What's your favorite TV series?

It’s been so long since I watched anything Trek related will definitely take a look buddy

Just took a look on YouTube definitely will watch it well that’s my intention . Enter real life obligations lol

Great, I hope you enjoy it!
Picard is definitely my favourite captain so it was a joy to see the character again.

Ah I feel you. But yes it;s very good. If you’re the type who tries to guess what will happen next, this show will blow your mind lol. Well, more like make you say “wtf” haha

I’m usually the kind of person who tries to find leaked spoilers about shows I watch, but this time I avoided them altogether. :smiley:

Speaking of, I just finished Severance. SO GOOD!

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I saw the first episode. I confess I wasn’t too taken by it. I’ll give it another go.

Yeah same but it starts to pick up by the 2nd or 3rd episode and then when it ends you’re like WHY!!! lol.

You have convinced me then. These past few days I did not have much time to watch anything, but I will watch when I have the time next.

Ok let me know when you start watching!

Didn’t even last 15 minutes. I’ll have to give it another try too.

Whaaaat. Ya’ll lack patience lol.

I have have enough difficulty coping with my own reality - why would I want to watch someone else’s fantasies? :rofl:

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Ha, good one!

I really lold at this my friend!
We all have our own little bubbles I think it’s a coping mechanism :grin:

Peaky Blinders
Breaking Bad

I love Lucy , Girlfriends Salior Moon, The Nanny . Four of the most girly shows ever lol

Anyone recommend any new SC FI style series ? Been too long since I indulged my inner trekky :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

My favourite tv series are Riverdale, Vampire diaries and Emily in Paris.

My favorite is Stranger Things. I’ve been using Netflix for a long time, but recently I decided to change streaming service. We also decided to set up FireStick after reading this article and it was a very good idea as now it’s much easier to find any movie we want to watch.