What would you buy first if you'd have a million dollars?

That sounded like such a good dream before the pandemic. :frowning:
Now I donā€™t want to go on any trips.

I bought another house and rented it to someone else.


I would posit that it depends on where in the world you live. That sum would work out to be roughly 150 million here in Jamaica and I am sure it is worth more elsewhere.

As to what I would buyā€¦ topping the list would be a huge chunk of shares in the lottery company Supreme Ventures Limited down here. They pay dividends every quarter like clockwork.


Iā€™d buy a massive TV then melt it down and make ash trays .:rofl:

A big house.

I already have a house and a car but Iā€™d start by paying off all of mine and my husbandā€™s debt, which is probably around $100,000. Then Iā€™d use money to start the business Iā€™ve been planning for several months, including materials, money for promotion, etc. After that, Iā€™d invest more of the money and put a large chunk of it into savings.


Believe me, a million $ doesnā€™t go that farā€¦.

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Hahaha I was just thinking that. It ainā€™t the 1980s anymore.

In the US, a decent house in a blue collar neighborhood will easily cost you $500k. There goes half your money!

Iā€™d suggest putting your money away for a few months, pay the taxes, read a few books and learn how to manage money, if you havenā€™t read such books already. Putting the money away for a while will allow the excitement to fade and after that youā€™ll be able to think more clearly.

But, once I get $1M, Iā€™m probably going to the supermarket for some celebratory ice cream!


I would buy a house in Dc and La and live back and forth.


The bi-coastal life!!! Skip the east coast winters!!

More land around the home I live in to ensure no neighbours and as an investment for my kids

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I would buy all kinds of sneakers of Nike as I am a crazy sneaker lover.

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Iā€™d take a world tour.

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Iā€™ve always fancied a wine cellar.

what about these? -


All great ideas, but buy nothing!
Invest Invest Invest!

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Until your investments can support the liabilities you chose to indulge in.

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How about this?

1- For how long?
2- Would you fall off the grid?
3- Which countries would you visit?


Ahem. Iā€™m glad I didnā€™t have a million dollars back in Dec. 2020.

Iā€™d probably invest most of it. Iā€™m already investing but since itā€™s just my extra income then the growth is slower than what I want.

Invest in assets. Why settle for a million when you can make that million make you more.

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