What is the maximum size of the lot that I can get on the market?

If I deposit 20.000$, what is the maximum size of the lot that I can get on the market?

Can you give me the link of that broker please.

Thank you

Lots sizes are the same for all brokers, except Oanda which doesn’t use lots, so I’m not really sure what you are asking…

Standard lot = $100,000.
Mini lot = $10,000.
Micro lot = $1000.

If you mean the maximum number of lots you can trade, if doesn’t really matter. With a $20,000 account you won’t be trading anywhere near the max number of lots. You’ll need WAY more than 20k to hit the max lot amount at any broker.

I mean on the maximum nuber of lots, standard lots.

Lets say that I would like to play with 100 standard lots and do deposit just as 20.000USD. Is it posible?

No, it’s not, and why would you want to?? I strongly advise you to go through the Babypips school before you deposit any money in a forex account. You will lose your 20k in minutes if you trade like that!!

Dear zboss2009:

I read many time ago than Warren Buffet say

Rule No. 1 Preserve the capital

Rule No. 2 Don’t forget the rule No. 1

And Babbypips school say about this some like that

If you have an account with 100 K trade 1 Lot

If you have less than 100 K trade 0.1 Lot

If you have less than 10 K trade a Mini Lot (0.01 Lot)

If you have less than 1 K trade a DEMO Account

My advice is Trade in a DEMO account enough time before than you open a Live Account, or you are in risk to evaporate your money in one single trading day.


Thank you for your replies

I do not plan to trade with dozens of standard lots, Im just asking that.

Maybe one day I will trade like that, but probably not (Im not insane).

I am practicing allot for now on a demo and thats all.

Can someone please answer to me?

Thank you and good luck

But lets neglect my initial deposit, can someone please answer?

Each broker is different. I know IBFX caps you at 50 lots per trade, but you can do as many 50 lot trades, one after the other, as you’d like.

You can get on about 50 standard lots with a single broker. If you want to do this sort of size then its sensible to start looking at liquidity aggregation where you are spreading you’re risk across multiple brokers. Realisically if you’re doing this it’s getting into institutional size so it might be worth getting a professional account with an IB.

very informative…thanks for sharing

Strongly agree with phil838, If you really planning to deposit a $20k, and not sure where you’re heading,
Try to invest some of your time on Babypips school, as this will will lessen your worries.

As already mentioned its advisable you do some FX learning before you trade, but having said that it depends on your leverage… Most brokers i’ve come across provide leverages i.e. 1:500, so with 20k you can open $10million USD which is 100 standard lots.

BUT i still recommend listening to Phil838 on this one, you don’t want to lose your money/ end up in massive debt within a few minutes.

That’s a nice choice you made, because it will be unfair to lose money you can’t afford to lose. Well, it’s good that you are practicing demo for now for It is the best way to follow before trading with live account.

I go with LoboTrader, I appreciate your thinking…:60:

i was reading the “answers” to the question, "What is the maximum size of the lot that I can get on the market?

zboss2009 gave the follwing example: “If I deposit 20.000$, what is the maximum size of the lot that I can get on the market? Can you give me the link of that broker please.”

unfortunately no one answered zboss2009’s question. all they did was offer advise he did not ask for.

with all due respect, its his money and he can do as he pleases with it. and it seems no one got the part where he said HE DOES NOT WISH TO EXECUTE SUCH INSANE TRADES. he simply wants an answer to the question posed.

so if someone actually has an answer to the question please provide the answer and refrain from giving advise.

i think these threads will be more helpful if people just answered questions instead of making wrong assumptions about the intentions of the people asking questions.

i was even shocked to see some rude responses to the questions as people concluded that zboss2009 wanted to trade with high lot sizes - and even if he wished to do so, i dont see any reason why anyone should be worried about how he chooses to spend his money. if he wants to buy Lamborghini are we all going to advise against it just because its expensive? its his money after all, he can do whatever he wants with it.

if you wish to provide free advice then thats fine but please also answer the question as well.

thank you.

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The thread’s over 9 years old, and the previous post just before you bumped it today was over 4 years ago. What’s the point in asking people who posted so many years ago to refrain from giving advice?

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cos the question still hasnt been answered and i happen to come across it even after 10 years. new people are constantly joining the forex family everyday and they will keep asking the same questions. so i think it is still valid to answer unanswered questions for those still seeking answers.

perhaps those people will see this post and actually answer the question.

I’m kind of hoping not, myself, because it was a bad question in the first place, and not an issue of any relevance to a retail forex trader, and not even one with a clearcut answer, because it necessarily depends on which market you’re trading in, and 99% of this forum’s members are just trading against a counterparty anyway.

It’s a misdirected, misguided, irrelevant issue that arises only out of lack of understanding about how retail forex trading works.

Questions like this tend to be the ones asked by people who were here very briefly, a decade ago, made two or three posts, and then disappeared.


I really want answer for this question and and no clear answer to it, with my respect to everyone in this thread.