What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

You are right, posts have been removed. You can find some of the missing content in the document i posted:


“ICT Teachings” is mostly from the first thread.
You should read it anyway b/c the discussions can really help to understand certain things.


Thank you Flying Rhino and Wally! Great help. Time to get studying.

Well, you [B]have[/B] missed something: you’ve missed the opportunity to get started sooner.

But, all is not lost. Far from it.

If you total up all the ICT material posted on this Forum, the sheer volume of material is enough to intimidate any beginner. This thread alone is approaching 1,000 pages, and 10,000 separate posts.

So, where to start? Well, maybe that old joke about the elephant contains some good advice: How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

The veterans on this thread, and those who were followers of ICT in his first thread, are charging ahead, applying what Michael has taught, in their actual live trading. Don’t try to catch up with that bunch just yet. This whole enterprise is being “re-set”, if you will, and that gives you — and every other brand-new ICT beginner — a marvelous opportunity.

Here on the Babypips Forum, Michael has devoted countless hours to posting videos and text, answering specific questions, and hosting webinars. And now, the Nanny State has come down on him for some alleged violation of their stupid rules. (Here in the Nanny States of America, you see, only the government is qualified to decide what’s good for you, or me, or any other serf — er, citizen.) But, I digress.

Gary Gensler and the Commodity Futures Trading Gestapo have put Michael in the position of having to remove, re-work, and re-post virtually all of his material. While he is busy doing that, you have an opportunity to play catch-up.

This pathetic action by the CFTG is causing Michael to stop and rewind. It’s an enormous waste of his time.

But, it can be an opportunity for you. Seize that opportunity.

On your list of ICT materials to study, the very first item on the list should be everything on the NEW page 1 of this thread.

Read and re-read the text on page 1. And watch the videos, in order — and watch them again as many times as you need to. They are not being posted in random order; they are being posted in the order in which you need them, so that you can progress from [I]beginner[/I] to [I]professional trader.[/I]

To repeat, it’s enough to start with the NEW page 1 on this thread. If you master everything on that page, as Michael systematically rebuilds it, all the other ICT material on this Forum will begin to make sense to you.

Please don’t worry about what’s missing. Concentrate on what is being restored.

PippyTheGrt can I get the mail too please?

Received - Thanks :slight_smile:


Wise words Indeed!!

Sorry if this is off-topic, but I figured this would be the best way to reach Michael or someone who knows this. I am wondering what broker(s) Michael uses? Since Michael has a lot of trading money, I would be interesting knowing the safest broker to whom he has entrusted it. I understand that it may not be the best choice for someone like me with only a little money to trade, but I am still very interested if anyone knows the answer. Thanks!

GFT, and he really likes there dealbook charting software.

I appreciate the response here Clint as I would have asked a similar question. Thanks for the guidance.

PGT i would like to have this email also. Thanks for the help. hcgtrainer@gmail

ahhh… CFTG valiantly fighting to protect those who don’t need protection from those that we don’t need to be protected from just so they can justify their bureaucratic pencil pushin pinhead jobs. To quote Yakov Smirnoff… “America! What a country!”

Thanks again!


Beauty For Ashes

There’s a difference between regulation and legislation. The executive branch certainly makes a lot of regulation without legislative oversight.

The difference here. Regulators came from the industry and are now on the inside to protect their prior employers.

Re-sent it - you should have received the emails already earlier on however. Check your spambox please :33:

Hi PippyTheGrt. I’d very much appreciate it if you sent the emails to my address


On its way. You’ll be very busy now… :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome scriptures ICT!! :slight_smile:

Road with fire if you don’t cross you will never know what is water.

Like it

Im having some serious problems with a definition of when a key S&R actually is broken. Anyone has an advice on this point ? On what timeframe do you confirm the breakout and/or how much do you believe price must move away from the level to be considered broken ? I remember ICT mentioning a 15-20 pips buffer for a key S&R level. The trinity levels fade outs, had fooled me a couple of times, so shame on me :).

I started to lose track of which videos I have watched and seem to end up watching the same videos over and over and neglect others. Made a quick spreadsheet to start being more systematic. Thought I would share the spreadsheet in case anyone was having a similar problem. I have only included the core lessons at the mo but will update to include the Pro traders market review videos when I have some time.