What would you buy first if you'd have a million dollars?

Ask a question of “What would you do if you were king?” My cousin once answered this and said: “I’d ball all the chicks, and drink and catch.:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I’d buy the best health insurance possible. No fancy cars for me. They attract too much attention. I want health insurance, dental, vision, etc. And I want it to follow me wherever I am in the world. If I ever have an emergency and someone has to call an emergency helicopter, I want it covered by my insurance!

I’d move to Miami immediately.

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When you see me the day after I got $1M

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Having a camper would be cool.

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Lol :rofl:I would do the same I guess. But I will book a trip to Japan first. It’s been my dream destination for a long time now :see_no_evil: I have a plan to visit later even if I don’t get a million dollars :face_with_hand_over_mouth: But would love it if it happens sooner :sneezing_face:

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I’d book some more travel trips. I like being at home so these would not be lengthy back-packing marathons.

First thing would be monthly trip to London. Every other month a city break in Paris. Every couple of months a week in Scotland or the Alps or Provence or the Danube valley or the Norwegian fiords etc. etc. Once a year a week or 2 in my beloved Nice.

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I’d probably buy a bigger house, and a bigger car and plan a trip to some exotic location like the Bahamas. I see a homeless man every day while going to work, so maybe I’ll get him a good place to live.


That is what the original poster (OP) specifically stated but I realize that respondents on here somehow always manage to answer what is not being asked, :sweat_smile:l.

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I would help some people who are in need.


Family or strangers?

I would buy a friend. But a genuine friend.

I would buy myself a big, lavish home.

@Tretrader_1 I did the same thing. haha The thread takes you directly to the bottom, so you often don’t get to see the first post.

I have moments in which I think that with my first $1M I’d start going off-grid.

I’d get a new phone like a clamshell phone or blackberry. Perhaps a sidekick. Then disappear for a few months.

Of course, there’s no true off-grid unless you leave all technology behind and only deal in cash. But I’d go as off-grid as possible within a new place. Meaning, unless you’re CIA or MI6, you won’t be able to find me or know my whereabouts.

On second thought, I could probably accomplish that by just not posting on social media…

Maybe I don’t need that $1M after all. haha

I think my post just lost its purpose.


Law 18: Do Not Build Fortresses to Protect Yourself – Isolation is Dangerous: Never isolate yourself when under pressure. This cuts you off from information you need, and when real danger arises you won’t see it coming.

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I haven’t read that yet. haha

But I understand the point. However, if I move to the middle of the woods, nowhere near civilization…just buy a peace of land and set up a mini farm and greenhouse, and hunt local animals, what information would I need?

I have a vehicle, in case I need to go to the hospital, what else could I need from the world?

But then again, if I own the land, that’s not exactly off grid because you could just look up my name and find out where I live. I don’t know.

However, I’m sure there are ways to live off-grid while living in a city. Or close to off-grid. Off-grid kinda means you can’t be found, right?

Hiding in a city filled with people is just as good as hiding in the middle of nowhere, isn’t it?

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National News: Keep an eye out for a man who is dangerous and armed., who was last seen running toward the woods, please call your local police and avoid this man. He is believed to have killed 15 people.


All jokes aside, I get your point

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The same dangers that exist in a rural area, also exist in a suburban and urban neighbourhood. The only difference is that assistance is farther away.

Then again, I’m sure there are ways of being off-grid in an urban area as well. It’s a matter of not using credit cards in your name and not having a phone in your name.

You can get those things pre-paid. There are travellers checks as well.

But the problem is that if you lose those travellers checks, you’re screwed. If you prepare well, it’s very do-able, though. The passport is a problem though. You need a passport to enter, but once inside, you can hide pretty well.

I don’t know who the hell I’d need to hide from anyway. If I don’t want people to know where I am or what I’m doing, all I have to do is not post on social media.

After that, only secret government agents could find me. haha

@SmallPaul What are some places you’d like to disappear in?

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I don’t have of any health issues, but my biggest worry is that if something were to happen, I wouldn’t be able to get help fast enough.

Why is it so urgent to go off the grid? The majority of people go off the grid to escape the daily hustle and bustle, But you want to be private.

Bahamas or an island in the Carribean

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