What is your trading system?

hi, i’ve been trading for several years … im here to ask what is ur routine as a trader ? need to managemy day trading with a good routine. this is can help me to enjoy my day as a trader. I appreciate ur respons ;’)

And you’ve been trading for several years? Surely you should have a profitable strategy and process that you stick to for every trade? If not, start today.

And for yourself, you need to be in a detached mindset, so focus on being in the zone. Which means no outside interference while you’re trading.


Try using the search function. It’s very helpful. Good luck!


Hellooo! :blush: I’ve used a few trading systems in the past years but the one I’m currently using is the moving average system with 200 and 50 MA. :blush: It’s super simple. :smiley: What system are you currently using? :open_mouth: