What we are NOT being told about Corona

Keep your hair on grandad (assuming you still have any), nobody’s trying to set the agenda :roll_eyes:
As I said…

You need to get a life

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What an interesting post :sunglasses: - Perhaps I shall come back and look at it again when I’m less busy.


Don’t bother yourself, he’s just a very silly boy.

QuadPip has already established that he was a silly boy at school.

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Thanks for that mate - but when I say "I find it interesting " - I really do ! - On a number of levels :slightly_smiling_face:


That goes along with this one


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Please watch the first 3 min. of this video, this is happening all across America

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As the media keeps us arguing over a lost election the Authoritarians are taking control, this time it is France, do we have anyone from France that can give us some insight as to what is really going on there, I trust nothing the media tells us

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Ah! The intricate webs we weave

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That is quite incisive and perhaps closer to the truth than you may realise - Readers may wish to get an overview of what I am going to say - here’s a convenient starting point and I can say that Berne’s Adult approximates to Freud’s Ego, Child to “Id” and Parent to his “Super-ego” - personally I prefer Bernes stuff as it is easier to get a grasp of for the Layman.


We Start the observation here ;

A simple piece of evidence submitted in Adult mode

To which he got the response

Four Critical Parental (Actually I prefer Berne’s original “Abusive Parent” - since “Critical” is one of those words being gradually changed in meaning) stances in a single post - intended to provoke emotions only (Guilt, shame, embarassment) - Note there was No contribution towards any Adult conversation and No Evidence submitted - Purely emotional attacks on the Evidence provided by QP and indeed on QPs ability and Competence.

I then posted that he might like to

In a suggestion that his simplistic view of “the goodness fo medication” might be rather too simplistic !

Now we do know that these people really do not like to admit actual FACTS might have a -place in an argument - since the Postmodernist view is the denial of rational logic and scientific method - in fact they are taught that "their Opinions trump your Facts"
And when presented with actual Facts they will always try to “change the subject”, attack the sources or indeed attack the person who is providing such inconvenient Fatcs.

So we got an attempt to deflect the discussion away from my inconvenient Truth and reset the agenda of the discussion by stating;

Again abusive Parent - then a switch to Petulant Child with

So I challenged his attempt to reset the discussion with

We then get a full rant from “Petulant Child” in an attempt to exert Dominance

Ageist abuse - trying to cause hurt

Ageist male - abuse - trying to cause hurt

Simple attempt once again to deflect the conversation by a plain lie

Again plain attempt to cause hurt.

(Attacking my self esteem, the esteem of others, to Emarrass, shame and discredit my opinions)

The reader will take note that nowhere in these exchanges has he made the slightest attempt to enter the discussion in an Adult manner. No facts has he presented and every statement he has made have been attacks on the Emotions of those to whom he speaks.

I could go on - but that is ample for now and we should also take note that these tactics are universal among these people whom we refer colloquially to as “the Crayon Crew” - Once we realise this as a collective, we should find them signifiicantlt easier to deal with

All I can say at this stage is “Stay in the Adult” - Point out their flaws in these emotional attacks and Call them out every time. :slightly_smiling_face:

This analysis is applicable to pretty much ALL the insanity we are seeing out there - Everything to do with ID Politics, “Global Warming con” - Our children are being indoctrinated AGAINST discussions “in the Adult” and taught to attack us emotionally with Parent / Child stances.

Since I think tis is quite new and helpful in propagting our understanding I also draw the attention of some others to it - to wit
@Dennis3450 @Trendswithbenefits @Blackduck @Clint - sorrty if I missed anyone out


I think you can expect some pushback my friend.




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human made disease?

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Absolutely brilliant!

Kudos on taking the time to make this seminal post. I lack the patience to do it.

Hopefully, everyone will read your post (even those from the political thread) and they will start to recognize the ■■■■■■■■ spewed out by the crayon wielding group.

Your post deserves a bookmark.


Do you think she’s had enough already? :smile:

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The Wonderful & Humanitarian CCP

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The UK government has refused to rule out whether the coronavirus ‘immunisation cards’ will be used as immunity passports.

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Thank you Falstaff - EXCELLENT :ok_hand: :+1:

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@QuadPip - You may find some of this stuff helpful - If You can “Rip it” - I suggest you do and take a screenshot of the references he gives in the “Show more” on U tub - There are some sources you may not know about :sunglasses:

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