What Every New or Aspiring FX Trader Wants To Know

well you posted your pivots 15minutes before midnight EST

looks like it just broke the neck line there, good one

nice looking chart:D

Thanks…it does look a little clearer on my monitor…the chart kinda got distorted when saved as a gif…I guess I have to put it in Paint to save as a jpeg, but that’s a hassle…lol.

I believe this indicator uses midnight GMT which is represented by those dark vertical lines (not the dark vertical news lines lol). When I installed that ghous (sp?) clock that Macgyver posted a few ones back, it said my broker was using GMT time…so that’s what I’m going by :slight_smile:

Right now it says it the 6:00 GMT bar (M30 chart) and it’s the 22:00 bar here my PST local time…so my pivots were calculated 6 hours ago.

I am pretty sure ICT wants his pivots calculated ,
midnight to midnight NEW YORK est time which would be 5am GMT

Weekly pivots. 3h chart (with oanda), with S1&S2 below the pivot, and R1&R2 above. I calculate the S3 and R3, but don’t add them til price gets near S2/R2.

You’ll notice that this chart would be stark naked without those pivots drawn. I think this simplicity will help me better focus on pivot based trading ideas. But don’t underestimate the amount of information from those little candles :wink:

Also I have a daily chart with Monthly Pivots drawn to act as a guide for my overall biases on currencies. COT reports are “taken into consideration” when I start trading for the week though.

Past that, it’s all highly discretionary, as I constantly try to incorporate economic releases and the “context/bias” of the market I’m looking at.
I’ll focus on trading one currency, one trade at a time, but am open to trading the 6 majors (not NZD/USD) if they show some signs for volatility potential. I move stops and targets around as price action gives me clues. Stops are hard and Targets are soft, I want to leave potential for large moves OPEN and potential for large losses CLOSED.

I’m not here to convince anyone of anything so if I post any results it’ll be at most on a monthly basis and will simply be a Net R-multiple for the month.

Just started trading this on sunday, and if it is a success I’ll have to give credit to this thread! I’ve had a lot more success by calculating the pivots by hand and drawing them on, the look is a lot less distracting so I can focus on what price action is saying about the pivot levels…

Thanks all, tell me if i missed something. i tried to keep it simple (for my sake), so this is pretty much as complex as i can explain in words :slight_smile:

Ok then, what are we…4 hrs apart? I changed the timezone parameters and now pretty much have the same levels as you …off by a pip or 2

Those are generated by a dynamic S&R indicator that uses dots instead of lines…blue is support, red is resistance…over a user specified period of bars. It also calcualates the fib levels between S&R, but I have it turned off.

I know this is something ICT wrote but I quote it from Used.

What does ICT mean with central pivots? Are there more than one or it was just a typo? :confused:

I believe it’s just another way of referring to them…the Pivot Point is the [U]center or main[/U] line between the R3 & S3 pivot levels. There are 7 daily pivot levels, with 1 of them in the middle.

BTW, I was thinking pivots would be a great addition to the Gartley/Butterfly multiple “D” dilema…use the D that is at or near a pivot level…?


Thanks for answering,

I’m with you in this one! I’m going to add them to watch price behavior. You know I’m also monitoring volume at D’s. Great to be able to catch a little bit form here and a little bit from there! :slight_smile:

The Central PIVOT POINT is the “Pivot Point” in the most middle of the eight individual levels.

When Price is above this level it generally sets up Sell Signals, but in strong trending conditions can act as Support for Buy Signals.

Reverse for Price under the Central Pivot Point.

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A lot going on in that chart… :eek:

I use the Midnight to Midnight to ensure I have the highest High and lowest Low prior to Central European Session begins.

If you are a New York Session trader, you can fine tune your Pivots at 7am New York time.

If you are a Asian Session Trader, calculate your numbers at 7pm to fine tune your Asian Session levels.

Since the majority of the liquidity is seen in London and Asian sessions overlap… I use my Midnight session Pivots to be my go to levels. They will serve you well for 24 hours.

Hope this helps.

Okay folks today saw some nice setups in the Cable. The market had a Bullish Divergence in the MACD basis 60 minute chart from the reaction low made at yesterdays low.

This longer term top down analysis sets the stage for Buys. The market also had a Bull Flag pattern going into the London Session last night that developed a Inverted Head & Shoulders pattern. Im going to resist the temptation to talk about Fibonnaci here and reserve this for a later time after the core market analysis methods are covered.

The right shoulder of the inverted H&S pattern basis 15 minute chart was higher than the left shoulder and this is confirmation of an excellent upside swing to unfold.

Enter Pivot Zone:
The Previous Day’s High and Low had us waiting for this stage as we entered new trading last night in the middle essentially of the PDH and PDL.

The Inverted H&S neckline was seen at Pivot Level 1.4989 and the PDH. The right shoulder was formed at the Central Pivot Level 1.4950.

The Cable put in another Bullish Divergence basis 15 minute chart at the Central Pivot for today’s low risk Long entry. I wanted to focus on the tip I mentioned to you all the other day… the Pivot Levels try to fill the numbers or in other words trade to atleast four levels. This is not always the case… but more often than not… it will trade higher from one Pivot Level to three higher Pivot Levels.

Today’s action presented a Central Pivot Low so let’s look at how I classify the 8 levels…

R2- Resistance Pivot #2
MR2 - Mid Level 50% between R1 and R2
R1 - Resistance Pivot #1
MR1 - Mid Level 50% between Central Pivot and R1
Central Pivot Level Pivot Zone Bias
MS1 - Mid Level 50% between Central Pivot and S1
S1 - Support Pivot #1
MS2 - Mid Level 50% between S1 and S2
S2 - Support Pivot #2

With the Pivot levels presenting us a low risk Pivot Long Entry that had confluence with Longer Term Price patterns in the form of Inverted H&S pattern and MACD Positive divergences… we would look for the three higher Pivot Levels to be filled inside the day’s range.

Today that would be seen in the form of:

MR2 being projected day’s High
R1 as a S&R Pivot
MR1 as a S&R Pivot
Central Pivot Point as the lowest of the four numbers filled in the sequence.

What did the price action give us in the Cable today? Precision like no other. MR2 or 1.5061 was nailed right on as an intermediate term High today in the Cable… and look at the Pivots between MR2 and Central Pivot Point… nice Support and Resistance action as the numbers were filled for the day. :cool:

This afternoon we saw the Cable try to shake the weak bulls out when it tried to trade under PDH 1.5014 only to find a Support level in the form of MR1 at 1.4989 area.

I hope you enjoyed this Pro Tip for this installment… Good Luck and Good Trading!

Very sore but thanks for your concern… appreciated. :slight_smile:

Well it’s actually pivot point + 8 :slight_smile:

I just noticed that…:o

I knew I wasn’t going to get away that easy with my charts looking like that…lol. Actually it’s not so bad.

I am trying to get the pivot level labels over to the right side which has an empty margin area that the pic cropped off. The pivot indicator also displays extra fib levels based on the high/low, which I can turn on or off…they do cause more clutter but I’m still trying to determine if they help any better than drawing fibs.

The bottom green lime orange red yellow histogram is my CCI … instead of macd. Red means oversold, to Lime means overbought.

I removed the volume indicator…just had it on when I took the screen shot.

The ZUP indicator makes the biggest mess with all the connecting lines trying to find a gartley :eek: I could probably make the lines invisible cause I dont really need them until a pattern shows up.

The background has slightly shaded areas which represent the Asian & London session times when I’m home in the evening.

There are 2 text indicators to display when news is coming, and to display the daily range.

Oh ya…the 2 ema’s…they’re supposed to help with direction, but IDK.

The zigzag…it helps to enhance the swings and pullbacks for me…I might not have noticed that h&s without it.

Othewise it doesn’t really have any more than the basic tools going on…just that they’re all in one place…lol.


So you’re saying that one should fine tune their pivots according to session they trade in? The key is having the highest High and lowest Low prior to that Session?

So if I trade the 2nd half of the Asian, and a few hours into the European, then fine tuning my pivots at 7pm EST would be at 4pm PST here…and 2300 GMT…so basically what I was using…lol. I don’t know why this is so confusing to me…arrgh!

That’s how I understand why 8

The same here. Wish you a soon recovery

P.S.-Again thanks for your sharing

Best regards