What's your trading goal for this year?

Tbh, I really just want a sofa. :sweat_smile: HAHA. I chose a mid-range one so it’s a bit more affordable and realistic lol. :sweat_smile: Good luck on your goal too! If you don’t mind, how long have you been trading? :blush:

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Love the evolution of your goal, tommor! :smiley: Haha. Do you have your eyes set on a particular amount? Haha. :smiley:

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Good luck with thaaat! :blush: It may be a bit challenging, especially if you’re a naturally emotional person like me :sweat_smile: But I’m sure you’ll be able to at least control it better. :blush: I’ll be cheering for you! :smiley:


Love that you have a very specific set of goals to work on! :blush: By any chance, do you plan to start a trading journal here so we can also cheer for you and see how you’re doing? :blush: Haha.

I’ll bookmark this and will tag you by the end of 2024. :stuck_out_tongue: Hahaha. :smiley: And thanks! I’m very hopeful I’d get that sofa. HAHA.

Good luuuck! :blush: If you wanna get started with an existing strategy, maybe you can try the HLHB strategy here? :blush: Or are you already looking at a specific strategy? :smiley:

Oooh! :open_mouth: That’s interesting! I don’t think I’ve heard much about his free course, but I’m glad you’re enjoying it! :smiley: Is there any particular lesson or learning that has been super memorable for you so far? :blush:

Might not be a sustainable strategy, but it worked for you! :smiley: Those stats are pretty nice. :smiley: Good job, WeRideAtDawn! (Can I call you Dawn cause it’s a bit too long to type?) HAHA. :blush:

I was ready to cheer for you on this one. :stuck_out_tongue: Haha. :smiley: Good luck with your goals! :blush: For some reason, I’m pretty confident that you’ll get there, and I’ll be cheering for you too! :blush:

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Interesting! :blush: I hope you power through and become profitable enough to make this happen. :smiley: If you don’t mind, how long have you been trading forex? :smiley:

I’ve always wanted to be able to draw down enough trading profits each year to live quietly but comfortably. Mathematically this is not insanely ambitious, I’ve posted several times that even a modestly profitable strategy’s performance will pay for this. The problem is doing it.

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My target is to bring consistency in earning because I am not consistent in earning profit till now!

I think some few years now but i turned a full time trader like some 2 years ago.

Hi! What is the HLHB strategy? I’m interested

Oh yes!

I used to be very emotional, but life forced me to have a rethinking, even before I started on my forex trading journey.

The world will trample on you if you’re always soft, you must have to be emotionally intelligent to survive and be successful.

Thanks, I’ll be looking forward to that.:relaxed:

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Sure, no problem! Guess I did not consider this aspect when choosing a name… Strategy still work (5 trades, 1 loss since last post), but I am going to develop some kind of strategy…

Lol no you didnt

I am a beginner. My trading plan this year is to learn trading to the best level i can this year


As for me, my goal is to refine my trading strategy for more consistent gains

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I want to quit my job for that freedom.