What Really Turned My Trading Around

Hope this is right…

Btw, I could have taken about 60 pips, but I couldn’t split position anymore (0.01 lot). So now I have 52 pips Trailing stop hoping for the long run @ about 1.2650… :smiley:

Here’s comes the tough question…are there any cheaters on the system anyway? manipulating the chart and prices?

I can just make some hypothesis…

[B]20 pips zone is made by Big Boys[/B]. They start taking profit and test if people join in selling… If people doesn’t join too much, they push price again. At this point the last buyers (few) join in because they believe price will go up further… but Big Boys goes only to the previous SL level of first sellers. Then start selling hard and everyone join in selling…

Regarding GMMAs, maybe these are “reference” points for Big Boys for buy or sell?

Barros swing & Trend channels give us the “real” direction of the market, cleaning up the noise of the minor swings…

But, after 12 straight hours in front of the screen… plz bro, have mercy, don’t expect too much from me… Explain us better those “secrets”… :smiley:

That’s why big lots must be traded with ECN Brokers, out of MT4… and why big sums of money must be splitted in parts and traded with different brokers… :slight_smile:

EDIT: I suggest to use an independent data source feed to see if something strange is happening in our MT4’s… e.g. Netdania = Forex Charts | Currency Charts

The BarrosSwing is just like ‘a view’ from other TFs in a single trading chart…correct so?

well damn, i’m joining the party a bit late eh?
I’ve just read through the whole thread in the past few days and I must say, at first I was completely Baffled, but slowly by reading and re-reading the posts I began to maybe understand.
sorry to kinda interrupt the whole flow of the lessons but rel think you could confirm my presumptions:

point 1- when there is a retracement at any level it is a flow of people taking profits/being scared, this retracement can lead to a reversal that statistically happens when it leaves the 20 pip level away from the box (ergo a retacement statistically only moves back around 20 pips, if it goes more than 20 pips it is very likely to be a reversal)
point 2 -the basis of your system is point 1, but with the modified barros swing it helps you see the retracements/swings in other “time frames” such that it blends the “time frames” together so as to show the trend from different “time frames” and can therefore see the real movement as the time frames are just like (my own analogy, little windows in a submarine where you can only see part of the picture but to see the whole picture you need to get all the pictures put together) hence why time frames dont really matter

those are the two things i’ve taken away from this so far, i’m still trying to get the drawing of trendlines better, i’m doing them all manually, and looking at your guys charts that you’ve posted I still cant understand why you pick where you put them, I know its taking the max and min of each of the magenta/blue lines but i’m not sure if i’m doing it right. I’m gonna keep rereading the posts to try to make sense of it but for now i’ll post a picture of two charts and if you could comment on it i’d be immensely grateful :smiley:

anyways this has truly been a big help and I wanna make sure I got the right concepts down before I trade, most of the stuff only clicked really like an hour ago.

i hope the pictures worked :expressionless: lol

I think today is so tough to trade for EU…is it CF?..rollercoaster…

From your log it looks like you usually stick with one trade, and not multiple. Is this for better focus, or bankroll related?

I just manage to get 28 pips on EU today…via the system…still freaky feeling to hold on…

It puzzle me that so many traders lose, price go up or down and you choose side… there must be some huge mindfuuck going on… what is the big invisible elephant in the room that noone can see? it sure smells…

People… and most people have often too much greed or too much fear and that is their downfall

looks at the red pillswallows

I’m gonna read the books.

Wow guys… I see you’re talking about philosophy today… :slight_smile:

BTW. REL, as I see from your statement, better you don’t trade crude oil… you lost almost all trades… :smiley: ROFL

…But he’s done well on gold…!! thats goood…:57:

Hey thanks for the answer rel,
I`m gonna run with this stuff for a week or two see how I feel trading with it, and I’ll start reading up a bit on that GMMA.

Was just joking CF…

Btw. Tuesday I made an observation about Foundamentals, Politicians, Media & Big Boyz…
Two days after, everything has been confirmed.

[B]ECB President Draghi[/B] spoke @ Monday 16th Jan. 19:00 (GMT+1), and said [B]Euro crisis was serious[/B]… :55: (not speaking about recent downgrading of many eurozone nations by Standard & Poor…)so what you thought would happen next…?

@ 19:00 GMT +1 EU closed @ 1.26722
@ 00:00 GMT +1 EU closed @ 1.26488 (-23.4 pips ohhhhh, my God, what a drop! :17: )

Starting from there EU rose @ 1.28781 ([B]+ 229 pips[/B]… at least until Today 4:30 GMT+1)

Someone still going to listen to media…? I would bet EU will rise in next months…

Good analysis bro Azt… do more…:35:

So meaningful facts…Rel, I think we need to proceed on the statistical tool / method. When says market is always changing, then there should be way to measure it…like the 20 pips concept. Will the MP serve the need?.. what are the programs you use to plot all the market data previously… really wanna learn on how to do it the way you do…:53::22:

Is it all about money management.?and the psychological that matters?..:rolleyes:

I wont trade FX…donno how to trade solely on quotes without visual aids…

…not so desperate I think. Think about risk and reward… I might back off and do something else with my hard earned money… jual nasi lemak I guess…:13: