Which part of your trading routine takes the most time?

Man, news for me, sentiment, and then trying to tie that back to trade opportunities. I’d be easier to just be purely TA, but I think that misses stuff.

That’s a good strategy too and in the past I’ve used it as well, especially when I didn’t have the habit built up. Later, after I had the habit of at least starting writing each day, I set a 10 page a day minimum. Really helped me finish.

But thank you for the reminder of that strategy! I think that may have just helped me think of a way to help me overcome my trading block. I need to set that 30 min minimum requirement for each day to build the habit. Thank you!

That’s amazing. Yeah def a good trick for habit building. I once followed the 21-day thing for habit building and it did work for like 2 years for me! It was for working out. Until covid happened lol.

Awesome. Glad to be of help somehow!

I’m in the initial stage: learning or “trying to learn”

Holding the Trade if its a swing trade.

The longest part of my trading day is studying. Checking company news, looking at price charts, setting safe trade limits, and reviewing past trades.

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Analyzing market trends and conducting research usually takes the most time in my trading routine. Researching various assets, studying charts, and keeping up with relevant news and analysis to make informed decisions can be quite time-consuming.

Yeah. That makes sense. :smiley: On average, how long would you spend on doing all of these? :sweat_smile:

Haha, well, it really depends on the market’s mood swings, doesn’t it? On average, maybe 2-3 hours! :roll_eyes: It’s a mix of quick scans and deep dives. Always on the lookout for time-saving tricks though, got any to share?

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Preparation xD
I mean, it was really tough for me to set up for trading, everyday you wake up and think of how to commence, what to read before trading, where are opportunities and so on. It, on the one hand, burdening, on the other hand - helps you to set your goals for the day correctly. I am sometimes envious to positional traders, who just open a couple of positions and keep them open for a certain period having time for analysis.

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Analyzing market trends and researching potential trades is the most time-consuming part of my routine. It’s crucial for making informed decisions.

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Tbh, I’m also not the most efficient trader. :sweat_smile: HAHAHA. I tend to procrastinate a lot and consume so much time before I actually sit down and open a trade. :sweat_smile:

HAHAH preparation really does take quite a while. :sweat_smile: Not just preparing your workspace, but also preparing your mentality, emotions, and everything before you really focus on a pair. :sweat_smile:

Hey, no worries! We all have our own trading styles, and sometimes taking a bit of time before diving into trades can be a part of your unique strategy. Procrastination might just be your way of letting the opportunities marinate until they’re perfectly seasoned for you. As long as you’re mindful of your habits and continuously working towards improvement, you’re on the right track. Trading is both an art and a science, and finding your rhythm is all part of the process. Keep hustling and evolving – your journey is uniquely yours! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I couldn’t agree more! Sometimes, taking a little extra time to let things marinate can result in a more well-thought-out and successful approach to seizing opportunities.

risk management
it definitely takes the most time
it is really the most important part of trading and you need to master it

Probably spend most of my time reading news or analyzing charts to figure out what to do.

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The time-consuming aspect of a trading routine often lies in thorough market analysis. Analyzing charts, studying indicators, and assessing potential setups demand careful attention and can be the most time-intensive part of the process.

Searching and making new trading strategy and plans.

The trade, I am a Swing Trader, I analyze the Monthly and Weekly charts and then execute them on the Daily.