Which currency pair would you never trade? Why?

I just saw this discussion somewhere and a lot of people were saying XAU/USD because “it gets me every time.” Do you agree or do you have another pair you’d avoid at all costs? Maybe exotic pairs?

I don’t have experience trading any other pairs outside of the major ones so I’m not really sure.


I really like the topic you created (thank you) because I will learn a lot form it. I can’t answer this question either because I don’t have enough experience with pairs.

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TRY. I stay away from it. It’s quite volatile lately. But after reviewing it, there are occasional gaps that could clean your account.

Such gaps in TRY are rare, but there are enough for me to stay away. It’s not worth the gamble.

@ponponwei Take a look at any TRY pairs on D1 and let me know what you think.


Well, I only stick to majors and minors so I guess anything not those.


This is a question worth asking. Though there must be numerous answers it could be very useful for all traders to get to see the reasoning behind these.

I see many traders avoid pairs with very low volatility, which makes sense, as its clearly more effective and somewhat lower risk to hold for a shorter period of time to get the same price change. The pair with the lowest historic volatility is AUD/NZD, at 0.41: highest is AUD/JPY, at 0.95 - so the difference is 130%!


I am determined that I will never trade silver because it crashed one of my trading capital.

yes, i’d definitely avoid exotic pairs for many, many reasons

also: anyone who works for a funding company, prop firm or spot forex broker will tell you that the people who trade exotic pairs are the least successful

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i am cursed with eur/usd pair. more losses then winning.

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That’s an interesting observation.

EUR/USD is usually the pair that everyone recommends that everyone should trade. I think that’s only because it has the highest liquidity and the narrowest spreads. But its volatility is below average - this means short unreliable trends with very early sudden reversals - lots of flip-flopping.


Right. It seems EUR/USD is the default. When people want to diversify and include forex, they’ll trade EUR/USD exclusively.

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I must admit to having a little chuckle when have heard a trader say they intend to diversify so that as well as trading EUR/USD, they’re now also going to take on USD/CHF.
He he he…


It is the most manipulated pair in Forex

Maybe. But I’d need to see how.

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I don’t get it. What’s wrong with USD/CHF? It’s got decent volatility. Maybe a little tricky, but a worthy challenge. I’d maybe recommend USD/JPY over USD/CHF, on account of wider swings.

What do you think?

Fine to trade USD/CHF but it’s the inverse of EUR/USD so not good for diversification.


I feel like I was one of those people. :sweat_smile: Hahaha. This pair is also something I probably won’t have the courage to trade, at least not anytime soon. :sweat_smile:

damn this question is so good!

i mostly trade crosses and comdolls but i think i would never enjoy trading exotic currencies due to their low vola., higher cost and extremely unpredictable behavior and instabil politics (well this doesn’t apply to every “exotic” country.

but i have to confess that i could imagine trading turkish lira or russian currency under certain circumstances. Have a nice day ponponwei :smiley:

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i think usd/chf is also a nice pair to trade i remember mostly winning trades when i traded that pair :slight_smile:

I’m not an expert but I really enjoy trading Gold. :expressionless: :zipper_mouth_face:

Oh yes, its fine. But I am never in both at the same time.