What we are NOT being told about Corona

Coca-Cola tested positive for COVID-19

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Elderly man dragged out of a supermarket for not wearing a mask :bangbang:

CDC Applied For Secret Coronavirus Patent In 2003

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She took the COVID vaccine and fainted on camera! So sad!

[Watch the video :point_down:]

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Why are Politicial Tyrants mandating lockdowns when they don’t work?

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Caught again - giving fake vaccine shots

Why are you posting these lies?

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Nobody is twisting your arm to visit this thread.

Please go ahead and continue to drink the cool aid.

And, while you’re at it, you may want to get in line for the vaccine.


HIV in the vaccine. You need to up the reading comprehension.

“Australia on Friday canceled a roughly $750 million plan for a large order of a locally developed coronavirus vaccine after the inoculation produced false positive test results for H.I.V. in some volunteers participating in a trial study.”

Facui worked on HIV for decades. The Australia vaccine causes HIV false positive tests in some trial takers. Fauci is puting HIV in vaccines, across the globe in Australia. Yea, that makes a lot of sense! You guys are smart!

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WHAT?!!! Gotta watch this :point_down:


:rofl: :ok_hand: :fu: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Bill Gates has worked So hard to provide us with the immunity drug - and because of his heroic efforts it is quite clear that his altruism MUST be rewarded !
We must insist that whatever his modesty and good wishes towards his fellow man - He MUST be the beneficiary of our gratitude - The very least we can do is to INSIST that he receives teh benefit and be made to take the Vaccine first - he deserves it as a measure of our gratitiude! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Covid-positive Indian minister who got vaccine admitted to hospital in critical condition

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