Which thread /who should I follow?

Hi all, i’ve been in babypips for months and come across some members’ threads.

I have a very stupid question: who should i follow?

I originally thought that every thread will have its selling point and educational thinking. However, after going through some posts i realize that some posts are just scams / or unproven stragegy. I heard some voices that even Nial Fuller / Jonathan are not real deal neither.
I also heard that member A was invited to the Honorary Member Q&A section while some said somebody following his stragegy leads to account-blowing.

I think that blind can not lead blind.

I would like to ask for senior members opinion on which members have a proven account statement? Which members have good reputation? ( Of course i know that trading is a private thing and even for me If i can get consistent profit i might not post my account. However, i do think who dare post his account has more credability)

You know time is so precious. I hope myself will not be lead to a wrong pathway.

Welcome I think I know of a thread for you. Let see if I can find.

If it were me, I would break down trading styles, into:

  1. Hyper Scalping. In and out for less than 5 pips. With this style, you would probably be using in most cases a automated trading tool. Short term but lots of trades
  2. Scalper. Manual trading, on the shorter time frames. In my description of this it would short term trades that most of the time close mid day, but always by days end
  3. Day trader. Manual trading holding on to positions anywhere from mid day to a day or two.
  4. Swing trader. Manual trading holding on to trades for up to a week
  5. Position trading. Long term week plus.
    Like I said if it were me in my opinion that’s how I would break trading styles down. Now remember there’s no perfect all of the win every trade style. Each style as pro’s and con’s; winners and losers. If you don’t know the meaning or the pro’s and con’s of the different styles, you can search this forum, the internet, and get examples of how each trade style works by searching utube.

Next you figure out what kind of style best suits your personality,financial situation, short term goals, etc. from the above. Once you have an idea of what trading style suits you, you start with free trading systems section, journals section to find the trading style that fits you. Again if it were me, what I would do is search internet and utube.

Always start with what’s free. No matter what; courses, coaches, video’s, books and opinons. In trading I try never to use the word always, never; any word that describes any situation to do with trading, in black or white. For the simple reason there is very few things in trading that are black or white; mostly everything is grey. If someone tells you this free course or that coaching will make you a better trader, never do this, or always do that, before you say yes or no, you should be able to look at what is going to cost you money, or someone’s opinion and instantly know if it’s worth spending your money or time. For example you mentioned Jonathan and PA. When I was doing what I’m suggesting for you to do. I looked at PA. and after taking Jonathan’s free articles, website, courses, BP posts, I decided (sorry Jonathan) his course was not different enough from all the free courses and info I had on PA, but I did buy his course because to me, there was a lot of value in his private members forum. In my trading PA is a secondary method, that I use to confirm my primary method.
Hope this helps you out. Like I said my opinion and it’s what I did
Good Luck

Read this thread.


The thread is now closed and the OP left because of trolls and haters. But he was professional price action trader. Read through it and learn and make money. Very good.

Thx Gp and Samir.

From the bottom of my heart


I’ve just scanned through the posts. It seems there is an argument about whether jefferson is a liar/fraud at the end.
Some senior members like clark/simontemplar seemed gear towards he’s a scam.

You know here is GMT+8, it really freak me out like a horror story.
seems on web you can never trust anyone.

You read it all the way through already?! No no the senior members were just jealous for David getting so much attention. A lot of members wanted David to open live trading room and he did. Some negative members thought this was scam but really all the other traders insisted that David open room so was not his idea.

There very good info on price action trading in there and he shows he is a professional so no better to learn from.

space saved

That’s a good question. I think trading is a very personal thing, so I don’t think you’ll find anyone who will give you the BEST system or method out there because what works for them won’t work for you; you have to find your own way to trade. But that doesn’t mean you can’t take a piece of what they’re doing that makes sense to you and make it your own. I’d say, check everyone out, take the best of what they do and discard the rest.

On a different forum David Jefferson admitted himself that it was a scam so I don’t know where you get the impression that it wasn’t.

On a seperate and different forum there is a 65 page thread tracking him through several different identities on numerous forums.

Some of those ‘jealous’ senior members been around here and seen a lot of stuff again and again that makes experience count when it comes to these things.

I don’t really hang around here anymore but I believe that SimonTemplar has begun posting again and he is the only person I know that I believe consistently makes money from forex over the long term.

I have no proof but I have no reason to doubt him unlike many, many, many others so you could do a lot worse than to listen when he says something.

There’s no evidence the ‘senior’ members like SimonTemplar make money either. All of the long time members have consistently refused to offer any proof because “it doesn’t matter what I make, it just matters what YOU can make” despite the fact that some of them boast how much they make in % terms on an often enough basis.

Pretty good typing for someone who’s keyboard must be waterlogged all the time.

Doesn’t look like much has changed around here, thanks for reminding me why I left.


What would happen if I showed you a myfxbook that I traded which was profitable I wonder?

I’ll tell you the what happened when Aaron berated me on this and then I showed a myfxbook. He whined and whined at me, and like you are, and other old members accused me of losing my shirt, being underwater, that I was wrong, etc. Then I showed them, and then nothing. No apology, nothing. Just started getting angry at me for some other reason.

Whether you like it or not, I tell the ugly truth here.

So slippery where did you go ? How’s the journey?

Follow no one. Learn from many.

You can learn quite a bit from a number of posters here, each will have a different view or trading style.

As for price action and candlestick patterns, there are a number of posters, several are commercial members (they provide tidbits here hoping you will enroll in their courses), that offer very similar things. You can follow their threads learning about hammers, dojis, etc. That information is freely available across the internet so I would be hesitant to pay for the information or even follow some of the threads extensively – you can learn just as much probably from YouTube – unless it captivates you and you feel it would help. Trading candlestick patterns is just very generic. If you are new to trading drop in on their threads, follow along and learn some basic price action.

If you are interested in a specific trading methodology, there is one here that uses volume. Petefader has a good thread on Volume Spead Analysis. VSA is impossible, in my opinion, to learn following the VSA gurus from TradeGuider (VSA indicators, classes, etc). Pete breaks it down (I assume he learned most of it from them) to just the basics and [I]appears[/I] to be profitable. He also has a fee-based concern but you can learn his trading techniques just from his thread.

Yunny is very proficient at Supply/Demand zone trading (similar to Sam Seiden and Online Trading Academy). He has made many impressive calls in advance on this site (I was impressed, anyway). Unfortunately, I don’t think he is posting here any longer but you can use the search function and find some of his stuff.

Simon Templar, since he was mentioned, is a pretty cool cat. He doesn’t give out much trading info on this site but my personal vouch is that he actually knows what he is doing – he just employs very basic trading techniques that include a few moving averages, pivots, fibs, RSI and candlestick patterns. You will not be able to “follow” him as he never says I do this, then this, then this (on this site, anyway). His methods seem to resemble those of Vic Noble and Peter Bain at Forex Mentor.

Anyway, the opinions I expressed are not endorsements. Just calling them how I see them.

[QUOTE=“JackMarkets;551947”]What would happen if I showed you a myfxbook that I traded which was profitable I wonder?

I’ll tell you the what happened when Aaron berated me on this and then I showed a myfxbook. He whined and whined at me, and like you are, and other old members accused me of losing my shirt, being underwater, that I was wrong, etc. Then I showed them, and then nothing. No apology, nothing. Just started getting angry at me for some other reason.

Whether you like it or not, I tell the ugly truth here.[/QUOTE]

Well now I’m curious…

Sounds familiar…

Wonder who else acted like that?

you didn’t show sh*t.

GL getting that link Pizza928 :wink:

(it doesn’t exist)

On the original question, it’s kind of loaded, isn’t it?
And on the er…thread in question, guess it depends on your take but do note, mos senior members have better things to do like trading then feeling jealous about another trader or his system…
And on which threads to follow, not going to suggest any since I really cannot vouch for some of the content that gets posted there. Try Chris carpe…

When I asked Chris Capre to see his audited accounts I didn’t get very far. Same with requests regarding verifiable proof. I would be interested if this has changed.

@JackMarkets - What would happen is I would add another person to the list. Not very exciting. The only difference being having seen some verifiable proof from someone at last. I won’t be holding my breathe

@CuriousBoy/OP - I’ve come to the conclusion that what JohnLeonard is saying is correct so that’s what I’m doing, trying to construct my own trading style and prove it with backtesting it myself. It’s hard, if it wasn’t everybody would be doing it.

To add another name into the mix I havn’t had contact off site to the same level but I personally think Nikita is long term profitable and has an extensive thread, no commercial interests or plans as far as I know.

I would also go along with JohnLeonards Yunny assertion also though I have had very little contact with him.