What Every New or Aspiring FX Trader Wants To Know

Well today I shorted from the Previous Days High twice and covered a little before S1.

I am working on an outline for the MeetPips.com section I will be using. If you give me a few days… I will have enough there to bring you up to speed and bring you to a better understanding of how I trade and what I look for.

Just for now… look for the high and low between New York Midnight to Midnight. These are your buy and sell areas. Anything inbetween and you’re trading with momentum and or the trend followers. I trade where the banks get in and out. Smart money accumulation and distribution areas.

Just track the thread daily… there will be new pieces submitted and you will eventually have enough to see what the smart money is doing. Hopefully that is.

Got it! Thanks!

By travpip at 2010-03-09

as i went through it the answers to my questions became more obvious.
I was going to ask about which trade would be the right one to take, but i think they all would of been ok if you managed the trade correctly - which [B]does take concerted effort and focus[/B]. Doing the [B]right thing [/B]and maintaining focus is something that i know i dont always do! getting tired long day and 2 year old pushing down the screen to laptop or wanting elmo on youtube or something doesnt help!, actually makes it near impossible, especially with the 4month old crying right next to me!

If when day trading, how does a pro do it, is he focused on his chart potential setup and position for the whole day or does he/she do an hour here 2 hours there, around the key times.

For instance tonight, i got in a trade, gbp/jpy, from S1 back up to S2, and i was up 30pips but i took a loss on that trade, cause i was looking for 45pips or something, i actually had a take profit just above S2, (stupid). It reversed at S1 and headed back down below S2 towards S3 and i went into a vegetable state.

I had made trades earlier in the day, about 3 shorts for a total of 70pips, but i was kind of kicking myself for getting in and out of those trades, when i look at how high i took the first short.
I know you mention 2 positions, and taking profit at 20pips and letting the other ride, but would you bring the stop to breakeven at 20pips for the second position and risk it getting stopped out - when you “know” it is going down? I suppose yes.

nope, won’t happen for me.

Probably because it’s a bitmap…if I right click and select to open in a new tab, then I can view it.

ICT, can you save your charts as jpgs? and then when you’ve uploaded it, click to view the larger image, grab the url, and insert in right in the post, surrounded with the tags.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Right click on the image and click on ‘open’ then you may have to select a program to open it with, I like Irfanview

Quick Question. My Pivot Points built into my chart software automatically sets it for 2pm-2pm PST (-8GMT). Is that the standard or are you figuring a different time? I think I heard you say you base your pivot points off of the same time banks do? 12am EST? Which would be 9pm PST. Thank you.

By travpip at 2010-03-10

simple trading again today in my favorite pair.
Firstly the move down to yesterdays low which was pretty much were i had
S1 as well, and then the move back up to the CPP, when "the smart money came in"
I made 80pips on the move down, and i chickened out early on the move back up with only about 10pips. Could of ridden that for 100 but i switched off happy with my pips for the day

everone going to have a different opinion, however, the pivots are calculated from the previous day hi/low, and rarely will that occur in that time difference where people tell you is the best time to calc your pivots. A good source that i check mine autopivots against if i am unsure is this:
Pivot Points Summary - Forex Trading, Currency Forecast, FX Trading Signal, Forex Training Course, Education, Tutorial, FX Book, Forex ebook, Learn to Trade Forex, FX Guide, Pivot Points, Currency Rates, Forex Secret, Forex Brokers, Currency Trading

just look at the daily pivots

What makes the close, high & low more important than the pivot?

Are you aware of how the pivot is calculated?

A friendly nudge dancat.
Be very careful about being lured into this type of “debate”

It already has a very familiar ring to it :rolleyes:

What is meant by “smart money”? I keep seeing that term here & there but I don’t know how it’s recognized in the charts. Seems your trade was pretty smart regardless and doesn’t look any different going down, than it does going back up…lol


This might help… already done for you. Based on my midnight to midnight pivots.

Nice sentiment, daily highs and lows for your homework time.

Daily Highs / Lows :: Dukascopy Bank SA | Swiss Forex Bank | ECN Broker | Managed accounts | Swiss FX trading platform

Nice job!! :cool:

It is not more important than the actual levels at highs and lows.

Pivots are intraday milemarkers in a sense. markets try to swing to these levels and based on the flows once getting to them we can anticipate a reaction.

Daily highs and lows are king however. The large institutions watch these “known” levels of support and resistance. Entering at or near these levels often times presents the lowest risk points bar none.

Hope this helps.:slight_smile:

Smart money is the term coined for those entities who enter in shorts as price rallies higher and buys into declining slides in price. They understand the flows and do not fear shorting right into a known resistance level and not wait to see it turn before they act on it… by then its moved considerably away from the resistance level and thus requires large risk and stop placement. The reverse is said for buying.

They are smart in this respect only… so join the club and follow their coat tails.

Right on…and Volume tells you the amount of activity from the “smart money”. (yes, even in forex :p)

Well I have alot to be thankful for. I am alive and survived a motorcycle crash yesterday afternoon… praise God! I have a few broken ribs, collarbone and scapula damage… the pain is relentless, let me tell ya. :frowning:

So we have monitored three days of price action and there has been quite a few trade candidates presented based on the small list of parameters we outlined in the earlier posts of this thread.

I will try to post my charts in .jpg format so this might help those who didn’t see the posted charts clearly or at all.

First things first… I see a few trades posted that I find encouraging… nice tool usage. This post I wanted to touch on trading bias or direction for the day.

Many traders find themselves scratching their heads every day or night wondering what direction should you be focusing on in your trades.

Here is a question for you…

How many days did you find your trades multiple times buying and multiple times selling? Maybe your trades made money but did you find yourself giving it all back and worse with interest? :confused:

Let’s talk about directional bias and how to exercise professional trader’s patience:

[B]Long Term Charts Have The Strength[/B]
First and formost… if you do not refer to your daily charts, you are going to eventually see huge swings pass you by and worse yet… trade into something bullish on the intraday charts which might be a bear with blood on his mind… let’s not do that folks.

The daily Support and Resistance levels and Swing highs and lows are critical in swing setups that pay ridiculously for the smart patient trader. You want your trades to be in the market flow of the daily and hourly charts… not soley on the trend of a 1 or 5 minute chart. This is dangerous… even if you are scalping. (let me know if you scalpers need tips here)

[B]Which Way To The Emerald City?[/B]
Every day or night which ever you start your new session analysis for trading, you should have a checklist. This should be written down… not mental. It’s forced discipline and we’re working with your money afterall… would you trust your bank teller to take your deposits and remember to deposit them in to your account, no, you expect her/him to write it down and record it. Expect paperwork when successful trading is your goal.

This checklist must be clear, objective and identifies everthing you would need to be mindful of for that trading day or session. If you have a solid checklist this will guide you to consistent profitable trading which aids your development in patience and removes the chances, if followed, in overtrading.

Your Preflight Checklist:
Every pilot before flying goes through a systematic preflight checklist. Since everyone in trading wants to be Top Gun material… this is a must for long term success.

What would a Preflight checklist look like? You might be asking yourself… or what would it include?

First you want to have the Monthly, Weekly and Daily levels closest to the current market price in fron of you. You want you Daily Pivot levels in written form in front of you. You want the Daily, 4 hour and 15 minute levels noted as well. Not to mention their directional probablity for each.

What price patterns are in the longer term charts that may impact your analysis? Fibonnacci levels to watch for on long term swing retracements in the direction of the market flow?

If the daily is in a down trend and trading lower from a key resistance level and we are not oversold or trading at or near a key daily or longer term support level… this sets the stage for SHORTS only.

On your intraday charts, 4 hour, 60 minute, 15 minute charts you would ideally look for rallies in price up to a Pivot Resistance or Previous Daily High or even Low to provide resistance for price. The longer ter trend or market flow will likely be correcting or retracing intraday and markets trade higher to trade lower… it’s flows 101.

[B]Sniper Trader:[/B]
This is the elite in my opinion. This trade doesn’t care about the 20 pips here or 30 pips there intraday that can be caught be any average trader. The Sniper has a single goal in mind… one shot, one kill. His mark is that 100 pip target that when it finds its way in the crosshairs… it’s on.

This trader will only trade setups with the market flow in his or her favor and wait for days for the right setup. The markets present maybe two or three solid Sniper setups in my experience. These are the pretty highs or lows intraweek most trades daydream of having caught… or maybe were in but jumped ship too soon.

[B]Directional Bias For Dummies:[/B]
We all seen those silly titled books, Auto Repair for Dummies, Cooking Pasta 211 Ways For dummies… well here is my submission to the series as it relates to Directional bias.

First let me say, this is not a be all end all… it like everything else in trading is based on probabilities. Your results will vary and as time goes on, you will know when to expect the odds to favor this method or stand on the sidelines and wait longer… yeah I know, that word again… wait.

In a nut shell:

  1. Refer to the market flow of the daily charts.
  2. Daily chart still have flows that could swing higher without being overbought?
  3. If above condition is met… look for the Daily low to be made in the first 4 hours of new days strading then watch the high unfold based on targets and intraday analysis techniques.
  4. If daily stage is bullish and 4 hour and hourly are in sync… look for Daily Pivots under the Central Pivots to provide your buy signals.
  5. If the market opens above the Previous Days High… wait for a retracement back the Previous High for Support. Look for Pivot confluence at or around same High, for buy signals.
  6. If we open in te BUY ZONE (in the S1-S2 PIVOTS area) expect the low to form in this area and when the low forms and time passes add four PIVOT levels higher to the Low… this is your projected Pivot High objective.
  7. Pivot Levels tend to see 4 levels filled by number… that means they touch atleast four levels intraday in 24 hours. Time your trades in the daily and 4 hour, 60 minute market flow and use the Pivots as crosshairs to target price objectives to reach.

Reverse for for Shorts.

By doing this and having your checklist in front of you, you can see the levels Market Makers are trying to move flows to based on Pivots, Daily Highs and Lows, Daily support or resistance and note intraweek los and highs… these are objectives for retests. There you have it… directional bias for dummies.

I will present you examples later, but my shoulder is killing me so I’m going to rest for a bit here.

Ok, I understand…that’s basically what we are doing with the gartley patterns. Thought it was more like a group of people otherwise “in-the-know” somehow…lol.

Thanks :slight_smile:

i was wondering if we had lost you! - might never of known why too.
Bloody motorbikes though, wouldn’t catch me on one of those, (except when i am on holiday in thailand or bali and riding around there without a helmet and with sandals on).
Shouldnt you be driving around in an aston martin or ferrari or the like with your fx winnings?

great post by the way, makes me think more about these flows, and makes me realise i am on the right track with my trading strategy statement ;
[B]trending momentum=the highest possible risk/reward trade. I look for 100+pips oppurtunities intra-day trend, ideally with compelling momentum between pivot points, support/resistance previous day hi/low, open/close. I try to capture the easy money within this startegy[/B].

Also, i have learnt that placing trades in between pivot levels and not at these key levels has been coined no mades land.

Anyway hope your ok ICT and looking forward to more of your inner circle trading stuff - its the gold!