What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know


1. If you happen to be in one of the 7 time zones listed in the left-hand column, you can read the 4 Kill Zone times directly from this table.

2. If your time zone is not listed in the left-hand column, start with the time zone closest to yours, and add or subtract the appropriate number of hours to the Kill Zone times shown.


• if you are in Moscow (MSK=GMT+4), add 2 hours to all the times shown on the line labeled “ZURICH time”

• if you are in Dallas (CDT=GMT-5), subtract 1 hour from all the times on the line labeled “NEW YORK time”.

3. The Kill Zone periods shown in this table are minimum periods. They can be expanded at your discretion.

For example, if you are in the New York (EDT) time zone, you might choose to expand the London Open Kill Zone
to 1:30am - 4:30am, or to 2am - 5am, or to some other time period which brackets the 3am London Open.

Thank you very much Clint and all the other regulars in our Community… I really appreciate your interest and continued assistance in making this thread such a wild success. :slight_smile:

Very rewarding feeling seeing us working together in a common goal.


with the livestream webinar just ending i was just browsing through the major market averages, and could this further indicate a possible retracement down for the foreign pairs today ? or am i looking at this wrong ?

Compare those Swings With the USDX… and you again get the Intermediate Term Highs & Lows… this also aids with Market Structure framework. [Selecting the right ones]

[B]GLGT [/B]:57:

Do you mean the regular USDX chart at the same time? Or USDX SMT at that same time of these major market turning points?

I’ve been following from a distance since late 2011 but this is my first post. I have nothing but great things to say about ICT and his relentless help. With the thread just hitting 1000 Pages and ICT only having just hit the 1000 post mark, it’s a true sign of how powerful his teachings are.

Thanks again ICT! I look forward to learning as much as I can.

I’m making this 1000th page my official starting point on tackling all this ICT information. Been here for a bit reading/following but only now finally have time to dedicate myself. So, 4/18 on 1000th page is where I stake my claim! Hopefully I’ll be able to contribute to others in the future!


not to speak for ICT, but I’m pretty sure he means the regular USDX. Pull up a chart of the USDX and S&P 500. I’ve been watching the equity markets for some time for clues to the next day’s bias, but I think this deserves a closer look as the S&P moves very close to an inverted relationship to the USDX. I was expecting a bit of a reversal today since the equities market was heading down, but that didn’t happen with the Cable, so I would say that even though it’s fairly accurate, it is not perfect.

Happy to be here for page 1000 and the hundreds/thousands more to follow. May not be able to follow along exactly due to changing commitments, but I hold the concepts and tools close to heart and on my chart. ICT: Twitter, youtube, livestream, babypips all my topviewed sites. It is about the higher timeframes for sure, and one day with a little more time ill set a scope up to zoom in like a true ict sniper.

The thing I will always appreciate most, is knowing the x-wing can be raised out of the water.

Many newbie traders are looking for help and information so that they can get started as soon as possible. And what is more beneficial than being able to interact with already successful traders which also gives them the required Motivation to continue in the Forex.

Thank you Velho2008, your analysis clears me a lot :slight_smile:

My pleasure…

Lately I’ve had a lot of clicks … lol … and that helped me!!!
When doing some analysis starting to see some changes…
More accurate…
And more importantly is that I have been reducing the number of trades and starting to increase the number of profit trades…
Now just need time to reach for consistency…

Am I thinking right way?

It is only with good practice and also following the markets and the charts that the Analysis will be consistent and the profits will start to increase.

Good stuff :slight_smile:

It surprisingly does not take many trades a month to produce a nice profit % when you find a consistent approach and stick to your plan. I am fighting every other day the urge to want to place more frequent trades and this has been going on since I started. It gets easier but the urge still lingers around … that’s the honest truth.

if anyone was paying attention to the equities market this morning, the futures were down in the pre-market. Right before the market opened, it was looking up. I closed out my LO short right at the opening of the equities market since it was very possible a reversal was going to happen. What I have found is, the equities market can give you clues to what may take place during the NY FX session

Last night I was wondering if the European bond markets will also give the direction of the day for the London session. If that is the case, it may be fairly easy to have a direction for the day for both the London and NY sessions. Has anyone been watching the EU bond markets, and if so, which bonds are more predictive for the direction?

Can you expand on this? When you say “Equities futures” is this the E-Mini’s? And where do you get these from - Barchart.com?
I also thought that if the equities are down = Risk Off = flight to US$ = USDX up = xxx/usd down. Or am I being thick again?


Hey wally, that’s how I see it

yes, they are referred to as the mini’s. I just go to CNBC.com and read the the headline on the US Markets tab on the left side of the page. Or you can click on markets, then pre-markets for more details. Usually the headlines on the main page will give you an idea of what is happening.

You are correct, markets down, risk off, USDX increases, foreign currencies heading south. Foreign currencies, Cable and Fiber anyway, are directly correlated to the US Equities. The US Equities are inversely correlated to the USDX. You might have missed where I said in the first post, that right before the market opened, it started to look up. There is an hour delay from when the first news is released, to when equities open.

I’ve noticed over the last couple months, my pre-market analysis is usually correct with the NY session- more so than with the London session. it’s been a good exercise when to expect a reversal. So with what I have studied over the last couple months, I was thinking if there was a way to use the same analysis with foreign bonds, you can possibly drill down your analysis to have a bias for both London, and NY, ie: when to expect a continuation, and when to expect a reversal.

ICT told me the website pricecharts.com, this site looks great but is a subscription site. if anyone knows of a website that has daily European bond prices with charts, and is free, I would appreciate a heads up

Higher low in USDX vs Lower high in fiber is not a divergence. Fiber should also make higher highs if you are looking for a bullish divergence. Or you can just “flip” the USDX graph over the fiber one and then compare highs vs highs and lows vs lows. Same thing.