What Every New & Or Aspiring Forex Trader... Still Wants To Know

Hi Michael (ICT)

I’ve been going through the videos from page 1 and I’m now starting to make some sense. Hopefully when I start to demo trade I will be able to post some charts for analysis and feedback from yourself and the rest of the crew here.

Sorry to clutter the forum post but I just thought I should make my thanks known as I appreciate the help and education you are offering to the forum for the people who want to take on board your concepts and teachings. Thanks again.


Iv been clicking refresh button since monday morning . can i get award for that once we hit 1 000 000 ? :rolleyes:

LMAO that my friend is pure genius

Hey guys, out of respect for ICT I suggest that as soon as thread reaches 999,999 posts, no one posts in thread so that the millionth post can be written by Michael himself. I am sure he will have some words of wisdom and he will appreciate the thought. Perhaps I have not earned the right to suggest this as I do not post much…but still I think it is a nice idea…so I’m planting the seed…its up to you now guys.

sorry to burst your bubble- but 1,000,000 views - not posts - -it’ll be pretty hard to identify the 1,000,000 viewer.

Only 989,628 posts to go. Keep em coming guys

It’s a bit like counting down to the new year, and then it will be like Christmas with all the goodies that Santa Michael will leave us :slight_smile:

Haha what was I thinking!!!

Congratulations ICT! 1,000,000 views :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

1,000,000+ views and counting! Congrats ICT and everyone who made this thread what it is! The numbers don’t lie!

Congrats to ICT and thanks to the folks that have built this thread in the past 2 years, it was very helpful to wholly read it!

ICT you rock, up to this day I still can’t believe I don’t even use indicators anymore . My charts look so nice now without having half of them swallowed up in oscillators and such :slight_smile: Never looking back for sure.

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Thank you very much for your interest in this thread and making it the 1,000,000 viewed thread on the website. I am very honored and proud of you all for putting the work in learning these concepts and rewarding me and my time and efforts. The numbers say it all… [U]we[/U] rock!

As I promised I would officially close this thread on 1,000,000 views… a special post will be made this weekend honoring it’s achievement and milestone.

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

100,000,000 views? psh… That’s nothing. I’m pretty sure half of those views are mine. :stuck_out_tongue: haha Way to go guys, its been an awesome journey.

I remember the first post I ever read from ICT. It was similar to the first post on this thread. I read that post over 2 years ago, and I thought to myself “this guy isn’t like the other system creators I’ve seen before” and I was quite interested in what would actually be delivered by this “InnerCircleTrader”. Of course the screen name caught my eye too… “could this be a real bank trader ready to dish out the secrets of FX for free??” I thought.

Well now it’s 2012 and not 2010, and I must say that every hopeful expectation I had when reading that first post has been delivered by this InnerCircleTrader… none other than Michael Huddleston!

Thank-you Michael for being one of the few people in the world who actually deliver what they promise :slight_smile:

I think it’s [B]us[/B] that are supposed to be thanking you, [B]Congratulations![/B] :35:
Hopefully over the summer you’ll see more of me.
I have my live account almost ready to go…

It is a part of the history now.
Congratulation Michael.

Just want to say thanks Micheal.
