What's cooking?

After watching this again, I wondered how much of this is real and how much of it is theatrics?

People are willing to do anything for likes and subs. This guy doesn’t even talk, not even in his own language. It’s as if he’s trying to be some dude who lives in the jungle and never had contact with modern society.

It’s still interesting, but I can’t tell how much of it is real.

And I don’t mean just him. Whenever I seen videos online now and I wonder if they’re real or not, I just assume they’re not. So much of it is fake. People can coordinate and act out scenarios, and pretend it’s a natural event.

I used to think like this until I realized this dude didn’t get fat sitting on that porch ordering from an Ice Cream Truck all day. Also, there are several supermarkets in the neighborhood, so does this mean that these stores are also liable? Regardless of whether he buys food from a supermarket or an ice cream truck, only he can save his own life.

I am concern about the Ice Cream truck selling junk food early in the morning, since it entices kids to buy something, which is not a good thing that early in the morning.

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Good point.

Maybe he’s trying to get his biggest order out of the way early! haha

I doubt he can even make it to the sidewalk, let alone walk to the store. But yeah, generally people don’t start eating ice cream until after 11am. Perhaps, in the morning he’s focused on people coming home from working overnight. Could be…

Besides, if the fat guy’s life is in his own hands, then maybe the kids’ lives are in the parents’ hands, and all he’s doing is selling…but now this turns into a whole new subject.

If kids wanna buy ice cream at 7am and get a stomach ache, that’s their business. They’ll learn eventually. I hope. If not, oh well. He’s just a man trying to make some money in his retirement. He could be selling worse things than ice cream. Let’s be grateful for that…

Remember, not too long ago you could buy cigarettes from a vending machine. haha

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Yes. It was convenient if you are in a bar.

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They used to be in Pathmark! haha

Anyway, yeah, I agree that eating junk food so early in the morning is not optimal. Especially for the little kids.

Speaking of the right time to eat…

@SmallPaul Do you have any favorite midnight snacks?


One of my favorite midnight snacks is cold pizza, straight out the fridge.


No need to put it in the oven. The microwave will make it chewy, so forget that. I want my midnight pizza cold!


Since my trading hours are 5pm-9am Monday through Friday, I don’t know if it’s a late night snack or that I am just hungry from staring at the screen for so long, but I usually get hungry around 2-3am and eat a full course meal. By 7am I try to work out.

There may be a back of chips in between, but other than that no crazy snacks, and I do eat cold leftover pizza :+1:

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Damn…When do you sleep??

Have you always been a night owl or did you have to adjust to your trading schedule?

Is it weird to cook at that hour? Do you prefer to cook during the day?

I’ve been a bit of a night owl myself the past few years. It shouldn’t make a difference, day or night, but I prefer to cook during the day. During the night time, I’m trying to concentrate more, so, I just need something quick that I can put in the microwave.

Cup of Noodles is perfect at night; even better during the winter.

That’s another one of my favourite midnight snacks!


Over the road truck driving made me a night owl, and now as a trader.

Trading and trucking are both dangerous, the only difference is that one can end in death, and the other can lead to homelessness.

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With the amount of money I’m spending on these meals, I might be better off hiring a personal chef


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Those meals look pretty good! They could be a real time saver.

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They are, and they are made healthy. I ate leftover ribs around 3am, and now it’s 7:34am and there will be no workout.

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Well, ribs are just meat. There’s nothing unhealthy about it. Unless they’re drenched in a heavy sugar-rich bbq sauce. In that case, perhaps not so much. haha

If you’re too busy for a workout, then I understand. But maybe you can squeeze in a short 15-minute workout somehow. In my opinion, the most important part is not necessarily the workout, but the disciipline. Just put on your workout clothes and go for a short walk! Something is better than nothing!!!

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Busy, I’m too damn tired for a workout, nah but I may have to go back to doing things the old way, when I get up from sleep to start my nightly chart checking and trading around 5pm, I’ll get my workout in, but I do get tired more quickly when I do it like that, but I must get back to it.

Working out isn’t just about the body, it also makes you mentally strong, and you don’t have to workout to get huge, I workout for endurance


Exactly. It can simply be a matter of discipline. It’s about being fit, not always about getting jacked.


After a workout, we may feel tempted to reward ourselves with ¨forbidden fruit¨. Actually, fruit would be a healthier choice than what we’re tempted to eat as a reward.

We all have different fitness goals, different stomachs and appetites. But there is still biology, and general nutrition guidelines.

I like to eat protein after my workout, in order for my muscles to recover. My protein of choice is meat or eggs. But I like to accompany it with some veggies, as well.

Some prefer supplements, though. I can understand why. Supplements are scientifically designed for muscle recovery, and they’re also very convenient–just mix and drink!

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Even though his menu isn’t the healthiest, I’d definitely try some of it

The French Fry King Of LA


I can’t believe he just said he serves 32 different orders of fries. And one of those is crab?! I’ll take two!!


I’ll take the rest! :yum:


Something a little different

How to Butcher a Cow - ENTIRE BREAKDOWN - by The Bearded Butchers!


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