Yes. But the caveat here is that I have only exercised this plan for crypto currencies, and the trading part is not possible without holding some already.
I will give an example. I may have traded XRP crypto currency more often than any other. I am going back some months now but I have been doing this since XRP was around the $0.25 level.
For the purpose of this exercise, let’s say I own 1,000 XRP on 1Jan2021 and I am looking for opportunities where the ratio of XRP to BTC is low (XRP is cheap relative to BTC). Note that my profit objectives are measured in Bitcoin, not in USD or GBP. Broker is Bittrex where I own some XRP and some BTC.
Once per day, between 9pm and 11:30pm UK time, I look at the satoshi price of each of about 10 cryptocurrencies. One satoshi is one 100 millionth of a bitcoin. So the numbers do not look crazy, I use Coingecko to see the market price in BTC of all the cryptos in scope, and move the decimal point 8 places to the right to see their approximate value in satoshis (SATS).
It is 2Feb21. I observe, on 3Jan21, that XRP closes at 680 sats and closes 1Feb21 at 2210 sats. That is a price action I do not expect, so I start to look at XRP more closely. I add it to the list of cryptos under daily analysis. It now gets added to my watch list. I look at the 2020 performance of XRP against BTC and see that it peaks 24Nov20 at 4500 sats and has a low early January of 650. I set a plan to buy 500 XRP at a price below 900 with a medium term target of 2,700. When I create this plan, it is 3Feb21. My buy order fills on 20Feb21 and I buy 500 XRP at a cost of 900 sats = 450K sats. Note that in order to do this transaction I also need to own at least 450K sats (0.0045 of a Bitcoin or about $250 worth of BTC. On 20Feb21 my order fills at 900 sats and I now own 500 more XRP (a total of 1,500 XRP)
I set a plan objective to sell half or 250XRP within a short period (< a month) if the price reaches 1,350 sats (+50%), and sell half again at 2,700 sats. I also place a limit order to buy at less than 900 sats. Those orders are valid until cancelled. I have enough BTC to sustain a furher buy at 900 sats.
On 5Apr21, XRP price rises 41% in one day and my sell order gets filled. I sell 250 XRP for 1,350 sats = 337.5K sats. On 13Apr21 XRP goes above the 2,700 sats level and my second limit order is filled. I sell 125 XRP at 2,700 sats = 337.5K sats. In all I have buy cost of 500 x 900sats = 450K sats and two sales of 337.5K and 337.5K sats for a total of 675K sats (minus the cost of 450K) = 225K sats plus 125 remaining XRP from the 500 bought equivalent to 125XRP @ 2700 sats = 337.5K. So on 12Apr, 2 months after initiating the trade, I have 675K sats and 337.5K sats (worth of XRP), for a total of 1,012, 500 sats - 450,000 sats = 562,500 sats. Return on investment of 450K sats is 125%.
Note that this example does not use leverage, and the “Forex trading plan” is for a pair that I doubt has been talked about on this forum. It is the XRP/BTC pair. I monitor up to 20 of these pairs. The trading part of the overall investment has an overall objective of adding 25% to our crypto portfolio gains over a year. In February and March 2021 we added nearly 17% to those gains. But since May, I have not been able to find any trade of any crypto pair that got onto my radar screen to become a prospect.
Sorry that the example is nothing to do with USD, GBP, EUR, AUD but early this year, it worked for me. Because I do not use any leverage, I am comfortable risking up to 5% of our portfolio on one trade. The use of limit orders is absolutely necessary. You will see some crazy spikes in crypto sometimes, and they are real. I’ve woken up to a buy order having been filled part way down that spike and by the time I look at it I am already 20% up.
You may forgive me, therefore, for finding the current traditional Forex market somewhat tame by comparison