What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

maybe now, the moderators can start clearing the crap left on this precious thread in past 2-3 days… and all the ‘‘users’’ registered today and yesterday removed for good?.. just a friendly suggestion of course :slight_smile:

I cant locate it currently but Clark created a Skype group and passed on a link. I’m at work now so if that does not materialize for you, I’ll see what I can do when I am able. Let me know.

I started reading his stuff couple of months ago and then took a week break and I come back to this .well if somebody could also forward me or pipy himself could forward me ict’s stuff it’d be awesome. ThNks

I literally fell off my chair when i visited the ICT’s links and realised the videos were all gone…For a very long time the only video that i have been longing to get a hold on is ICT’s Precheck Flight List.Now i can smile because I know my waiting will not be in vain…:5:

By the way PipyTheGrt kindly add me to your list please.My email is <[email protected]>

I forgot to put my e-I’d in my above post’ pipy cud u please me the stuff at cfa2be at gmail when u get a chance please

Michael, welcome back!
Words can’t express…

ICT posted a preflight checklist on his original thread What every new and aspiring forex trader wants to know. I can copy into a post here if you want it (he will probably expand on it in the still to be released video). BTW I think ICT throughout his videos gives a pretty good idea of what his preflight check list might be.

Hi Pippy,

Mate could you send me a link as well please mate, I have everything except the last 6 weeks or so.

Thanks Pippy, I am at: blue_metric at hotmail dot com

You are a life saver :slight_smile:


Just so we are clear…

I will be revamping the eductional videos and ommitting the PTC videos from this thread. Obviously you have a collection of these and you are free to share them… person to person. Please do not host them as they do in fact have elements that will cause me static with the powers that be.

I will be returning to market reviews as it falls under safe commentary and not advice or alerts… something I must refrain from. I will be posting videos as I can but it will take a few weeks to repopulate the list as it was rather long.

Is there a application someone can use to build a mailing list to avoid the thread from filling up with page after page of email addresses? Something everyone can add their name and contact info to and those building a comprehensive ICT library can send out supplimental rations as they collect my things?
Just sayin’… :wink:

Zoho and Google Docs are two alternative public document create-and-share that anyone can add information to. ThinkFree is also a potential alternative as a suite manager. The downside is getting everybody organized and/or signed up to the appropriate service.

Good stuff Michael.

I will be very glad if you could post those preflight checklist ‘thatsrightjack’.looking forward to it

Hi can someone add to ICT link to plzzzzzzzzzz. thaught it would be here forever

my email adress is


Me too, could u add me to the list too. Thanks

I feel bad cluttering this thread with my email, but until these are aggregated elsewhere, and while everyone is posting them here, could you add me to the ICT list too? This body of knowledge shouldn’t get lost or go to waste, so lets keep it alive and share.

linde dot trading at gmail dot com


If you need any character references :slight_smile: , I’m sure you can get 2 or 3 hundred from here :slight_smile: - -

Just tell them ‘boys’ this : "I am simply trying to teach what I know . . . and if I have to use a live example to do it, then, then, I’ll put a 1 second delay on it, in order to not show any inadvertent waldrobe misfunction.

So why don’t they come down on all those zulutrade signal providers? Double standards.

This really isn’t funny given the seriousness of the situation. We really could have lost ICT forever!

This comment doesn’t have anything to do with the above quote.

If you ever wrote a book I would totally buy it. Just saying :51:

This is part of a much larger post on the original thread (which is well worthwhile going through and taking notes). The post number is 118. I hope it helps. I tried posting it before but because it had an internal BP link it might not get through.
Your Preflight Checklist:
Every pilot before flying goes through a systematic preflight checklist. Since everyone in trading wants to be Top Gun material… this is a must for long term success.

What would a Preflight checklist look like? You might be asking yourself… or what would it include?

First you want to have the Monthly, Weekly and Daily levels closest to the current market price in fron of you. You want you Daily Pivot levels in written form in front of you. You want the Daily, 4 hour and 15 minute levels noted as well. Not to mention their directional probablity for each.

What price patterns are in the longer term charts that may impact your analysis? Fibonnacci levels to watch for on long term swing retracements in the direction of the market flow?

If the daily is in a down trend and trading lower from a key resistance level and we are not oversold or trading at or near a key daily or longer term support level… this sets the stage for SHORTS only.

On your intraday charts, 4 hour, 60 minute, 15 minute charts you would ideally look for rallies in price up to a Pivot Resistance or Previous Daily High or even Low to provide resistance for price. The longer ter trend or market flow will likely be correcting or retracing intraday and markets trade higher to trade lower… it’s flows 101.