What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Hi Guys, I’ve been following the thread for many months now although I do not post much. What I am going to write has nothing to do with FX or any of the great concepts Michael shares with us, but I am so happy that I feel I have to share with you all. We just had our first baby! It’s a boy and we named him Jaydon. I kinda wanted this name also because it reminds me of the ‘jade’ story most here are familiar with. When I think of it I feel inspired and determined … More so now. :slight_smile:

Awesome brother!! :smiley: I hope your son brings you endless joy and perhaps one day he will be a legendary FX trader too! Haha :smiley:


Praise God! That is awesome and an excellent name choice as well. “[I]Children are a gift from the Lord; they are a reward from him. Children born to a young man are like arrows in a warrior’s hands. How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them[/I]!”

[B]Good Luck & Good Parenting![/B] :57:

Wow 1000 posts :34: . What is the next target to post? Ten thousand? Congratulation. You deserve the “FX_Men Honorary Member”. Hats off for teaching us forex and wish the best success to come of next title.:35::35:

congratulations my friend and i hope he grows up with God in his heart! bless you and you family this gift!!!

congratulations Sir! i’ve recently come across your thread(s) and loving every min of it! I wanna learn your method/system!! You are a true inspiration and God will bless you a thousand times a thousand more! hope to learn and be the best i can be at trading through your teaching! thank you!

hi all

great thx micheal and others for yr relentless contribution and growing the vid library.

attaching indi with numbers,probably not exactly what u asked for but getting close, maybe for somebody to have a crack at it…
what i don like about this one is the inability to choose line style and color for diff. levels.//though one might apply the indi more times with diff. setting and get the result - as long as i remember//
if applicable diff lines and colors for 00,50, 20-80 would b really great,20-80 would b awesome to have dimmed not to overpopulate the chart.

great point u mentioned - that one of us might b loosing a lunch on a loosing trade,nice way to put it. was thinking of about same thing, sort off ///small vs big acc. - stress level - b less selective with small acc /// and trying not to underestimate ‘‘cents’’ i play with.cause when the acc. grows one ‘‘MUST’’ b selective.

i had to close the 100$ account //for those who remember - bad broker spike of 15 pips engineered //and started 2 b active on my former acc.
gutted many times-as i was playing with the smallest portion not able to cut it. i was plus 20 - 40 pips either closing all for profit or BE…
chasing a ghost,20-40 pips a handful of those set BE and stopped out,and those that i banked went sometime over 100-200 pips,i was disgusted :slight_smile:
when i ll raise the bet with possibility to cut should b much nicer…
its about consistency to me not the money i win,for now :slight_smile:
still fighting some demons :slight_smile:

BigNumbers.zip (8.32 KB)

[B]Re: Pivot Daily Macro[/B]

Good morning everyone,

Forgive me if this has been asked before but I had a question regarding the pivot daily macro indicator.

I had downloaded the original one(from 5 months ago) before to my pc which has since gone to the pc place in the sky meaning I have lost all downloads.

The new pivot daily macro on the title page here is very different to it at least graphically.

I just wondered if the original one was still available because I felt really comfortable working with this and if not I hoped someone could talk me through using the new one.

Many thanks in advance,


Or a fib extension. Have a look if any line up with others such as a pivot/institutional level ect.

Swing Projections
Key Support or Resistance on higher time frame
Four Pivot Levels completed in daily range
London Close counter trend setup
18:00 GMT or next day London Open as a reversal may unfold then {assuming your NYO trade is still in the green}

There are a few considerations… but most of all is 20-30 pips in the bank at all times. :wink:

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

for those who might like the picture
attach first biggies1,following with 2
color and line style changeable through meta editor

biggies1.zip (1.04 KB)

Biggies2.zip (1.47 KB)


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[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

[B][B]Does anyone has the video of 23rd Nov,2010 (on Page 9 in this thread)Title " ICT Swing Trade video review" please? When I click the link it says User has been remove the video.

It would be helpful for us who are joining later.[/B][/B]

Are Monday’s and tuesdays typically a good trading day, or is it better to us these days to set up for the week.


Is this what you`re looking for?

PivotDailyMacro.zip (8.81 KB)

Hey ICT, if i use last week low to the last week high, and pull my fib over it can consider an OTE?? MArket seems to be a quiet day, small range day???

Yes and Yes I would think :slight_smile: Remember Friday was a large range day.

yap, so today ZZZZZzzzzzzzz, patience is the key. :slight_smile:

Thanks a million for your help :slight_smile: