What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Hi pippy you life-saver,

Could you please email me the link im also a new member so i will have 2 post my email on here in a strange fashion paragonelectrical at hotmail dot co dot uk


Question about an older ICT video “higher time frame analysis”. In it he said he’d be providing a formula in December for adding positions on to an already existing trade when price retraces after taking 70% off. So scaling into an already successful trade. Anyways I can’t find the video stating the formula.

Does anyone know the video he gave this information in?

Pippy thanks for the links.

Thank you for the effort in putting all this together!

can you plz send me the link too? Its theexeqter at web(.)de

Jonah and ExejeSen covered.

Perhaps i can help here. I think he said something about that in one of the review videos from the end of january 2012. But nothing particular about any kind of formula. He just talked about how he adjusted the trade and that he scaled in at some point because of very strong continuation signs (type II divergence etc).

So it depends on the trade itself and the market environment what size you want to scale in. You should consider how long the trade is running already, what retracements did price make during that move, what s+r levels is price approaching, what reactions can you expect at these levels and what is essential here you should only scale in if you get signs of continuation.
The stronger the signs the more you can scale in. I personally wouldn’t add more than 50 % of the original position but that’s just my opinion, after all it’s on you and what you are comfortable with.

Hey guys, did you notice that Michael already started to upload his videos again?

Check the 1st post.

Also for all the newbies who are eager to learn here is a little collection of documents that might help you on your journey.

Notice: i did not write or create them, i just collected them on my walk through the ICT-threads.

Included are Michaels teachings, a FAQ, a killzones table (so that you always know when to hunt :wink: ) and some excel spreadsheets that were published here.

Anyway i highly recommend that you go through the threads (this one and older one (what every new + or aspiring forex trader wants to know)). I know a thread of almost 1000 pages is quite a hunk but it is well worth it (the older one has 78 pages but you can skip the last 10 or so b/c they really don’t have any content :wink: ).

And now…happy learning :stuck_out_tongue:

Educational Documents.zip (1.58 MB) :57:

Kind of funny Clint posted this in 2009 and yet fits so well for the second post on here today

Guys, thanks again for all the hard work. I am wondering if the torrent has anything other than the videos in Pippy’s links. By the way, those worked great. I’m just wondering if I need to download anything more than that or if I’m all set?

Michael - just want to say that the “new” first post is excellent! :smiley:

I always wanted to start my FX journey in a proper manner, as I am coming form the sportstrading arena where things are different.
ICT thanks for this opportunity.

PS. I found this forum the last couple of weeks (as I am not a big fan of forums) and I really impressed with the willingness of this community to help each other. Thanks guys.

Many times over the past few months I have looked over the ICT threads and each time I stopped a couple of pages in with the intention of coming back to it when I was ready. I feel as though I really missed something here and should have taken advantage of it while the information was all there. Thanks to PippyTheGreat and others who scraped together as much missing content as possible all is not lost to myself and others like me. I watched my first videos today, “Handling Losses and Drawdown” and “Inner Circle Short Term Trading”. I got a lot of information from these two videos and must say that I am hooked and anxious to learn more, but with so many videos, forum threads and pdf files it is difficult to know exactly where to start.

I tried by starting to go through the first thread, “What Every New or Aspiring FX Trader Wants To Know…”, and after going through the first few pages I noticed that there seems to be posts missing. In going through the thread I would see responses to quotes by ICT, but did not see the original post. So, I would assume that in response to the CFTC there were posts removed. Is it enough to start with the Second thread? Or are there posts missing from there?

Anyway, I am hoping that someone can point me in the right direction as to where to begin. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I think the best thing to do is just take 1 element from ICT, say marking off the daily highs and lows, weekly h/l, monthly h/l, 3 days h/l, 3 week h/l ect and study it until you get it, take as much time as you like be it an hour or week this is a marathon not a sprint, don’t worry too much about why it works here but not there just concentrate on the reactions and the method.
Then move on to the next element say pivot zones forget about the first thing for awhile and only concern yourself with pivot points and zones. ect
Then when your happy with your own understanting of the seperate elements start blending a few together and see how that goes.


In case you downloaded the links in the second email you will have the torrent as well so you’ll be more than covered because you will have duplicate files.:5:

Hi Michael and Pippy,

Can you add me to your email list too? So sorry, I can’t pm you as I don’t meet the requirement so I’ll have to post my email address here. Thanks!

Something tells me you can remove the email address :54:

Thank you again, Pippy!! Really appreciate it… :20:

Thanks pippy

Pippy, I posted my email in your profile, but I’m not sure if you received. Could you send me the links? Thank you!


Nice you guys thank me, appreciate it, and most of all thank ICT for his efforts putting all the material together. Don’t let it rot on your computer please, carefully study all of it and decide what parts (if any) you’d like to incorporate in your trading. It’ll make everybody happy :41: