What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

can anyone point me in a good direction for a book that explains type 1 and type 2 divergence in detail…and hopefully references comparison of the currency pair with the smt or with certain indicators .

Take it easy.

You don’t need to read a book about divergences. If you want to learn about the concept, go through the appropriate grade in the BP school:

Divergence Trading | Trading Divergences | Learn Forex Trading

Then watch the ICT video “How Professionals Use Indicators”.

That will do much more good than reading a book about this topic, trust me.

By the way, I googled for SMT using also synonyms, but could not find a single website/forum talk about it. It seems it is unique here on BabyPips.

hi fx trader…yes its difficult to get some good data on smt…i have been throught the baby pips school from beginning to end and i want to get more information…to be honest im a bit of a geek…when it comes to wanting to understand a topic…like im currently reading 2 books on COT reports…even though the main thing they teach …which is about extremes…i already know…but i feel proper in depth understanding gives me an edge.

im also trying to get my hands on ICT’s old videos…i got all the new stuff…but i think people are holding it back…if you can point me to copies i will be totally grateful…
even though he goes over the same stuff in the new vide…i am convinced i am missing something without them…so i have got to get copies one way or antoher.

Told ya! :wink: lol

:)… okay Bub… sloooooooooow down. I appreciate your enthusiasm but there really is no rush. Work with what you have… then sweat the small stuff. I assure you… what is on the first page is more than enough study material for months. You however, are my prime target for doing this… the unquenchable thirst for knowledge and the excitement going in.

:59: Love it! lol

hello ICT. …as you can see you got me all in a spin.
my OCD has fully kicked in.
i understand that i have more than enough to get on with.

truth is im not rushing the learning…i really do suffer from slight OCD and i do get excitable as this is my ticket to do what i want with my life…which has always been trading…but never has an opportunity like this arisen …in that i am totally at peace …no doubts whatsoever about finding the right guidance into the trader field…probably because i am overly sceptical.

find it hard to push on with my learning whilst something is missing…(like videos, and occasionally…YOU)…so im in a spin trying to get all the material together sooner rather than later.

its all systems go for me at home right now.

im gonna take a couple deep breaths and get immersed in the videos and books you mentioned…and see what happens on my charts…start to build the skill.

happy trading.

…Glad to see another Londoner on board! :slight_smile:

I mean this with the upmost respect. The only thing you are missing is your self discipline. All I see here is you diving into a pool of sharks saying ICT told me how to swim. Guess what just because he told you how dont mean you can. Learn discipline before any of these concepts. Your OCD is exactly what banks are looking for. To be honest all I see reading your posts is exactly why these concepts work. Take a step back and like ICT said take a deep breath. Your going to fast and it will lead to one place? The pool of the 95% that cant make it. I have the torrent file but you are the only one I will not give it to. Not because I am hiding something. All you need is on the first page the rest is just repetitive. It does tie some of the thread with the market reviews but even then ITS ALL ON THE FIRST PAGE. So relax and take it one step at a time. If not proceed the AUD/USD is a good place to start I can use the liquidity hope you got some money. I will be more than happy to show why you should listen to whats being said and not take it as disrespect (I mean none I am just not here to sugar coat things). Good luck and I really hope for your sake you take this as advise

ha ha…hey bobby…

bobby bobby BOBBY…i am extremely self disciplined.
even when i lose money trying new things…i have actually blown out my trading account twice…
not through lack of self disciplin…but due to experimentation…prior to experimenting i fully understood what could happen…i was testing my ‘gut for real’…seeing if my gut and a few signals could pull something off…

i learned that my gut is actually quite good.
even though i blew out the account…its my interpretation of the feelings that were wrong…and in blowing out my account i learned quite a bit about my gut feelings.

namely that if im really excitable…that the excitement is due to over extending my risk…that i felt quite high…and also that i had a little voice whispering the downside that i ignored in my excitement…that little voice is with me always…and that is my true gut…its quiet and can get overwhelmed by my desire…that is what i learned…so its all good…worth every penny.

i fully understand that ICT can not just tell me how to swim…i dont expect that…
he is my mentor…and will guide me…
if i dont take the guidance then i will not learn what he is guiding me to…and if i dont do the study or dont grasp the concepts or am incapable of grasping the concepts then i will not learn…

i now realise that trading is a very disciplined art form…its an art in the truest sense…
and although not the same i know how to get fantastic at the arts…from when i was young it took me several months to grasp how to do the rubik cube…but i persisted and got there fantastically in the end…not world record standard but good.
it took me 8 years of getting my ass kicked to fully grasp and become competent at brazillian jiu jitsu…
and it took me 10 years to be able to fault find any electrical fault that eluded even top guys…when it came down to more subtle stuff like inductive and capacitive reactance imbalances…stuff that not many people know how to find…i learned it on my own…

so like i said i know the road…even if i did blow a few accounts …no big deal…
im a white belt forex trader…and ict is a black belt forex trader…the only difference between a white belt and a black belt is the black belt never gave up…so my enthusiasm is just excitement for my future quest and life in forex.

you never know…in the future maybe i could use your liquidity …
its on mate…
seriously no hard feelings…i actually like a bit of resistance…but please dont ever throw down a challenge…i find them hard to resist.

Can I be the one that throws down the challenge? :slight_smile:

What I’d suggest, since we’re in similar situations, is maintain a small footprint here for now. learn, live, love what’s been provided to you. Own it. Ask questions, seek more information at the points where there is a void of understanding. It’s tough to know how to aid anyone that’s in your face about knowing what you know. People cant learn/teach through osmosis.

I’ve watched and re-watched videos over months, taking notes, and now creating my own ~40 page manual of the notes I’ve gathered. I’ll know how to seek the additional knowledge I need once I have a hold of all that’s available so far. This is my own approach and it’s what I think would work for me. Everyone has their own methods but maybe you can glean something from my own experience.


keep up the good work…hope your approach is eventually profitable (consistently). …but thats not my way im afraid…

already started to check my levels proper…resistance and support and basically sussing out the strenght of these levels…by watching them and their history…
running a couple of fib lines and demo trading and i caught both the swing in the cable and the short in the fiber both yesterday and today…and really getting into whats happening in the asian session…and reading lots of personal technical analysis books…
im just submerged in the whole thing…not taking on too much information…just a few basics and demoing them to the max…setting my charts up with daily highs and stuff like ICT said and watching the bounce…
bottom line is im gettting experience doing some critical stuff…and ill do this for the next couple of weeks until i wanna try something else.

Very well said BostonE, as well as bobmaniac!

eblip, your excitement is contagious and I like the energy! Take that as your approach when diving into the study material, but I will let my man ICT do the talking from there.

Trading in pretty much any other state than [B][I]“optimistic objectivity”[/I][/B] will soon reflect in any trading account.

Believe me man, I am an excitable person as well, you can just tell it from my excessive use of exclamation marks!!!

But I’ve burnt my fingers (and account) just one too many times before I decided enough is enough - calm down. LOL! Now I respect trading and even though I thoroughly enjoy it now, I still have to treat my trade setups as a business. When the trade enters, then I go all Energizer bunny again! :wink:

Good luck man, you’ve got what it takes. Just take what you’ve got here.


eblip, can I ask you a question?

hello pipowski…if you wanna know about forex…then im the wrong person to ask…just feeling my way…dont really know what works just yet…if its about your love life, no offence but i dont wanna know mate…
and if its personal to me …then i may answer.

but your free to ask whatever you want…even if its offensive …i dont own the forum…and if i did…you would still be free to ask.

Hey eblip - Nah, since you seem to be just ahead of me I wanted to ask you if you’re trading live or how you’re setting yourself up for it. I read your posts about OCD and I know something about that so I’m just wondering how you slow things down and develop a plan. Hope there’s nothing offensive in that… never did like being [I]that[/I] new. : )

best to you


How on earth is this thread not sticky’d yet??? BabyPips mods - wake up! :stuck_out_tongue:

hi pipowski…i dont think im ahead of you…ive blown out a couple of accounts already…and yes i love trading live so i have a small account that is trading live and adhering strictly to the 1 to 2 percent maximum risk at any one time…and i have a demo account…started with 50 grand last week and its already at about 60k in 3 days trading…but yes…im overleaveraging it…

and as for the ocd…im not like a serious case, but im deffinitely a little excentric.

i dont slow down…im happy operating at this pace…this is just how i operate…i get a lot done in a short period…and also think i have a good sense of what is gonna be productive for me and what isnt…
i wont really have a plan together for a long time…the plan develops when it develops…but i am just focussing on grabbing elements that may be useful to me in the end…and then with experience and trials …ill eventually have a system…that works for me…

im not rushing to develop a plan…
my plan is to

base my learning on what ICT (inner circle trader) teaches.
experiment with his latest guidance or method do some back ground reading on it…to get the edge.
demmo it and see if i can get good results.
get confident with it and then move onto another bit of guidance.
keep delving into possibilities and patterns …that seem to occur on my charts…like there is a pattern that looks like the silouhette of BAT MAN…and you can see it on a line chart…and this thing crops up quite a bit…and when it does …you wanna be on the side of his cape…to collect the points…
im gonna see if stuff like that actually works.

keep adding to my forex toolbox until i can hopefully get ridiculously consistent.
another thing is my personal quest is to learn how to spot trend changes…i want trend changes to be my speciality at the moment…so that is big for me when scanning the charts…

once consistent i will know what to do and have a plan or rather a trading strategy.
other than that plan is just to manage risk like ICT taught…and to scale out profits.

anyway hope that helps

Hey eblip - thanks for getting back to me. You know, I was so stunned by the implications of blowing my demo account out I thought I’m either too stupid and I’ll never figure it out or it somehow [I]has[/I] to be stacked against me… :slight_smile: This time, for some reason, when I read ICT’s instruction to “forget everything I knew or thought I knew about FX” (which took me [I]honestly now…[/I]) all of 30 or 40 seconds (stupid-maybe but I [I]have[/I] read alot) - I have done that. Other posts have mentioned how infectious your excitement is (and my OCD has fostered the same kind of excitement in me) but I don’t want to lose my excitement for some inexplicable reason… I think I’m afraid something could take the fun out of it for you too.

So far, my only plan is to allow myself to continue this surprising sense of [I]respect[/I] I feel for Mr. Huddleston’s generosity and instruction. My god… if I was any younger, there’s no way I would have listened to him tell me to forget everything I know or think I know… Or that I could climb to the [I]other[/I] side of the food chain… But I’ve taken those statements to heart and they’ve been humbling. If that keeps up, maybe I’ll become teachable… Going through his stuff though… I do feel pretty stupid.

Keeping at it though.

I wish you the very, [I]very[/I] best in your efforts.


p.s. - I’m actually reading every word I can find over at the CFTC web site. Can’t find the COT Reports for May, though.

hey pipowski …if you need any good reading material…or anything to help you…i get everything free online and ill let you get copies …no matter what area of forex or if you want the books ict mentioned…ill be able to get you pdf copies for free…just pop me an email if you want to get more background reading and well sort it out…

but you stay as you are…excitable or stern…thats you …you dont have to be what others want you to be…your free to be what you want…

im glad your onto the ICT thing, i dont actually listen to many people…im a lone player …cant work for others can only work for msyelf etc…but him…i shut up a listen…cause he knows the score, and he is actually giving those of us (me included)…born with a wooden spoon in our mouths…who have never had the breaks…and opportunity to do this…and even if this type of work didnt pay that well …its still the type of work i enjoy…so its all good.

you are most certainly teachable…more teachable than me…as you sound like a more humble person.
if you find his stuff complex…your one of many…but its all because its new…and if you take each little bit step by step it will soon become quite clear…
watch each video 10 times and get comfortable with your computer and the software and if you get stuck …ask someone …ill help if i can.

anyway …its been nice speaking to you…hope we keep in touch…and dont be offended by any posts i send…in the future…as sometimes i get competitive and a bit rash…but i dont harbour any hard feelings…i need to stop thinking the whole world is out to get me…

thats just a product of living in inner city london for too long i suppose…
anyway good luck with your training.

Well, thanks eblip :slight_smile: It’s been nice speaking with you too. Recently (a couple weeks before I returned to Babypips) I dreamed I bought a small postage stamp of a piece of land with a crappy little mobile home on it. When I went to move in, I discovered a bunch of crappy goo spread out around the property. Turns out it was oil - and there was a million barrels of it under the trailer. So I built a pump and started filling barrels… at 90 USD per barrel… well, it was good :slight_smile:

Sounds like FX to me - : ) I do wish you the best - especially the hard parts, whatever they may be; And I’ll be glad to watch you “climb to the other side of the food chain” : ) Like Thumper with fangs…
