What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

What u trading now man? :slight_smile: Why did u quit FX ? :slight_smile:

Thanks Manta, really appreciate your work. I found it is very convenient because the MFs in different time frames are easy to see at a glance of the table.

Do you mind if you post the source file on the thread so someone may willing to to fix it? (I dont know anything about code, but we have plenty of gurus in the community :)).

Cheers, :slight_smile:

Nothing serious, I simply dont have enough time and energy to watch charts on daily basis at the moment. Too much work with different projects and I calculated pros and cons and realized that I can make more money during this year in different ways than in trading FX. But Im still playing with some automated ideas, so Im not totally out of this area. It is just a matter of prioritiesā€¦

Sorry, I cannot. This would not be fair to some people. But actually I think anybody can code this toy. It is not more than 20 lines in mql, if I remember wellā€¦

Took a nice scalp today.
GBP/USD short at 1.5960.

OTE formed from yesterdays high and todays low
Then cable made a higher high, but Fiber couldnā€™t

So I figured it would go down.

half out with +30pips, the other half moved to break even and now waiting to see what happens.

Donā€™t think I would have been confident enough to make that trade on a live account. Anyone else take the trade based on the divergence?

Nice trade, congrats nitsuj!

Whatā€™s interesting: Not only that we had that intraday OTE sell but there was also a great OTE sell pattern on the higher timeframes (27th March High to 06th April Low). Cable touched the 0.702 % Fib and reversed.

Didnā€™t take any trades today, Iā€™m just watching price action.

Today I took 57 pips on EURUSD with a confluence of :daily R Pivot, yesterday and today Trinity based reversal points + A/D divergence with overbought situation

I could have taken way more pips, but iā€™m happy like this, especially on a friday :smiley:

Just wanted to double check that this is the A/D divergence you saw? Iā€™m trying to see if my brokerā€™s feed (Oanda) is giving me the right signals.

So from the look of it this A/D divergence lasted about 24 hours. Is that typical?

Please join our live meeting, Friday, April 13, 2012 at 1:15 PM Eastern Daylight Time.

I reacted on this Divergence, but yes itā€™s showing pretty much the same as your chart :slight_smile:

I tried to join but it says the session is full. Is there a limit?

Boo! Tells me its full too =[

Session is full. Is there a recording session?

Hi i still a newbie, theres one thing i dun understand. Market flow i thought is bullish on 4hr until a couple of hours ago it turn bearish and there was a judas swing at london open. thought of taking a trade at 1.3150 and if really take will manage to catch 20 pips but seems like i countertrend and bad move.

So what are the things you all consider before taking a trade???

ICT, hope you recorded the session. This week I had some Internet issues and could not trade. I was monitoring xe.com on my phone and could just eye ball OTEs. I did not need any indicators to see where price was going! The feeling was so great I cannot put it into words :slight_smile: I am just 3 months into this and I can only imagine all the things I will keep learning in the future

Thank you for all the time and effort you have put into this. Also please pass our thankyous to your wife since she does not mind you spending some of your family time with us.

Hey folks,

have been away a long time due to private problems after I managed to trade up my equity by 14.3% in January. Iā€™d like to start trading again now, but when I wanted to go over some vids of ICT I remembered, I felt that some are missing now? Some of the Forexmas gifts and the ~3h webinars focusing on fractals and market directionā€¦ Does anyone have got all of the vids/webinar that are missing now and could be so kind to hand a link over to me?


I have the same question as the person above me has, after ICT left there was a great person who stored all stuff ICT had made and sent e-mails to people who wanted it with links.

Unfortunately I lost that content and the links are no longer available, so I would really, really, appreciate it if someone could give me access again to all that content.

Please PM me or reply here, thanks a lot!

I second this. Even im looking for the same stuff. Itā€™l really greatful if anyone could provide the missing stuffā€¦I really need all those webinar recordingsā€¦

[B]Well Babypipsters[/B]ā€¦

The day finally came. I am an Official FxMan and this post solidifies my 1000 post milestone. I feel itā€™s only fitting I cut my teeth on this thread as it is my work and home after all.

Woot Woot :57:

Congrats now you get a super cool decoder ring.