What Really Turned My Trading Around

Hi Rel,
I’m busy these weeks, but I try to follow your posts too.
Let’s see if I’ve understood something.

Today’s EU.
After making a new Weeek, Month, Quarter low price stalled for a while forming a good bell distribution. Then it went up > 20 pips…
That (togheter with your studies about the monday extreme) can tell us to be ready to go long. Price retraced to 20 pips zone, but was unable to go down more… Is the zone marked by red rectangle a good place (and time) to go long?

The only thing wich could make me doubt is Volume… in fact, we have 3 hours peak volume and the major was @ 17.00 candle (broker time GMT+2) and that candle was up, bouncing @ weekly open… so, if I’ve undertood well, maybe price could stop there?

Yellow Horiz line is weekly open - Pink Horiz line is week, month, quarterly low

EDIT: I was thinking one could have gone long after 10:00 candle, coz of peak volume which failed to make a new low, after 9:00 candle shakeout with very high volume…? :33:

I have H5 into another chart… Do you mean it can help looking @ a break of H5 Lreg Channel togheter with other things I wrote? Or that it must be present (e.g, yesterday we had the down leg of H5 “printed” in that point)?

I’ve noticed another thing too: As you said, after a consolidation we have a break (winners). Then, almost always loosers try to win again (retracement) but are stopped @ about the centre of MP distribution area formed by consolidation… But, often we have another attempt later (Shakeout) that sometimes goes deeper than previous retracement and takes the stops setted @ breakeven of previous entry… or, at least it’s a little scary for those who entered before… Isn’t it?

Thank for the details

I see a congestion area starting after 12AM EST. Based on that, i can plan for the next day. One more thing, London makes the real move, afternoon there are retraction for taking profit. NY for speculation, hunting stop loss

After 2 days just starring post #1, i could feel the wave of the price moving within d5,d1,h5,h1 swing framework. I still in 95% of losing money but just feel i jump up to a bit in latter 50%, psychologically. Hope can catch of top 5% someday with more confidence

I bit of lag behind the learning curve in this thread but any comment appreciated for this set up

Not yet tradable but throw all kind of swings d5,d1,h5 and h1 for pleasure of my eyes. Using weekly swing (d5) for review previous weeks. Weekly swing of this week going stronger (not in this chart) but i could see a tripple bottom by barros’. Otherhand, if using Swing ZZ, that triple not so clear

I told you that i am kind of “1 min chart” trader but this thread helps me with a clear view of bigger TF. I made money with 1min but spending a lot of energy. Switching to bigger TF I lost. I guessed everything longer than 5 min chart it involved much with statistics. I got it and even spared a desktop just for statistics but i was too lazy and missed that adrenalin rush when using 1min

For longer TF i using DNC strategy (Donchian). It quite good and i made some money but require big capital and should be tolerated with more negative 500 pips as usual before any reversal. I short EUR $1.38 but seeing it jumping to 1.45 was quite an experience. I closed at 1.36. Still recommend DNC (1000-pip tolerance) for taking position not swing. Of course DNC teams up with Relativity’s could not be bad

Sorry Rel, can you clarify this sentence plz? Do you mean we must have both (H5 & D1) legs printed?

You go too fast… as soon as I think I’m understanding something…you give birth to new ideas… :slight_smile:
To understand the last one I need to be free minded… so I’ve to wait next WE… :22:

When trading any TF below M15, you are fighting against high freq trading machines =O Someone pointed this out to me and I agreed, since the stats do show certain proof that they are there. The weird part is that its more predictable than ever, easy to check 5-20 pips if you know how. But anything beyond = theres a slight difference of mindset.

IMO Donchian strat is really outdated. There isn’t a need to risk 500 pips. Not ergonomically to do so.

Take your time. It took me a while to switch to higher timeframes due to the perspective issue too. The setup must eventually tell you at some level what is a 1-macro direction aka trend, 2-micro direction aka what is inside the trend. Use 2 layers 1st, then slowly expand outwards to 3 or 5 if needed. Most ppl stop at 2. I generally use 3, sometimes 4 or 5 (suiper high TF), if I see something unique.

IMO trading should be easy =) If you are straining, somethings not right.

Keep observing. You will see something repeatable eventually.

Hi Relativity, I am from Singapore as well. I have been in forex for about 2yrs and made no profit. I have gained a lot after your guidance. At least can see some light of hope now. I would like to say thanks for bringing up this thread. It would be great if I can in touch with you through PM for further up. Cheers.

Not all are that bad, at least can try to learn from Ray Barros :-).

Thanks for your advise, bro! It would be great to learn from you privately :slight_smile:

So, when can you reveal the “secret weapons” that you are holding on bro? :slight_smile:

gotta say that I agree with you on all this. I think it shows that you have good character that you even went this far to show us what you know about the market and leading us in the right way. and truly even though I am making a good amount of pips right now I’m trying to understand more about why the price action happens because I’ve gained a sort of intuition where I’m starting to just see where the price movements are going to be but, being someone who really likes to explain things down to the smallest level, I cant seem to explain empirically down at the supply and demand level why things happened the way they did. I think this summer that is most probably going to be my concentration, just explaining on a more fundamental level why things are happening.

also wanted to ask you if you ever look at other prices? for example today my latest trade (that I closed this morning) was long on gbp usd but I was looking at the eur gbp charts and its reaching a one - two year low hence I was thinking of going long, but then I figured that it contradicted my gbp usd trade so I started thinking that if my position is to buy gbp sell usd, sell gbp buy eur maybe I should just put an order going long on eur usd. of course I didnt because really I want to try to learn more about how the different currency pairs correlate and if maybe you could figure out that a currency is over/under valued from looking at how all its pairs are trading, anyways just wanted to know your thoughts on this or where is a good place to get started on this.

I just googled FPI and it sort of looks like that might be what I’m looking for

Hi guys, I’m a risk analyst by profession and used to trade the market buying and selling shares the traditional way. I have recently started a relationship with IG Index and have been trading binary options on the ftse and Dow jones. I am interested in going into the forex trade as well in binary fx. I have read people talk about strategic arbitrage software and the lot and I am wondering if anyone can enlighten me on the whole fx game please. I’m uk based. Thanks

Well, this thread moving fast. I still on learning about Barros.
Thank you a lot , Reality, you will make everyone here jumping to the top of 5% someday.Worth of millions USD for this topic. Doing that more than any charity on earth (i would turn down the plan of robbing the bank whith a gun and c4, physically, when margin call and be homeless:))

Here what i see without listerning any music or on drug :slight_smile: Comment welcome !

@Relativity, are you building up a team which just like S.O.E.S bandists in 80s who robbed NY Exchange ? Glad to join if yes

Still can’t follow Rel’s new hints… (I’ll have to study hard in the WE… :slight_smile: )
But I wanna give my little contribute to the thread… Observation of this chart is something that can help, togheter with Rel’s informations…

Sorry for being still to learn the first post of this topic. Reality, in post #36, you said you have some indicators, could you give some download of those ?

Btw, i still not found any code about wick and boday and wave Frequency Distribution Statistics in any web

Hi Rela,

Still trying to digest your post #647. Do you mean that orders are placed in a range of 20 pips? Pls give me us more hints.


not to answer for relativity but I have a feeling he’ll tell you the same thing he told us when we asked for them which is,
just google “relativity” + whatever terms you think will help you find it
he worked to make those indicators and the least we can do is work at googling, trust me just keep googling and you’ll find it, I found it eventually lol

Before this, I only knew about lagging indicators which made me a failure.
Now I know about Barros, body & wick analysis, 20pips box trading. With these equipped, I have managed to turn my trade 60(win):40(lost), at least. With this ratio, I know, I still have a long journey to learn from you. So, you asked me whether I really wanted you to share about it. Of course, I would be very thankful to learn more from you.


Man, i do searching a lot but could not.

Hi Rel,

I think it’s a variation of Seiden… it’s Templeton.
Actually, I’m just looking @ how it can relate with your indications and if can help to confirm 20 pips zones, or setting short term targets, better define ranging extremes and so on…

Nice I’ve posted the chart some days ago…

What’s happened then… ? Where Barros swings were drawn…? Where MP Bell distributions zones developed…? :slight_smile:

For now your projections from MP are a little far ahead of my understanding… and I don’t understand what is WA too…