What we are NOT being told about Corona

And here is the good news that will gladden the hearts of many - a possibly enrage a few :slight_smile:

A UK grandmother has become the first person in the world to be given the Pfizer Covid-19 jab as part of a mass vaccination programme.

Margaret Keenan, who turns 91 next week, said the injection she received at 06:31 GMT was the “best early birthday present”.


Everyone should choose for themselves. If you blindly believe the government then you have only yourself to blame for any repercussions of the choices you make. We are all responsible for doing our own due dilligence when it concerns our health and our bodies.

I will happily forego my and my family’s vaccines so that you and the rest of the crayon crew can get them. Enjoy!

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Huh! The US yearly death rate does not reflect the COVID related deaths. :thinking:

Edit: To the crayon crew - If you need help understanding these numbers, please don’t ask me for it. I’m too busy to explain everything to you.

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Kudos to his patience! :grinning:

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Falstaff is working like a Trojan trying to help the ‘crayon crew’

Thanks for all the hard work boys.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has served since 2017 as Director-General of the World Health Organization.

Watch video :point_down:

Note The Illuminati Hand Signal


CORONA Vaccine: Biggest Risk of Your Life

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“I CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS”: Doctor pleads for review of data during COVID-19 Senate hearing

AIIMS find ivermectin prophylaxis reduces infection in Covid-19 patients


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As John McEnroe said “You cannot be serious!”

Yup! You didn’t know that did you? Take the time to understand who it is that you’re rooting for, if you have the mental capacity to undertake the minimal amount of research required to do that.

I can provide reams and reams of examples but you need to do your own research. Stop asking to be spoon-fed all the time.

Symbology will be their downfall!

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Just received my first badge of honour, I’ve been flagged by the crayon crew. :clap: :+1:


Yup! … Right through his shirt :laughing: OMG :bangbang:

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London police takedown a peaceful anti-lockdown protestor

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This “Health Minister” sure looks healthy, no?


Leftists Threaten Doctor For Saying He Would Defend Children Against Untested Vaccine

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