What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Incredible information. I can’t get enough of the videos and the instruction. Putting all the elements into play takes a lot of effort, but when you know that the instructions are this good, it seems plausible. Thanks ITC.

I am also a lurker for over a year and have been amazed to be finally understanding most of what is being said. I have 3 demo accounts and hope to be going live with a small acct soon. Th e concepts work it is just hard to be patient and allow the trades to come to us rather than feeling the need to be in a trade. the greatest lessons I have learned are about myself and my impatience. I am becoming more consistent all the time but still lose sometimes. Risk and money management have been valuable concepts. Thanks ICT for all you hard work and concern for us newbie’s. the dream is within reach!!

to be honest this is a bit worrying…it seems like ICT has got inside information…im in two minds…
he has been clearly working in trading environment previously…
this environment has exposed him to methods and charts (like the usdx smt divergence thing) that noone else would ever know about if it wasnt for him…because he has had exposure to others using these things and knows the ins and outs of how they work…and its all so simple to him…he also knows about proper price play…things that even if you sat at your charts for 30 years…staring at them and investigating them you would probably not catch on to.

he appears to be indicator unfriendly…and i like that…but then he pulls out his fib lines and pivot points and divergence charts and cot reports and god knows what else…maybe he is more indicator friendly than i think.

the concern is …everything he does seems like genius…and you lot are running round trying to learn what he teaches…but i think that the real teaching he has to offer will never be revealed…as it is basically only gotten by working in a trading room with experts for about 25 years…

so i truly genuinely am green with envy about his forex knowledge…i am not bitter abouot it…i wish i could kidnap him and keep him in my cellar …and take the blow torch down there and a lap top…and get this guy telling me some secret info…and also maybe point me in the direction of another 25 indicator charts he uses that i am not aware of…

every time i see a new video by him something brand new and previously unknown about pops up…
you see i thought he had a clean cut simple system…and it just gets ever more complex…
and it clearly works for him…
but the complexity of his system …basically lets just call it rocket science…or nano science…and we know that when he does another video another secret gem is gonna pop up…how simple is this system…
i mean…everything he discusses has a use…but without seeing the overall map of the system it may be not worth all the time invested…and may be better off going it alone bit by bit with books…

so i dont know if this thing is gonna pan out right…

those are my true thoughts…i want in …but something inside tells me its too complex a system to understand without actually living with the guy…you may eventually grasp a bit of what is going on …but probably not enough to make a success of things.

i understand that each trader gets his own system…but surely a great system is better than a mediocre one…
and without moving in with the guy…or working directly for him for like 15 years …one may end up with a mediocre system, based on an fantastic one.

It’s taken me a few years, not all learning ICT’s concepts, but the pieces of the puzzle are really starting to fit together. Every Saturday I do my analysis for the following week and then I watch ICTs video. It’s really cool how well my view of the market matches his, down to the levels he’s watching on his charts to what he suspects will happen and why. Just put in the time and effort and eventually his concepts will all ‘click’ together for you like they have for me. Also, I’ve been at this a while (almost 3 years, which really isn’t even that long in Forex) and I still feel like there is a lot more I’ve got to learn though I believe I’ve really have gotten a great start.

I felt like that at first, overwhelmed. Although not in the way you’re expressing it.

Then I sat down and methodically went through everything. Then I applied the parts I understood. Then I went back to the parts I didn’t grasp at first and stuck with them until I did understand. I spoke to people, asked questions and sought advice from the community.

Let’s be clear though, being successful at trading is not about copying someone else. The defining moment is being able to refine what you read about and watch on videos into something that works for yourself. Maybe this turns out to be 100% ICT, or maybe you take some parts of his concepts and mix it with other techniques that you have found work for you.

ICT’s toolbox is quite complex, there is no denying that. But, if you break it down into smaller chunks and start with something basic, you can layer on the complexity at your own pace. This is what the training videos do and really the only solution is to go back to the first and go through them slowly one by one, making notes. Alternatively, the to be released modules may be what you’re looking for.

hey hellogoodbye4201…it appears that you understand his principles and hopefully have got your own trading system based on what you have learned through self study and ict… thats very inspirational…im in this for the long haul…so either way im gonna get this game sussed one way or another…im gonna stick with him and see how it pans out…as it seems to have worked for you…and yes of course i do lots of background reading and self investigation also…hopefully within a couple of years i will be able to get a decent grasp of things as you have.

You say you’re in it for the long haul but your other posts shows frustration that there is too much to the “system” etc. If you have time, who cares? Its not a system but a method. Trading is not easy and ICT’s methods take in to account the markets as a whole which can definitely seems overwhelming no doubt. Take it slowly man, enjoy the process because that’s all trading is… a process. Learn to love it.

im passionate about it…just getting some advice on a quality path to take …thats all mate…and yes i get frustrated…thats just another word for passion…when your passionate about something…lets say a formula 1 race driver or even a golf pro…when he cant get to grips with what he wants to do…most people would turn and walk away and do something else…but the golf pro gets frustrated and keeps at it…and tries and maybe changes his method a bit here and there and gets more frustrated…and eventually far down the line he is an expert at what once frustrated him…his passion carried him through…
so thanks for the compliment…maybe one day you too will feel passion for trading…and you never know…you may even get frustrated.

ps and by the way i dont care how difficult a thing is, of course i want to be on the right path…but even if trading meant doing complex integration by parts at a high level…( a part of differential calculus that i struggled with ) …i would master it willingly.

Trust me, I have been frustrated and all the above… my advice if you truly are looking for it is to take your time and enjoy it. It won’t happen overnight and like anything worthwhile in life it takes effort and time…and if you’re willing I believe that’s all it takes is effort and time.

I remember Clint told someone in forums about 6months ago, that if you chose to learn from ICT it will be very long and hard journey, but its worth it.

Every trader has some of the attributes or the quality that makes his special and a set of skills when applied will make a potential successful trader.

I am not saying that any and every trader will be a success but those who have the skills will definitely will :slight_smile:

Oh yea of little faith… why do you doubt? Step out of your boat… :wink:

and when you do step out of your boat you have 2 choices sink or swim. ICT had taught you how to swim but the rest is up to you. Have fun the waters nice :wink:

LOL I just realized Mike you just stated the exact same thing on your other thread.

“except a tiny mustard seed fall to the ground and die, it cannot sprout and grow into the greatest of trees.”

ICT, thank you for your generosity. I’m sick, I’m old and I’m gonna try to start with $ 100.00 USD and follow your directions. I’d like to say lots of things about how wonderful it was to find your first video… “gasp, finally… someone with a little sense”… :slight_smile: . But I’ll just say [I]thanks again[/I].


right …just watched a couple more videos of ICT…and im more than just convinced…im in it for the long haul…this guy is my main mentor …dont care how long it takes…dont care how complex it gets…currently just feel lucky that he crossed my path…i could have ended up on another forex forum and completely missed this fantastic opportunity…or landed with a different crowd on you tube…not that the guys wouldnt have been able to teach some good stuff…just that this guy bags the whole forex process…we are onto a winner here…and i cant believe ITS FREE…
some guys are paying thousands and thousands of pounds and dollars for courses that dont even touch on what us guys can learn from this guy.
ha ha.

listen guys…i need a favour…

i am now in the process of reading this thread from beginning to end.
i need someone to upload a torrent to pirate bay containing all ICT earlier videos…
apparently he has a new set …the ones i have been watching…

but at the beginnning of this thread there are videos on swing trade review and more…which when clicked on have been taken down by the user…

please can someone let me get my hands on copies of these videos…

i know he probably covers the same stuff in the new vids…but im thinking i may be able to pick out a gem from the old stuff…maybe just something he says that triggers an idea to pursue another direction…so please let me know who has copies and let me get my hands on them…thank you…

Enthusiasm is good. Careful though, you’re repeating questions that pop up about once a month. The thread has a search tool.

I’m sure someone will be more generous with their response, but there is an undercurrent of sentiment here that flames people for repeating questions asked over and over previously.

The videos you’re referring to are buried somewhere in this thread as a torrent link, which can be found via the search tool, at least that’s what I did. I wouldn’t concern yourself with them greatly, they are pretty much the same content as what is on the first page. In fact, I’d warrant the only advantage they really have is they offer a different structure to the learning, which is perhaps better the second time through the material.

thanks so much…and ill try and get through the thread as quickly as possible so as not to keep repeating

Th ICT videos are both informative and unique in the sense that they give us the facts. If we come to know the reality from the start we will save our selves from the big time mistakes that most of the trades do.

This can also serve as the starting level of Motivation that is needed to survive in the Forex markets.

ok i still need the videos of ICT earlier stuff…i have found several torrents in the thread but none of them download…they have zero seeders …therefore can someone please seed and let me know the torrent file that is seeding …as the ones i have dont work.
