What we are NOT being told about Corona

Confirmed: The Pandemic is a Hoax :bangbang:

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COVID-19 Study of Almost Ten Million Finds No Evidence of Asymptomatic Spread, Media Quiet


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50,000 doctors & scientists have signed a global anti-lockdown proclamation

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UK citizens protest against the Great Reset


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Armed anti-lockdown protesters enter Oregon State Capitol

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LOL. Love this guy!

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Sorry but UK are NOT protesting, the MSM are just reporting the Xmas exodus from London to beat the lockdown. I wish that I could report more real protest. They will all come creeping back after Xmas.

This criminal nonsense will only stop when we all say - NO !

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Ok. Hopefully this lockdown nonsense will not last too much longer once Trump is back in office.

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UK first population to roll out the Vaccine and VOILÀ… New strain of the Virus appears…

For anyone following along at home… Mid year, the Doctors (that left the program for ethical reasons!) involved in the early Vaccine trials stated that a large percentage of Monkeys given the Vaccine that had already had COVID showed increased symptoms and greater fatalities than un-vaccinated trial participants… Does the Vaccine super-charge the existing strain of COVID??

Will add link when I find it…

Edit: Strange how all links to alternate COVID Vaccine research have vanished!! I’ll keep looking for it…

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Closed Hospital ‘dedicated’ to Covid is Completely Empty :bangbang:

Mods, post flagged - please keep this troll in check

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HOAX :bangbang: :point_down:

“Please be advised that currently there are no tests approved by the United States FDA for SARS-CoV-2 which is the virus that causes the disease COVID-19. However, the United States FDA has made the Coronavirus Sofia Antigen Test available under Emergency Use Authorization.”


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I dedicate this love message to my loyal patriots all over the world

Mods, post flagged - please keep this troll in check

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Belarusian President Claims IMF & World Bank Offered him a Bribe to Impose COVID Restrictions


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A judge in San Diego has ruled that he could not find a connection between restaurant services and the spread of COVID.

[ We should replace Roberts with this judge on the SCOTUS ]

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