What new skills or hobbies have you been busy with?

Because of all the free time from staying home, I’ve been trying my hand at cooking. I’m also looking into planting vegetables. Aside from trading, what have you been busy with now that you have more free time?

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I retired last year to care for my wife who had an accident. She is doing much better.
I, too, am learning to cook. Today was onion day. I caramelized 4 large yellow onions, used some in a vegetable dish and put the rest in a flat container in the freezer. Some can be broken off after it freezes and used in other things.
Too, I’ve learned to time everything so that all the meal is done at the same time, or at least still hot.

Home grown vegetables are the very best! You need the right temperature and humidity, but pretty easy if you start in the right part of the season.
Hope you are able grow some things; it’s well worth the effort.

BTW, we also got chickens a week ago, but don’t tell anyone, as I do not think we are supposed to have them in town. (-;


You guys didn’t waste any time, did you? Apart from watching a few new series and reading some new books, I haven’t tried anything else. Except I finally sorted out the mess that’s been forming in my closets for months. It was really hard work…

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Hands down I found the best time when not trading is Habitnest
Journals to help you focus on your free time , to meditate and to organize your time.

The Proven Profit Strategy
Babypips Trading Forum

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all good ideas above, cooking is great i love it,there always something new to prepare or try for the first time. Ive done fitness work outs and played tennis for the first in donkys years

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I’m sorry to hear about the accident. But I’m glad to hear you’re learning to cook. Similar to trading, cooking is an expression of yourself. A different side of your personality, but all you, nonetheless.

Good job!!

By the way @bobart …I know some people are sensitive to smells and don’t like the smell of food in their house. To me, the smell of anything cooking, is a sign that I came at the right time!

If I go to someone’s house, and I smell onions and garlic frying, oh man!! I love it!

Some people don’t like the smell of cooked fish in the air, but to me it’s wonderful. What do you guys think?


The smell of something cooking -
Me? I love it! My wife. . . not so much. She likes the onions okay and the smell of bread, but fish or something strong, or like cabbage, no.

I picked up origami haha. Being a lefty i was always clumsy with my hands. But surprisingly, origami works for me


Me too! Just enough to get this ol’ stomach grumbling haha

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I have started to learn the JavaScript programming language as well as exploring the world of GitHub in a move to broaden my horizon even though my professional background is in Banking & Finance.

It feels good and is a confidence booster to have an additional skill in my portfolio.


I discovered that the house needs all sorts of stuff done, I can’t say I have a lot of free time. :smiley:


It is true and every day you have to do miles of things, it is the place where you will never be unemployed: p

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True. It’s a vicious circle. You repair or clean something, something else pops up.

You have been very productive. Love the chickens!

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Ive been a beginner guitarist for years now! Keep playing the same songs over and over.

Decided I would learn fingerstyle guitar. Still working on my first song.
Here is the website I am using. I’m learning tears in heaven by Eric Clapton



Thanks, Bipin1800,
Got them a coop at the hardware store (not assembled :thinking:.)
They like it! I like them outside, too. :grinning:



WoW! Nice :house:!

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I always bought food but for safety reasons I’ve been cooking my food. Nothing fancy just simple stuff for now but at least I’m taking baby steps. It’s cool that a lot of us are doing things that we don’t usually do.

What kind of vegetables are you growing? I buy herbs but for some reason they always die. :expressionless:


That’s cool too. Even taking a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life is a great way to spend time while on lockdown. At least we get to rest and recharge until things get back to normal. What series did you watch?

Working out is also something I’ve been meaning to do but something always comes up haha.

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