Which thread /who should I follow?

[QUOTE=“JackMarkets;551939”]There’s no evidence the ‘senior’ members like SimonTemplar make money either.[/QUOTE]

Lol wish I could shake that ‘senior’ label! It either makes me sound old (when I’m only 39!) or as if I have some rank, when there’s actually no seniority here whatsoever. Just some people joined before others, no difference. The best trader on here might have one post to his/her name, and the worst might have over 1000 posts.

[QUOTE=“CuriousBoy;551832”]Samir, I’ve just scanned through the posts. It seems there is an argument about whether jefferson is a liar/fraud at the end. Some senior members like clark/simontemplar seemed gear towards he’s a scam. [/QUOTE]

Hang on, what did I say? I just looked back through the past ten pages of the thread (as it seemed to kick off during that period) and I couldn’t find one post by me, critical or otherwise. I’m only on my 'phone, so I could have missed it, but please either tell me where I said he was a scam or quit namedropping me inaccurately!

To respond to your original question on this thread, personally I don’t think that there is anyone on BP laying out a turnkey trading strategy that I would want to follow verbatim. There is, however, a lot of great generic information on here. As to whom you could follow, that really depends on what sort of trading style you prefer. Personally, I’m a TA trader, and I think that Chris Capre talks an awful lot of sense on his thread. There’s also some really good stuff on Niki’s thread over the years. But I wouldn’t want actually to trade anything other than my own analysis, and would advocate that for others wishing to trade.


[QUOTE=“JackMarkets;551939”]There’s no evidence the ‘senior’ members like SimonTemplar make money either. All of the long time members have consistently refused to offer any proof because “it doesn’t matter what I make, it just matters what YOU can make” despite the fact that some of them boast how much they make in % terms on an often enough basis.[/QUOTE]

My take on this is simply that it matters not a jot to me whether anyone on an anonymous Internet forum thinks I have an income or live in a cardboard box or whatever.

If I were coaching/mentoring then people would see me enter trades live, so would be able to form their own opinion on whether I am profitable or not. As I am not coaching anyone, I really don’t mind what anyone thinks of my bank balance!

you don’t have to explain yourself, he’s just jealous and frustrated that he can’t make money :stuck_out_tongue:

So if I open a profitable myfxbook, all you septics have to EAT CROW???

All I have to say is bonne chance et bonne commerce.

PS: Lets line up then = how many people think that I can’t do it? Aaron for one (even though he has already seen my account). Master Tang another one. Slipperwhippet another one. Anyone else?

PPS: You don’t have to show your bank balance SimonTemplar. An equity curve would suffice - I can understand that people don’t want to show the amount of money they have, but you can hide these functions in myfxbook.

Where did you ever get that idea?

I never doubted you could show a myFXBook, or equity curve.

You keep on saying that the only reason I am criticizing you is because I can’t make money in forex - that pretty much means that you don’t think that I can’t show it.

[QUOTE=“JackMarkets;552182”]PPS: You don’t have to show your bank balance SimonTemplar. An equity curve would suffice - I can understand that people don’t want to show the amount of money they have, but you can hide these functions in myfxbook.[/QUOTE]

You’re oddly fixated, sorry if I have upset you in some way.

My equity curve works for me, but I have no interest in publishing it, there’s just no incentive. I keep a log of my own trading, obviously, but have no interest in myfxbook. I don’t care how you do, and don’t see why you care how I do?

Flash back to that.

You came at me first.

I only said that because you came off like sour grapes. If I said anything unwarranted, I apologize. But I’m pretty sure it was the other way.

I don’t CARE if you show it or not. Never have.

I don’t expect it from anybody.

MY ENTIRE POINT of existence in life, (other than making custom fireplaces) is to warn new traders not to trust teachers without records. If you don’t have a trading record, there is no proof you can trade, therefore you should be considered that you can’t trade, and your opinion should be invalid. THIS PROTECTS NEW TRADERS.

The fact that so many great and experienced traders like Krugman, Nial Fuller, David Jefferson exist is because people like you encourage their behaviour because you encourage the ‘no proof but i can give advise.’ You are actively encouraging scammers and frauds like that because you support this ‘I don’t have to show proof.’

If everyone had the attitude that if you give advise, (lurking and having a laugh on the forum is fine - you don’t need a record for that) you need to have a record was prevalent then there would be no ICT, no Jefferson, and many people would have been saved time and money.

You can say “do your due dilegence” before you take a teacher, but if a teacher is under no obligation to give a trading record then ‘due diligence’ is impossible. Look at my lame thread and see how easy it is to provide ‘price action analysis.’ I am promoting a responsible practice here (albeit in an aggressive manner).

EDIT: The reason I am so hard on you Master Tang, is that you said its possible to make a good living and compound from $10-12k in the USA in forex. On a newbie forum, that kind of statement is frankly irresponsible - with your post count (yes its a stupid market of authority) some idiot newbies may well be encouraged to quit their job and try and make a living with $10k-12k.

[QUOTE=“JackMarkets;552200”]MY ENTIRE POINT of existence in life, (other than making custom fireplaces) is to warn new traders not to trust teachers without records. If you don’t have a trading record, there is no proof you can trade, therefore you should be considered that you can’t trade, and your opinion should be invalid. THIS PROTECTS NEW TRADERS. The fact that so many great and experienced traders like Krugman, Nial Fuller, David Jefferson exist is because people like you encourage their behaviour because you encourage the ‘no proof but i can give advise.’ You are actively encouraging scammers and frauds like that because you support this ‘I don’t have to show proof.’ If everyone had the attitude that if you give advise, (lurking and having a laugh on the forum is fine - you don’t need a record for that) you need to have a record was prevalent then there would be no ICT, no Jefferson, and many people would have been saved time and money. You can say “do your due dilegence” before you take a teacher, but if a teacher is under no obligation to give a trading record then ‘due diligence’ is impossible. Look at my lame thread and see how easy it is to provide ‘price action analysis.’ I am promoting a responsible practice here (albeit in an aggressive manner).[/QUOTE]

I would say that personally I am offering my own opinion on here, I’m certainly not teaching anyone anything, so to seek to apply some standard of proof, to expect bona fides from someone simply offering opinion on an anonymous Internet forum is ridiculous. Holding all contributors up to the same standard of disclosure as a fee-charging teacher is unrealistic and unreasonable.

I’d entirely agree with your implication that anyone seeking to hand money over to a self-professed teacher should want to see some reassurance that that person has trading skill. But this forum is an entirely different kettle of fish.

Anyway, you kind of lost me with the immature ‘people like you’ line, so let’s agree to disagree and not let our paths cross.

The opinions of the new trader coming onto the forum are a lot more relevant than what your opinion is. Although you may be able to differentiate between a fee paying teacher and one that offer their advice for free, many people cannot. The line is completely blurred in Chris Capre’s thread and ForexSchoolOnline. Whether you like it or not, people assume authority from the people who teach here. I think there should be standardization in teaching, and anyone who disagrees with that is a fool.

[QUOTE=“JackMarkets;552207”]The opinions of the new trader coming onto the forum are a lot more relevant than what your opinion is. Although you may be able to differentiate between a fee paying teacher and one that offer their advice for free, many people cannot. The line is completely blurred in Chris Capre’s thread and ForexSchoolOnline. Whether you like it or not, people assume authority from the people who teach here. I think there should be standardization in teaching, and anyone who disagrees with that is a fool.[/QUOTE]

You value strangers’ opinions differently based on whether they’re new to a forum or not. I’m not the fool.

I understand you used to be in law enforcement, so I’ll use that as in example assuming that you had knowledge of the law. Lets say you were a member of a legal advice board, and members of the public would come for advice on legal matters. There are hundreds of sharks that want to take money and promote their services, and offer advice for free. Some of this advice is so bad it chills what you know to the bone. Plus what infuriates you more is that single mothers and children and the naive and vulnerable affected by these wolves offering ridicolous advice to entice people into their services.

Suddenly you have had enough and call for everyone who offers legal advice whether formally or informally on the board to have some sort of certification. Is that unreasonable? Or would you say “You should have done your due diligence” when a vulnerable person gets taken advantage of?

I look at this forum the same way. People are risking their life savings here. There should be some accounting for the advice they give.

And so it goes on.

Since I haven’t ever professed to be a teacher, haven’t shared my personal trading style in hopes of being the new Pied Piper, and I share your common goal of warning new traders (although I think it’s buyer beware), I don’t see why you continue with the antagonism. I’m not above harassing the self proclaimed guru types myself. I kinda live for it around here. Go look on Krugman’s thread for one. Or the first page of Chris Capre’s thread. I have never encouraged anyone to quit their day job to trade. But just as you are put off by the idea of gurus, I’m also put off by people who say this can’t be profitable in a much greater measure than 1% a month. It took me a long time to get to this point. My statements were more about encouragement, but that part apparently went over your head.

Unto each his own I guess. If it makes you feel better, continue on. I’ve been quiet so far, and I’ve already offered an olive branch on another thread even though I didn’t feel I gave you anything but what you dished out. If you choose to continue this path, turnabout will be fair but harsh. And when least expected.

[QUOTE=“JackMarkets;552212”]I understand you used to be in law enforcement, so I’ll use that as in example assuming that you had knowledge of the law. Lets say you were a member of a legal advice board, and members of the public would come for advice on legal matters. There are hundreds of sharks that want to take money and promote their services, and offer advice for free. Some of this advice is so bad it chills what you know to the bone. Plus what infuriates you more is that single mothers and children and the naive and vulnerable affected by these wolves offering ridicolous advice to entice people into their services. Suddenly you have had enough and call for everyone who offers legal advice whether formally or informally on the board to have some sort of certification. Is that unreasonable? Or would you say “You should have done your due diligence” when a vulnerable person gets taken advantage of? I look at this forum the same way. People are risking their life savings here. There should be some accounting for the advice they give.[/QUOTE]

But this is an anonymous discussion group for retail traders. It isn’t important, or significant, for many people here it seems largely recreational. If people risk their life savings based on something posted by someone they’ll never meet and know nothing about then they’re going to lose money somewhere at some point. In my view, putting money behind something because it was read on a forum is lunacy. However, using a post on a forum as an idea, as a starting point for more serious research, that can be helpful. I’m also on a couple of other fora, one for boxing and a few for old cars. Some real nonsense is posted on both, stuff which, if followed, could lead to damage to the car in question - sometimes expensive damage - or a training regime being followed which could cause injury. What then happens is that a debate starts, and a prevailing opinion emerges. No one Involved in those threads has a duty of care not to talk nonsense. I am neither a qualified trainer not a qualified mechanic - although I have rebuilt a few cars from scratch and do know my eggs as it happens. This is just a discussion group for amateurs. It is no secret that most on here are not profitable traders, and most never will be. It is also anonymous in all but a handful of cases. So in my view, anyone genuinely staking their life savings on something they read on here without getting face to face with some people who know what they’re doing first is a stark raving imbecile who will lose the lot. But that is entirely different from suggesting that noone on here should be permitted to post an opinion without first acquiring and publishing some certificate of excellence. That’s just a theory straight from cloud cuckoo land, if you will pardon my bluntness.

Ok, ok, I’m sorry for being a bit over the top towards you. I had a couple of good jokes left in me, but I shall put them on the shelf. I’ll move my sights (sniper sights) over to Chris Capre or Jonothon Fox (haven’t decided which yet). I agree that over 1% is possible, but the extents you were implying were too much. But anyway, I shall make my posts ‘Master Tang-less’ and move on to fresher skies (geddit).

I have had the good fortune to talk to a few traders here. There are certainly a few traders who have lost a few thousand, and put their life savings into it. Aaron for one has lost a lot (can’t remember the figure). Another example is Medisoft who follows Mastergunner has lost $12000 I think following his fantastic price action portfolio. I know others through the chatroom (when it used to be occupied) who have lost a lot through ICT or eremarkets.

I tend to think that forums that discuss significant quality of life issues to require more authority. These are generally health, law, and money forums. Boxing and car forums are not signficantly “quality of life issues” that don’t require as much authority whereas getting advice on who is the best chemotherapy doctor, or what to do if threatened with bankruptcy really does. Yes you can claim a car is expensive, or boxing can cause an injury, but I am sure you know there is a difference in responsibility in these examples.

For this forum, I am not looking for a trading certificate (which can be difficult to get, and in some countries they don’t have them) but an easily accessible form of verification that anyone can get.

EDIT: actually a good compromise would be Anyone who starts a teaching thread needs verification of X amount of time, and gets a signature under their name as a ‘reward’ advertising their thread and their trading record, and that they are a verified trader, while anyone else can give their opinion. That would happily differentiate between the two and would be a good compromise.

Aaron’s an idiot, and an unpleasant one at that.

This is only a discussion forum, it’s not important, there’s no duty of care. Anyone who thinks that they can make their million just from BP is in trouble anyway at some point. This is a bunch of amateurs blundering around. If they’re not careful enough with their cash then I’m sorry but I can’t support your proposed extension of the nanny state.

It depends on your own level of social responsibility I suppose.

Anyhow, I already have PM’d Master Tang my trading record, so I might as well post it here. The account will be up for 24 hours then it will be taken down.

jackmarkets’s Profile | Myfxbook

Thanks for the sparks and i can feel the heat.

(1) SimonTemplar is right that he doesn’t need to prove anything and also he does not have to care for/responsible for other ppl’s account. Other members is just passer by to him on forum. That’s understandable.

(2) JackMarkets deserves his position in BP although he questions for others accountability. From pros and cons of his discussion it can alarm other naive members for the possibility of scan/fraud.

My opinion would be:
(1) have preservation when issue on the forum involve monetary aspect
(2) newbie don’t let greedy overtake you. have a logical thinking, we have all sorts of fraud in our society. There is no free lunch in the world. Complicated with the matter is that an expensive lunch nowadays can also be a fraud!
(3) you guys bet on me i can turn myself a million only then i can tell you my experience how to get to that stage ! XD