Which thread /who should I follow?

[QUOTE=“JackMarkets;552238”]It depends on your own level of social responsibility I suppose.

Anyhow, I already have PM’d Master Tang my trading record, so I might as well post it here. The account will be up for 24 hours then it will be taken down.

jackmarkets’s Profile | Myfxbook[/QUOTE]

What is kinda funny… Is that you, goldmember, and I have been the very small minority on this forum that conceptually understand the importance of fundamentals. And the three of us have shown that we are indeed profitable. Despite them vastly outnumbering us, I can’t say that I’ve seen any ONE of the price action’ers provide the same level of evidence to back up their systems.

Simon… Just curious. If you are on some classic car thread… And lets say you’ve got some shiny rebuilt beauty sitting in your garage. Would you not show show pics of it on the car forum?

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552245”] Simon… Just curious. If you are on some classic car threads… And lets say you’ve got some shiny rebuilt beauty sitting in your garage. Would you not show show pics of it on the car forum?[/QUOTE]

Lol maybe, but of course you’d only have my word for it that I did the work myself, so presumably my opinions are similarly invalid over there!


Lol maybe, but of course you’d only have my word for it that I did the work myself, so presumably my opinions are similarly invalid over there![/QUOTE]

But you would at least post the picture :wink:

If you go into the car forums saying you’ve got a 1962 Ferrari do you think people are not going to ask to see pics? And how would you respond to a guy whose on there saying, “I don’t need to show squat! I have one and I don’t care who believes me”… Would you not find that a bit off-putting and strange?

That’s an apples to oranges comparison.

When someone comes in here, and in their first three posts, flags go up because they have touted they own the holy grail, that would be the Ferrari analogy.
But if they were on a car forum, and just joined in and helped without the braggadocio, I would have no trouble not seeing a pic. Especially if they consistently put up posts that helped others with Ferrari maintenance. It’s their choice to show off or not.

I’m also on a music forum. The guys that show up telling the world how they can rip it up on a guitar are generally the ones that can’t. It’s the ones under the radar that never tout themselves, but put up posts that exude experience that are the ones to watch out for.

Same with trading. It doesn’t take much reading to know if someone has a clue or not.

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;552268”]

That’s an apples to oranges comparison.

When someone comes in here, and in their first three posts, flags go up because they have touted they own the holy grail, that would be the Ferrari analogy.
But if they were on a car forum, and just joined in and helped without the braggadocio, I would have no trouble not seeing a pic. Especially if they consistently put up posts that helped others with Ferrari maintenance. It’s their choice to show off or not.

I’m also on a music forum. The guys that show up telling the world how they can rip it up on a guitar are generally the ones that can’t. It’s the ones under the radar that never tout themselves, but put up posts that exude experience that are the ones to watch out for.

Same with trading. It doesn’t take much reading to know if someone has a clue or not.[/QUOTE]

It’s not apples to oranges… Apple to pear at worst.

So if a new car guy who has a 1962 Ferrari begins asking in depth questions about how to repair his Ferrari… And two forum gurus show up both claiming to have a 1962 Ferrari and offering VASTLY different methods of fixing the car… Who should the noob listen too and who should he completely disregard? The guy who shows an extensive photo album of his car including personalized details that tag it to him… Or the guy who claims he has one but can’t provide a shred of evidence…?


You don’t ask about how to repair a 1962 Ferrari on the internet.

Case in point.

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;552274”]Neither.

You don’t ask about how to repair a 1962 Ferrari on the internet.

Case in point.[/QUOTE]

Notice the wild Master Tang in his natural habitat. An unusual creature, this animal spends most of his daylight hours foraging and seeking large extents of green grass to bask in the sunlight. With very few natural enemies, the Master Tang does not often need to defend itself. In the rare occasion that it gets backed into a corner however, it will often react by employing distraction.


If YOU had a 1962 Ferrari would you in fact ask how to repair it on the internet?

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;552295”]If YOU had a 1962 Ferrari would you in fact ask how to repair it on the internet?[/QUOTE]

Dude… Obviously it’s a conceptual analogy. If we were going to get caught up in the details it would be regarding the insanely small likelihood of three people owning a 1962 Ferrari in the same forum.

What are you talking about? I trade PRICE vrmmmm vrmmmm VRRMM [B]ACTION![/B]

And since we are talking of cars, and thus second hand cars salesmen, whats say you we take this conversation to Chris Capre’s thread? I’m sure we can club together the money to see his audited record!

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;552268”] That’s an apples to oranges comparison.[/QUOTE]

But that’s the BP way! Don’t be a killjoy and attempt to introduce real world reason, particularly when Jack is having so much fun.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552270”] It’s not apples to oranges… Apple to pear at worst. So if a new car guy who has a 1962 Ferrari begins asking in depth questions about how to repair his Ferrari… And two forum gurus show up both claiming to have a 1962 Ferrari and offering VASTLY different methods of fixing the car… Who should the noob listen too and who should he completely disregard? The guy who shows an extensive photo album of his car including personalized details that tag it to him… Or the guy who claims he has one but can’t provide a shred of evidence…?[/QUOTE] Neither - he should listen to both sets of opinions to give him a few ideas to explore with the mechanic, and then get his car to a Marque specialist. Classic cars at any budget are often very dear to their owners, so following anonymous advice off the Internet would be crazy.

I have a fast car. I will not name the type. But it is not a Ferrari.

I do a lot of work on it myself. I enjoy it. But I NEVER ask a question on a forum. Why? Because there are other people with the same car who have done the same mods.

My best friend is the search option. I don’t have to join a new forum, and after reading a few, I can cherrypick the best answers from the guys that are obviously the most experienced, and not come off looking like a witless fool asking silly questions.

The same goes with this gig. It’s not hard to find all the info you need from reliable, and obviously experienced sources without posing one “what lot size should I use” question. The depth of the experience becomes quite apparent when you look through their posting history.

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552288”] Notice the wild Master Tang in his natural habitat. An unusual creature, this animal spends most of his daylight hours foraging and seeking large extents of green grass to bask in the sunlight. With very few natural enemies, the Master Tang does not often need to defend itself. In the rare occasion that it gets backed into a corner however, it will often react by employing distraction. ;)[/QUOTE]

‘Internet warrior with failing argument falls back on humour to mask shortcomings in underlying point’

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;552301”]

I have a fast car. I will not name the type. But it is not a Ferrari.

I do a lot of work on it myself. I enjoy it. But I NEVER ask a question on a forum. Why? Because there are other people with the same car who have done the same mods.

My best friend is the search option. I don’t have to join a new forum, and I can cherrypick the best answers from the guys that are the most experienced.

The same goes with this gig. It’s not hard to find all the info you need from reliable, and obviously experienced sources without posing one “what lot size should I use” question. The depth of the experience becomes quite apparent when you look through their posting history.[/QUOTE]

A lot of people DO ask questions on car forums… So which should the noob listen too. The guy who has proof he owns the same car? Or the guy who has no proof?

[QUOTE=“Master Tang;552295”]If YOU had a 1962 Ferrari would you in fact ask how to repair it on the internet?[/QUOTE]

Apparently yes, as long as all the people advising him on how to repair it had pictures of 1962 Ferraris to post.


‘Internet warrior with failing argument falls back on humour to mask shortcomings in underlying point’[/QUOTE]

Guy who is relieved that someone digressed the topic enough so he doesn’t have to answer a question honestly that would discredit his position :wink:

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552304”] A lot of people DO ask questions on car forums… So which should the noob listen too. The guy who has proof he owns the same car? Or the guy who has no proof?[/QUOTE]

All of them - then take it to a specialist. It’s a forum!

[QUOTE=“ILovePizzaMore;552307”] Guy who is relieved that someone digressed the topic enough so he doesn’t have to answer a question honestly that would discredit his position ;)[/QUOTE]

I don’t have a position to discredit. And I have answered your questions. We just disagree and you can’t handle it when intelligent people aren’t persuaded by your arguments.


But you would at least post the picture :wink:

If you go into the car forums saying you’ve got a 1962 Ferrari do you think people are not going to ask to see pics? And how would you respond to a guy whose on there saying, “I don’t need to show squat! I have one and I don’t care who believes me”… Would you not find that a bit off-putting and strange?[/QUOTE]

Here’s the question Simon… You haven’t answered it yet.