What's cooking?

Unfortunately, eating healthy is expensive. Eating organic is almost unrealistic for a lot of people.

A lot of us are single, and STILL trying to make ends meet.


Imagine telling someone living like Moe that he should try eating organic.

You can read the disappointment on his face, and that’s when you introduce him to trading forex.

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It doesn’t surprise me.

U.S. to crack down on organic food fraud.

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I appreciate her suggestion at the end for organic produce.

If fruit stand on the street has two piles of apples and one of them says organic, I’m confident it ain’t organic. haha

At the supermarket, I’ll be sure to watch for the USDA organic label. Or at least, non-gmo.

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I have a supermarket in my neighborhood called Whole Check that sells organic food, so I know how expensive organic food is, I can’t imagine a family of four or five trying to eat organic food.

Whole Foods

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I have neighbors who can’t manage their own oral hygiene, and have horrible living standards. Yet somehow they have three kids and somehow seem happy. I’m pretty sure the mother doesn’t work–just the father.

I’ve always wondered how do people have so many kids and manage to feed them. How do these people survive? Government assistance programs?

It always baffled me.

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Bingo, Though I have been critical of some government assistance programs, with over 70% of jobs in the world are low-paying jobs, low-paid workers are heavily reliant on government assistance programs to survive.

How will some of these well developed countries look without government assistance programs?

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Respect for those that work inside a sub.

Life Inside US $4 Billion Nuclear Submarine. Inside Kitchen and Sleeping Rooms

00:08 Life on a submarine
01:15 Sleeping rooms
03:05 Toilets, Showers, Laundry Room
04:04 Kitchen and The Food
06:45 Free Time
Communicating with Families
08:43 Grooming Rules
09:01 Medical Care
10:25 Driving the Submarine
10:57 Torpedo Room & Missile
Control Center
11:38 Sailors Enjoying Their Meals


If you gonna do it big, you have to go all out.

Something you would least expect to find on board an aircraft carrier, is definitely a store. Let alone a coffee shop. Aircraft Carriers are, first and foremost, warships. But people rarely think about all the things that go into making a sailor’s life normal while they are at sea. We’re talking about more than 5000 men and women, that make up the crew of aircraft carriers.

Inside the Crazy Stores Run by the Navy on US Aircraft Carriers

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Imagine joining the navy. You’ve been looking forward to being on a warship since you were 13 years old. You get accepted, and your training begins.

At the base you learn about engines, you learn flying techniques, and you study all the weaponry used at sea. You’ve poured your heart and soul into this.

And then two weeks before your deployment, they tell you that you have one more assignment: you have to learn to make a Starbucks coffee.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Crazy how that could play out

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@SmallPaul Weird question, but what kind of cutting board do you think that is?

When he was cutting the meat it didn’t sound like plastic. What could it be?

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This is news to me: there’s an¨ëpicurean¨ cutting board. I had no idea what that was.

It’s not wood, nor plastic. Well, not a solid piece of wood. It’s from composite wood material…Something called Richlite. It’s a sustainable material made from pressed…paper?

As per google:
Epicurean cutting boards are made from Richlite. It’s a composite product made by pressing together hundreds of sheets of paper. Using pressure and heat, the individual sheets fuse together to form a solid board.

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Never heard of it either, also I never use a cutting board, use large plates.

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How Wagyu Is Made (Farm To Table)

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When you prepare your veggies for a salad, do you just ¨cut them up¨?

I certainly do. How many possible ways can there be to cut fruits and veggies?

Are you using the best knife for the job?

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For most people, eating nothing but mac and cheese seems like a childhood fantasy. But for 20-year-old Austin Davis, who has been eating nothing but mac and cheese for the past 17 years, it’s not a fantasy – it’s his reality and has become his affliction.

Austin suffers from Selective Eating Disorder, also known as Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, an anxiety disorder that’s characterized by the persistent refusal to eat specific foods or refusal to eat any type of food due to a negative response from certain sensory characteristics of that food.

I’ve Eaten Only Mac & Cheese for the Past 17 Years

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I’d love to see what happens to his disorder after dropping him someplace where mac and cheese simply isn’t available. A camp in the woods, or a foreign country, for example.

Will he starve to death?

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Makes you question whether he has a life away from home, as in not going too far where he knows the good will always be there / mac and cheese

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