloading these myself and studying them, but didn’t get them all. Can I be added to the list please

matthewbinns at me dot com

If the above would be any use to anybody, I would be more then happy to share them (just not sure where or how to upload them - they are rather large)

Please add me aswell.



Please add me also -


have been following ICT all along - got to the last section.

Thank You

Hi PippyTheGrt.
Please add me aswell. ICT’s knowledge was invaluable but like others, assumed it would be there forever.



Any help appreciated.

three quarters of the way there.

Power to the people!

Citizen Smith.

Without dl’ing everything from everywhere, do we know what source has 100% or most of the material? I dl’d some files from a link yesterday but it was only 16 files. Working on a torrent right now that’s just under 10gb. Now I see another for over 10gb. Any direction is greatly appreciated.


Boston I created the original torrent with everything. I think people are starting to take it as their own now.

Busy lil’ bees aren’t we? :wink: