What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

DT if I may add my 2 pips here. A good trade log is a very valid part of this thread so I dont see a problem adding a few more posts to a thread with pages of pointless stuff. Its just another reason why you should read the entire thread to get all the gold. Yes a go though a few pages of nothing then bam there some gold nuggets for your effort. Its a pain in my ass but I would have no other way. If your not willing to put in the time then go to another thread. Simple as that. If you do go back to playing with the spread sheet if you could make my life easy and add a chart to show an equity curve that would be sweet. If you dont feel like it then dont worry about it I know enough to figure it out. I have not messed with it to much but I think it auto calculates most of the averages by the looks of it. That my biggest problem with excel I cant figure that out. Other than that just a quick glance at the sheet (I have not had the time to get into it) looks great and I thank you for you efforts here. If ICT disagrees with me saying this fits on this thread I am sure he will say so. But honestly I think he already would have if he disagreed.

This thread is large, but not reallyā€¦ I understand some do not have all the spare time in the world and some of the new members that come to the forum can be intimidated, but I have read the equivalent of this entire thread the past 1.5 weeks reading about fx related stuff on this and other forums, not to mention other general knowledge.

This is a small pond in the sea of fx knowledge, yes a pond of gold, but there is so much information out there. No need for paralysis by analysis but i have just finally began to sink my claws into the info out there. ICTs exact methods are not for me, but his basic knowledge is amazing and he covers all the basis so you can be successful with any other method because you learn the most important things are higher timeframe analysis, mm, and psychologyā€¦ lets not forget patience.

I just do not have the physical ability to wake up at 130am my time and sit patiently waiting for the 15min setups, its way too hard on me and just does not jive with me, but the azn range, the trinity, and fibs are on my charts. And all the tactics are still in my toolbox just now I basically stare at 4hr charts 80% of the time. Still working on consistency, but have slowed my trading down and dont have the habit of needing to be in a trade like I did watching the 15min chart.

So what bob said, adding a little stuff about the sheet is all fine because it is good info for this thread.

First up I think the videos that are great. But (and this might just be me) what I think would help is a ā€˜still working onā€™ list. Having first watched the videos, and then read through quite a bit of this thread I couldnā€™t figure out where some videos are. It was only once I got upto the posts from 3-4 weeks ago that I started to understand what had happened to the videos.

So for clarity of any one who has started looking the the videos/thread within the last month the ā€˜still to comeā€™ would be reassuring that they have the right area.

Videos Iā€™ve noticed mentioned but not found (maybe they are called something different now):
Top down analysis
Market Profiles
Swing Trading
London Open
New York open (or is this Trading The New York Session)

They are referred to within the other videos (usually along the lines of this video will build on the concepts introduced in video x).

@everyone: Please Iā€™m not having a go at ICT and have total respect for the amount of work that he has put in to everything here. Iā€™m just trying to explain what maybe confusing some new comers (I was confused until page 800 or 900 when the missing videos where explained) to this thread/his you tube channel.

you guys should take a look at www.myfxbook.com. It basically automates what you are trying to achieve with excel and gives you a lot more account analytical tools. Captures all the particulars of every trade you enter. Gives you the option to add the reasons for entering the trade and attach a screenshot of the charts at the time you entered and how things turned out. It makes weekend trade reviews so much more informative. Even gives you the option to share your account stats with the world that ll help keep you on your feet. It ll be a good idea if ICT would link the million dollar challenge account to a myfxbook page where we can all check out his progress trade by trade. My two cents. Happy holidays guys.


Thanks again for the great effort to improve the excel file. :slight_smile:

A usable file is good, a perfect file is best. Although the original design is flying rhinoā€™s, i could see he is happy to share it in the community and to encourage your improvement. I appology if i was too demanding. I just would like to see a perfect excel log that can suit easily. My computing knowledge is limited but i know there are plenty of expert on the thread. It can be a team work and evetually we may get a excellent excel log book with different improvement. I like your change of lot size to Ā£per point as it saved the later exchange rate conversion.

Have a nice holiday and look forward to seeing you back! :slight_smile:

Personally I wouldnt like a third party to access my trade account. Demo account is ok, but live account NO.

Iā€™m considering subscribing eSignalā€™s datafeed for bonds, since this is the area i have difficulties finding failure swings on the END to day basis on bloomberg and stockcharts.comā€¦

However, what packaged is recommended?

Pricing plans for eSignal and pricing for eSignal add-ons

Canā€™t find which one of them contains bonds chartsā€¦

Even am stuck at the same thing. Could anyone provide the links for those videos ?

Top Down Analysis - this is still indevelopment, he has made two webinar videos for this but is in the process of making a complete video.

Market Profiles - He did have this up but is reproducing or remaking it after he had to take everything offline.

Swing Trading - I donā€™t think there was ever a video for this.

London Open - He did have this up but is reproducing or remaking it after he had to take everything offline.

New York Open - is the New York Session video.

I know ICT is a very busy man (with tons of kids and all), so please just be patientā€¦All videos will be posted on the first page once he gets them all back onlineā€¦So just keep checking the first pageā€¦

Hope this helps.

Swing Trading - I donā€™t think there was ever a video for this. [B](it was originally day 21 of the 25 days of xmas)[/B]

I just though putting a list of the videos still being reproduced on the front page, would save having to answer the emails of ā€œwhere are the other videosā€.

On a related note: Having read through the posts from when the videos got taken down, there seamed to be a great community attempt to keep the information available, which died down as quick as it started.

For everyone coming late to the party it also means we have missed many of the (from the posts Iā€™ve read) priceless webinars.

There should be enough users of the videos that a torrent should have worked great. Did one get started, if so does anyone have the details?

As far as I know, you can set the password for exporting your trades to be different than your master password for your live account. In other words, myfxbook canā€™t place trades for you, but can only get the trade data. Can someone back me up or disconfirm me on this?

For everyone coming late to the party it also means we have missed many of the (from the posts Iā€™ve read) priceless webinars. [B]no it doesnt mean you missed anything, it just means you have to wait for them one at a time like they were originally released thats allā€¦ and there is a torrent out there called ā€œictā€ or ā€œict methodā€ā€¦ on utorrentā€¦

yep ā€¦ As far as I know all they can do is monitor your trade. That is why we use their service. To monitor and log trades. It is working wonders for my trade review.

Yes, your broker provides you with an investors password which is read only for your account details and that is how these programs can keep track of your trades.

I agree, Iā€™m using myfxbook to log my trades as well. Itā€™s pretty good. I think you should email ICT about it, the million dollar challenge would become a lot more helpful and he doesnā€™t have to do a thing besides enter his account info on that site once. Theyā€™ve recently upgraded the service too where you donā€™t even need to have an EA running anymore.

Perhaps the most informative video on longer term swing trading is actually entitled ā€˜Short Term Trading -Inner Circle Traderā€™

Short Term Trading - Inner Circle Trader - YouTube

This particular video is gold. I had not gotten to it yet, and it managed to fill in some blanks. Thanks for pointing it out, Peterma.

I have miss informed everyoneā€¦

ICT did release his Swing Trading Method the beginning of the yearā€¦it should be in the torrentā€¦

That sounds great, do you have the link to the torrent? Iā€™ve searched everything I could think of but can not find the torrent :frowning:
I donā€™t know if you can simply post the magnet link here? or if babypips has a problem with links?

I think, Michael made it pretty clear about his work being passed around:

just sayingā€¦
