What Really Turned My Trading Around

Sorry… Bollinger Bands and…?

Candlestick Chart

Hi Relativity

I was reading the thread… I have been writing and trying… from page 1 too I have got to GMMA… and have been trading the demo account… an archving :slight_smile:

Can you please forward to me too… thanks…

There’s so much happening… here… thank you ever so much for the perspective… I realized after my first few questions… that I just need to RTFM… on the thread… most of the time… and someone has asked the question and posted a chart already… I only hope am catchingup… and reading some on the current threads… am worried if the the earlier one are obsolete :)… may I should change my strategy to catching up on the threads… LOL :slight_smile:

Thank you once again…

Sorry i can not find MP with MTF setting for downloanding. Google search again ?

Hello Relativity,

for MIDAS, do take a look at the new book by Andrew Coles and David Hawkins. it is a updated version of MIDAS and i think it is very well-done.

again i think the libaries have it but only in the reference section.

best regards.

  • guandi

IMO, trendstacker seems to be good in weekly. Btw, using wave of Ws and Ms from Arthur A. Merrill giving any edge ?

Hello Relativity,

or set up your own research house.

best regards.

  • guandi

Hello Relativity,

i mean you will need to set up a proper research house like hiring “researchers” and paying them a salary etc…

best regards.

  • guandi

Glad if you prove by statistics:
-Sydney about price discovery, and try to hit all stop loss of both directions from last NY session so yes, it set tone for the rest of the day
-Usually 50% will be hit twice

  • any idea about Libor fixing, option expires of the days ? Considering that, the catalyst of fx market just hitting stop-loss and defending barrier options
  • Central Banks ? BIS defenses at a particular level ?

Hello Relativity,

may be you can seek out Ray, i think he is always striving to improve via research and it dovetails with what you does : MP, wave analysis, pivots, wychoff vol stuff etc.

best regards.

  • guandi

Hello Relativity,

Or you can try this:

� Contact Ray Barros Blog for Trading Success: Ray Barros

Best regards.

  • guandi

I see a blog which you can be Barros’ student somehow. Dont know how much fee :slight_smile:
Guess he trading decade trends so in free time why not receiving students wanting to learn fr him ?

Once someone said about trading: “KISS”… :smiley:

Hello Relativity,

sounds like MIDAS. :57:

Best regards.

  • guandi

And…what should it mean this nice painting…? :wink:

Waves doesn’t seems so typical… :confused:
Or, do you mean price movement/white lines of your indi?

I have this indi: Market Statistic v4.1… where differs from your indi?

hey Rel/everyone,
So I’ve been kinda busy getting back in the rhythm of being in school, and I’ve been working on compiling and commenting the thread. Its getting pretty long mainly because I’ve tried expanding and explaining the concept of flexibility as much as possible. I’ve recently been using a lot of the XXXxxx charts such as EURxxx, USDxxx and so on and I gotta say its a really powerful tool to see what is actually happening with the pairs. I’ve also been seeing how powerful excel is, and I think in school I might take a course on it as one of my electives. Realistically it’d probably be helpful as MT4 might not be around forever.

Hello Relativity

some thoughts, ever think of applying Heiken Ashi on your USDxxx or EURxxx charts?
Duane Archer is quite into swings together with James Bickford (in fact they have written a few forex books together on swing analysis).
Do check out Duane’s goodman stuff too.

Best regards.

  • guandi

Hello Relativity,

if one is looking to filtered noise and look for trends, heiken ashi are nice and can be enhanced quite nicely with haDelta. heiken ashi gives us the visual aspect while haDelta provide the quantitative aspect of it. just my2cents.

Goodman stuff are simple in theory, everything distilled down to 1-2-3 and the measured move, more quantifiable compared to elliot…

best regards.

  • guandi